Were you able to find it?
Yes but i didnt not want to post it here because i was Luna in hiding and my previous profile has mentioned it haha so i pmd Sammy
Ill edit later with the link
Was the guy named Joehle or sth like that
I remember your post
And i also recommend this one big time
Any idea if Ancient Treasures, Crystal Kingdom 1-2, Politics of the Body, Excalibur, and the Tarot Series will ever make it to Patreon? (Most of the other albums are already there)
Afaik different distributor so probably not
Oh, this stuff. A shame.
I had it mixed up with Sword of St. Michael.
Well, it’s no matter either way. Effect-wise, plenty of alternatives on gumroad and whatnot.
All this is available in several streaming services (I don’t know if they allow download or not). But youtube download is supposed to work.
Focus on NFTs that build “You” up, and you might not need many more. (ToL, BoL etc.)
There’s also the energy course that’s good.
well after a toning my fields down by so much, today i listen to Bol, energetic being and expanse, u think thats good?
It’s quite a good start.
Imaginarium Divine and Soul Continuum should be good as well.
You really want to connect to your intuitive faculties… let it guide you on what you need next…
It can range from cognitive exercises to certain types of meditation or books you need to read …
You need to familiarise yourself with the process of following nudges from your soul - it usually feels different than your normal state of being, and when you don’t dismiss them, you land on curious info or even, at times, rewards.
How do i feel energy, what do i need to do, what do i need to read.
I need a book that gives me a step by step guide, to clearing the whole energy body, to developing my senses
I guess add SLR to the mix.
The process is very non-linear and monitored by your higher self.
The energy awakening course seems to help people with it.
Your Energetic Being will help over time, as will Mana Circuits… Aura cleansing on occaison.
Lots of body awareness exercises and intention goes into it. For some it comes naturally, for others it takes time and dedication.
One of the first times I felt energy in me was doing the “Turning the Key Exercise” from Vadim Zealand’s RT. Basically you bring your attention to your soul core (around the heart chakra) and then imagine and feel two currents flowing in opposite directions, the first from the front and upwards, the second from the back and downwards… it’s kind of like bathing in cosmic energy.
You should feel a slight tingling sensation when you do this the first few times… make a regular habit of doing this and eventually your sensitivity will grow more and more …
Okay thank you for ur comment
What field is ToL? BoL I can guess