This is likely nothing new or news to most, but this link is full of absolutely unbelievable soothing, amazingly themed albums… it may not be news to some, but if you havent seen these albums you’ll be thanking me, so im prepared to look silly celebrating something most will already know…
i usually just look under playlists, but this is amazing
i wish these were suitable to be played around children, i’d have them playing in my kitchen while cooking, or just playing with my girl… absoutely amazing
im so grateful for sapien, what wonderful work this is!!
Absolutely seeing amazing results; more kindness, love, warmth, positivity, open mindedness, etc
Been saturating at work the environmental ones, from a separate device, and just leave it playing on loop :
Atmospheric Vibration Riser (on Dream Seeds, also on Patreon)
Radiate Positivity
Love Graviton (on Energetic Alchemy, also on Patreon)
It’s ideal to let children develop as they are, hands off, energetically speaking and give them the space to grow and develop what they came into the world with. Be the direction that helps mold them into a healthy human
But these ones are generally safe to play at times because you’re not directly affecting nor attempting to change them. It’s more about creating a safe environment. Still, I wouldn’t endlessly loop it as a constantly soft environment does no good to teach resilience.
Thanks for the thought!
I trust my decades of teaching on my choices and actions; only geared to their best interests and why not a surplus of love. By loop I mean a couple number of plays for a certain field. Also, one has to understand and experience the mood temp of the class. I stay within sensible limits.
Oh yes, my reference on “endlessly loop it” wasn’t based on your comment. Rather giving some thought to those who are curious where good limits are with children and energy