Haha I relate to yours too :)) Being egoistic and having sense of unmeasured control… Oh yes :p But these have been rewarding sometimes.
Same for rebellion: in a linear and simplistic way of thinking, what I always say to preachers is “easy bro, just think about this: without rebels and some people with intelligent madness, we would be still rubbing stones in order to discover fire”.
But ok I stop here because things are not that schematic (…)
I mostly wanted to give some support to my family living faraway from me and reluctant to use morphic fields. However, I notified them that I would send servitors to them and they said “what’s that? Oh ok, haha, go ahead if you wish”.
No regret at all (although the “older” servitor is only 1 month old). They are already doing a great job.
Please don’t delete. We are grateful for it. These are not complaints, but more like a retrospective of what we are going through, in time.
To put the thread again on its rails: your script has made many things already easier. Not having to repeat stuff 10 times a day, etc. among others.
PS: our “critics” or at least mines don’t necessarily target you. Think about it more like what happens outside of this forum as well.