_OM's Much Anticipated Instructions for Servitors (Version 1.3)


How i picture @Captain_Nemo reading through posts and seeing our progress because of his work #ProudDad :laughing:


:joy: Were these points for layer 2 or 3??


We’ll he picked up on “something” immediately! So that’s good.
Let’s call it 2750 pts. :wink:

But no one’s “getting this” until they’ve used the cue word for a while or have a deep pre-knowledge of the techniques I’m using and how and why they work to begin with.

Is this subject gonna need a DP4 session for you?:stuck_out_tongue: :rofl:


Here’s a 1.5 Million word list in case you ever need it.



@_OM thank you for not putting this algorithm right away (not right after the Book of Cards went on sale). Many of us have already created our babies, and each of us up to this point has his own experience (even if this experience is not complete) of working with them.
now I understand your idea, we all should have had some kind of experience, and now you give us a vector for the development of our communication and work with servitors. Thank you so much
There were some insights during the night. Indeed, great opportunities are revealed.


Got a question… is a servitor the same thing as a tulpa?

No, it is not the same.

Here are a couple of posts by @Maoshan_Wanderer related to your question.


Okay, just wanted to make sure, because I know tulpas can go rogue, and definitely do not want that happening.


I was afraid when creating my servitor that it might go rogue, but it accepted unconditional love of its own free will.


Day two of using the cue and seeing it’s effects.

I’m one of those that push things to the extreme in order for me to learn the balance and find a methodology. So for the past week and change, I’ve been running audio cycles of 5 hours per day, using my BPIL and SLR, and doing extremely heavy intention work. Result?

Completely depleted to the point that it put me into what I call Neutral Depression or Limbo. A state where there’s no bad feelings, no good feelings, and you can’t seem to conjure up any good feelings no matter what.

So what I naturally do is take a break from everything and begin breathwork with the focus of bringing in light/energy (Similar effects to the Star Exercise but slower pace) so that I can recover from the burnout.

Right before starting I saw OM posted this and decided to go ahead and try it.

I’ve never recovered as fast as I did from the Limbo state before, it usually takes me 2-3 days but today (after a few hours of the Light Breath and running the new servitor instructions). I feel fantastic. Not to mention that while I am going to take a break from all my audios, it’s almost like my system now has the energy to run all the effects of the audios I’ve been listening to, I feel different. I tend to appreciate things that give an immediate effect and this did exactly that.

Will soon add to the recipe later, running this version for a few weeks first and journaling.

TL;DR: @_OM 's secret recipes will allow you to do backflips with no legs and defy physics as we know it.


lol Thanks, but calm down :stuck_out_tongue:.
That’s ESS/FAE and _________ doing all the heavy lifting.
The script just gives very clear instructions without the usual interference so that ESS/FAE can do it’s job most effectively.

Glad you’re seeing good results tho.


I’m ready to move on from that. Clearly not getting what you thought I would. Perhaps Satori? :sweat_smile:



Gives detailed instructions to redefine life with your servitors

Also OM:

Tells you he has basically nothing to do with it


Jokes aside, looking forward to studying the effects more. I feel even better hour by hour. It’s like all the intention work i’ve put in the last two to three weeks is manifesting.

Today has been one hell of an adventure in my life.


:100: :boom: :dizzy: :partying_face: :partying_face: :dizzy:

I’ll PM you.


Wait, am I right in thinking that we need to use this with the servitor section in the Book of Cards? Also, can I get the servitor to help me go into satori like starlight mentioned? Would be cool to know how to use this for spiritual means.

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I’m ready to give a full update on this:

To begin with thanks to these instructions my progress has exploded more than what I have done in the last three or four months. Not directly due to the instructions but because of what the instructions allowed me to do.

One thing to keep in mind is that I am an obsessive experimenter and with a logging habit of same capacity. I have no fear to try things once I understand I have an environment to do so.

The first thing that happened is that my communication with the servitors intensified, it wasn’t a figment of my imagination that every time I did said the cue, I got a huge shift.

This gave me ideas on things to try of things I do and wish I could automate. As someone that creates systems for my work and always looks for ways to automate, the idea of making my most powerful processes through a command was a dream come true.

While OM, teases us that there’s 10 pages worth, I think he is doing us a service by only giving us and limited amount of commands so that we can experiment on our own.

Most of my focus is in increasing my vibrational state and manifest, having my own processes to achieve this and with my new found level of communication with the servitors, I taught it to them. Imagine automatizing your highest state of being and even creating a feedback loop so that if you are “dropping” you get a sign so that you can just run a command to bring yourself back up with ease… well, I’ve done exactly that.

Here’s the kicker, maybe I’m delusional and I’m just high off placebo. Enter my experiment subjects (or as I call them at times, my friends). Being that they are sensitive to energy, they can tell that I am no where near the same person from two weeks ago so I decided to blast what I was feeling towards them or run certain abilities I programmed on them.

Result? They exploded in vibration as well and they are now able to access that state by running the method where as before they were “capped” at a certain level (this is due to lack of work they put in, I’m known to put in 12 hours into an experiment or study easily).

Think about it this way. Instead of being the scientist that runs experiments for decades, we tend to just read their confirmed conclusions in a chapter of a book. Similar concept, I did all the work but I can help my friends learn certain things by just touching them (right hand), putting them in a meditative state, and running the ability and then I explain the shift along with experiments they should run to confirm. I tend to be a bit rough as well to prove my point.

They are in high state all giddy and happy. I tell them to think about stomping on puppies and seeing their guts comes out, feeling bad, run the ability… It works. Yes, rough I know. I’m a stickler for ineffable results.

That said, it feels like I teleported to a different reality and in that reality everything is working out. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been (quantifiable as well), most important my communication with higher self is becoming very obvious (dreams, flashes in corners of eyes, intuitive feelings, and a lack of interest in ego stuff I still had).

Point is this, Servitors are amazing. Go experiment things. Write your own instructions, run them, log your day (thoughts, feelings, interactions), and continue from there.

My next experiment:

Taking Sapien Audio that affect me the most, recording them, seeing if I get affect the same way when I say the command, and then running them as part of my instructions. This will naturally lead me to finding other ways to gather energy…

…Star exercise automatize? :eyes:


:zipper_mouth_face: :wink: :+1:




That’s a bad ass dog!


He programmed his dog tag with @_OM’s script :joy::joy: