Only an Atheist can be a True Christian

Zizek proposes that in order to achieve a high spiritual place, one must let go of any form of authorities (big Other/God), and that Christianity’s true message is that God dies on the cross to free us all from this chain.


Wasn’t able to listen to the whole thing, but I like his train of thought.

I’m always hesitant to assert the true message of a multifarious world shaping phenomenon as profound as Christianity. It’s like talking about the true meaning of the internet.

I think in a moral universe depopulated of intelligences not dominated by humanity, this interpretation/take makes a lot of sense. Certainly, that was the post-WW2 West. But with the repopulation of intelligences (AI and ET, to name the obvious candidates), the idea of God as a protector of our special place in the universe is likely to be a message that returns, as well as other messages of Christianity.

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