Opinion on my stack (beginner) Ponr is where i start with

Hey lovely people,

As the title says, I am fairly new to the wonderful world of morphic fields. 3 weeks ago, I came in contact with Sapien. This because I have long been putting myself on the path of semen retention after years of abuse of excessive porn. I feel I have come to a point in my life where I don’t know who I am. I don’t believe in myself and have a very low self-image.
That is also why I see the point of no return stack as my basic stack.

I would like your opinion of the stack below, taking into account that I am relatively new and I would like to achieve the following things

→ Self love, confidence, standing in my male power, attraction, spiritual growth and therefore higher vibration

Despite feeling hugely insecure about my appearance (male 25 years old), 5′ 4",bald. I want to focus purely on developing myself in such a way that I accept myself and stand strong in my shoes and radiate this and therefore also consciously do not put body enhancement fields in my stack.


Morning: Energy clearing audio from dreamseeds x1
Exorcism rite version 2 x2
Mana circuits x2
Subconscious limits clearing from Sapienmed x2
Love, Gratitude and Appreciation from Sapienmed x2
The outlook retrainer x2

Ancient arts (Semen retention)
Soul (core) restoration (as much as possivble, I don’t know if thats good or bad?)
Androstenol (mix of old and new) It depends sometimes x2 or 3
Attract love (mix of sapien med and energetic alchemy)

What do you guys think of my current stack? Was thinking of adding ego dissolution somewhere in between. What do you guys think?

What i really would like to add very soon:
Knight/warrior mindset
All chakra fields (especially the heart and throat since i want to feel confident and want to be attracted more. Throat because i stress a lot what to say during a conversation and let us say it’s often difficult for me to speak the truth)
Maybe Vibration of creation

What do you guys think, should I still add these or do I already have far too big a list?

Thanks a lot for your feedback


I would put soul core before ancient arts


Hi. Welcome to the forum. :pray:
I think that you chose wisely, starting with ponr, as I started with other fields and very recently I found how amazing this stack is; idk what other fields would be best, besides these you already mentioned and I guess other more experienced members can give you good advices.

Have a pleasant stay around here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome to the forum!

OK, great! I’m curious, since you see things in this way, why aren’t you using the various PONR stacks that have already been created and can be found on this forum? Why are you reinventing the wheel, so to speak?

As I look at the fields you’ve posted here, I don’t see any healing fields. This is common thing I see with new posters.

I use the analogy of redecorating a room. One day you look around (and we all do this) and you decide that you’ve been living in (and I’m going to be dramatic here–no judgement!) a craphole. You notice the many broken pieces of furniture in your room. There are mounds of dirty, smelly laundry on the floor. Maybe they’re intermixed with old pizza boxes with their left-over crusts. You haven’t dusted in ages and haven’t cleaned the windows in even longer. And the color on the walls just turns your stomach.

So, you make an empowered decision. (Yay!) You’re going to have a new room, a room you love, and you even have some ideas of what you want your new room to be. All of this is wonderful.

But here’s where things go a little bit wonky for many new forum friends. They jump into the “new” portion before they’ve cleared out and repaired the “old” portion of their room. There were reasons why you made the choices you made and engaged in the behaviors you did. (And actually, the choices you made and the behaviors you did were the wisest choices you could make at that time, given who were then, knowing what you knew then. So, good for you for being wise and empowered.)

So, you’ll want to clear out and to heal your reasons (be they limiting beliefs, poor self-image and the traumas that produce these things in us, whatever) before you start adding new stuff in. Back to the room analogy, you want to clear out and clean out the room before you trying to repaint it or before you start dragging new furniture in, you see? This is the piece of the process that I’m not really seeing in your fields. So, you might want to do an honest self-analysis to see what else (if anything) needs to be done there first.

Normally, that sort of clearing and healing is done as a concentrated focus. For example, it was recommended the original PONR stack be used for at least a month on its own. We have newer versions (even a Point of No Return field!) so we can listen to other fields (like Soul/Core) to support our clearing and healing process.

It’s recommended that we doing the clearing and healing separate for a few reasons. One reason is that, often, our energy systems are less ready to handle both these new tools and the healing process at the same time.

Another reason is, by doing your personal “renovation” in steps, you can have a clearer sense of the progress you’re making and you’re able to more clearly see if your progress is taking you where you want to go. (It can be easier to tell if the new wall color goes well with the carpet when there’s nothing on the carpet to block your view.)

And finally, as we heal, we often discover that many of our “issues” are healed at the same, so we don’t need to play fields for them. An example of this last one might be, when you clear and heal your “room” with PONR, you might not need K/W, or at least not in the same way or for the same reasons as you are thinking now.

Try it and find out. But, here’s the thing. With these many fields, when you encounter a challenge or a symptom, it can be harder to tell which field is causing your challenge or symptom.

What’s been your experience with your list so far? That’s important information for us to know before we start making recommendations of stuff you should add.

And when you’ve done your clearing and healing (or, at least, the heavy lifting of that step) then you’ll be able to add many more fields because your energy fields will also be cleared and healed and more robust thanks to your healing.


You can add etheric cord cutter before soul core.

I certainly understand what you mean, but isn’t there a bigger healing than the PONR stack to start with? If you were to give your top 3 in terms of healing right now, what would they be?

I don’t understand your question. Please give me more.

And you haven’t answered my question as to why you’ve decided to use a small fraction of the PONR rather than the fuller versions that have already been created for you here on this forum.

You can use this field as much as you want and it has a compound effect. Until you’re nice and full. Then it isn’t harmful to keep using, but just unnecessary to. You should be able to feel when you don’t need it anymore for a bit. Then you can go back and use it again when needed.

And I agree, use it before Ancient Arts.

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