Opulentia Caelestis

This is not a get rich quick field.
It’s a money understanding and awareness field.

It won’t help you manifest a winning loterie ticket.

Whatever you do, whatever business or industry, whatever professional specialization you have, there always is this balance of technical skills and financial skills.

If you’re a chef, cooking is your technical skill and you also need the financial skill to make money out of it as a business an not just a hobby.

If you’re a stock broker, your core technical skills is to sell stocks, you also need financial skills.

If you are a real estate agent, selling homes and understand realty is your core technical skills, you still need financial skills.

If you are a doctor, medicine is your technical skill, if you are independent it’s best for you to also have financial skills.

If you are a politician, you core skills is to manage alliances, conflicts, persuasion, still need some financial skills.

If you are a programmer, making software is your technical skills, but you still need financial skills to turn it into a business.

How many people are good at real estate and aren’t rich ? Or programmers that can make all types of codes and programs that don’t manage to make a startup ?

It’s a balance.

This is not a « listen 100 hours and then hack the matrix for insta money » field.

It’s a perception and awareness of the financial dimension in your life.

Whatever you do in life, this balance of technical and financial skills will be at play.

Unless you hack the vortex and manifest crates of money but let’s be real here, how many wealthy people became wealthy by sitting on their couch with no skills, no connections and manifested a career ?

Even the most hardcore nerd CEO needs financial and technical skills.

That’s what capitalism is, you need technical skills no matter if you are a banker or what not and you also need financial skills to capture an income based off your skills. You are responsible to extract an income based off the value you provide.

The whole believe it hard enough and it will manifest out of thin air, that’s not my philosophy, maybe I should have made it more clear.

Remove all the belief, hoping and waiting, all the mystical money talk, and there is a simple realistic recipe to great wealth. It’s not a secret just based on skills.


With all that being said, I do believe that this can help you find a technical skill that suits your personal context that you will be able to leverage strategically for a higher income than you would otherwise have.

I’m not promising billions of dollars, I’m promising a perception and understanding, a level of literacy in the areas I mentioned in the description so high, that you will implicitly embody a higher potential for wealth.

If you forget a second about manifesting (which you can still do if that’s your thing) and decide that you will become the type of person in control of their financial destiny, with clear actionable insight and understanding, this is a solid first step in that direction.

When you see how simple (not easy) it is, then your beliefs will adjusts. I mean, do you want to feel rich or do you want to be rich ?

Meditating to believe you are a great student is cool and all, but I recommend studying. lol
You know, at least I’m down to earth like that, it makes sense to me.

At the end of the day, we all have opportunities, but when money comes knocking, you have to perform and do the job.

I don’t think I need to sell hope to you guys, we can provide skills. Not all the skills, but a good chunk, solid foundations.

If you got skills, you can get investors and loans or whatever. Money is hardly ever the real bottleneck and there are plenty of people who believe they deserve to be rich and they are amazing. That’s not the problem.

Look, even the heirs of dynasties, Rothschild kid, they already believe they are rich. But a lot of them lose it all, their parents put the money into trust in the hand of professional with skills until they have skills themselves.

Would you rather buy the belief that you are good at speaking Chinese or the skill of speaking Chinese and understanding Chinese ?
It sounds silly but if you think about it, that’s what a lot of the mystical money guru mindset is doing.

« A fool and his money are soon parted » you know

You can believe whatever you want when you’re 8 years old, but if you’re an adult, you need skills.

Look at the Forbes list or whatever, they all have a business and technical skills. You ever asked a rich person “what business are you in ?” And they say “ah hmm hmm ahem… you know ?”

Even drug dealing takes skills. Not everyone is good at it.

Ok, I’ll let it sink in lol

How many people have belief NFTs and what not, tens of them? It does what it says, but they still need more beliefs, more blockage removal. They see something on the internet they believe it, they can believe all type of misinformation and lies but faced with the truth their mind are still healthy and will reject false beliefs, because they aren’t this and that and they deep down know they can’t back up that belief and they will get hurt if they actually go out there to do it live. You can’t trick your mind into believing stuff it knows aren’t true. You can trick it for days and weeks, but sooner or later it will realize it’s a wrong belief.


in addition to what you have written by the Dr, you may have made investments or managed family investments or even inherited properties or shares or more.

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That’s basically the answer to the question I asked, thanks a lot for the information you shared with me, I too believe that skill is more important than beliefs.

I already have an abundance mindset maybe that’s why I waste so much money, but I know the reason I’m broke is definitely not belief, it’s a lack of understanding of money.

I will definitely save money to buy this field.


So combining this with Le Maître du Jeux makes tons of sense

Normally I am reluctant to give response here, but somehow i have a feeling now to give you some insight.

I feel that you might be misunderstanding the principles of abundance mindset.

True abundance thinking typically encourages mindful and responsible spending behavior, rather than wastefulness which could stem from a lack of appreciation for money.

So yeah, while u save for this field, i encourage you to use the abundance mindset field, there is also a millionaire mindset field. And ofcourse start today with planning, with planning comes evaluating your strengths and weaknesses (of your knowledge and skills). This is not an easy task, but a must. Steps that must be taken is unique for everyone and its not easy to draw a baseline for having certain amount of knowledge or skill to reach this, this is also unique for everyone.

Peace and love.


Finally bought it, will update