Opulentia Caelestis

Discover Opulentia Caelestis, a psychic “money brain” field designed to elevate your financial acumen to unprecedented heights. This field allows you to glimpse into the costs and rewards ahead on a specific path, giving you a clear vision of potential outcomes and helping you make informed decisions with confidence. With an intuitive sense of both extrinsic and intrinsic value, you can assess objects, opportunities and investments with a depth of understanding that goes beyond conventional analysis.

Tap into market sentiments effortlessly, sensing the collective mood and trends that drive financial movements. This heightened awareness is combined with the ability to anticipate momentum shifts, positioning you advantageously in the market. Develop an innate sense of product-market fit, ensuring that your offerings resonate perfectly with consumer needs and desires. Identify the optimal market audience with precision, targeting those most likely to engage with and benefit from your products or services.

Intuitive pricing becomes second nature, allowing you to determine the optimal price point that balances value and demand. Experience a heightened perception of the flow of wealth direction, guiding your financial decisions and investments towards prosperous outcomes. Gain invaluable insights from the collective consciousness, receiving subtle feedback on economic decisions that align with broader market dynamics.

With Opulentia Caelestis, you harness a powerful blend of psychic intuition and financial wisdom, enabling you to navigate the complex landscape of wealth and economics with unparalleled clarity and foresight. This field not only enhances your ability to make strategic decisions but also empowers you to thrive in an ever-changing financial world.


I really want to add this to my stack but I wonder if I first need to run Revision of Wealth, if I have limiting beliefs around money and wealth will running this field help it? Or it only focus on skill?

Probably because Opulentia doesn’t seem to address the core beliefs around wealth and money.

It focuses on skills. I personally think beliefs are overrrated.


Voice of the New Generation.

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“I can’t fly”, “I’m afraid of falling”, that’s not a limiting beliefs, that’s how you don’t jump off buildings and don’t kill yourself.

Beliefs are there for a reason, if something was easy then you wouldn’t think it’s hard. If you had skills to make money, you wouldn’t think money is so hard to get. You can’t just delude yourself into believing things.

It helps, once you have skills to backup your beliefs otherwise your mind will never truly accept it and if it does, you’re deluding yourself.

You can’t just believe you’re awesome at basketball while failing every shot. Mind over matter only takes you so far, after that it’s disconnect from reality.

If you have the real skills and you know what to do and do it. Beliefs is a small bonus.

On the other hand, beliefs without skill is a bit empty. Beliefs are important but in a balanced way and they come second IMO. Beliefs without skills will create cognitive dissonance and your mind will bridge the gap by lowering your beliefs again.


Certainly believing you’re a master of calculus won’t make you one. I think money confuses people because people without financial skills can have an encounter with it, but that is not a common event even if it is a culture myth placed in heavy rotation by the media. And for those it does happen to, without skills to preserve and grow it, money will find a way to slip their grasp.

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Beliefs may not be needed at the beginning when someone is trying their hand at something new but achieving mastery in any area of life needs believing in oneself and other beliefs that go along with it. This is more so in case of body and mind from martial arts to making money.

And once mastery is achieved beliefs fall by the wayside.

So does this create financial capabilities?

Yes, that’s what it does. Well more so, an intuitive grasp of money and finance. Solid foundational skills.


Well so it can also help those who are beginner or have little knowledge. This is in the purchasing list because for some time I had been publicly requested a financial field connected to intelligence, then it will probably be able to make the Megli the fields Abundance Mindset and Million Dollar Empire of the Mind Settings album.

ow many daily listens do you recommend?

I have no business, I work as a waiter and I barely have any money, will this help me find opportunities to make wealth? While simultaneously give me the skills necessary to seize this opportunities?

If you don’t have much money then go for free fields of mind settings album listen to those 3 fields every day spam them even then you will see some magic.

I can save money and buy this field, I want to be rich

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Your call but this field doesn’t address the underlying beliefs about money and abundance, you would still need something like mind settings album.

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I agree with Kalacakra.

Usually people are cautious when giving advice about your financial matters, because its very personal to you and only you know all the factors in your life.

From using this field for a while i can only speculate that it might give the extra push (maybe exponentially) in the right direction for people who have a (strong) financial foundation.

Theoretically everything is possible, but my speculation is that most of us wont get the full potential of what they are thinking to achieve with this field without going through regular proces. With this i mean that you must have a plan to achieve wealth, such as trading or content creation, producing or any other business, just like any other succes story. Don’t expect this field to do all the planning.

Don’t expect to turn multimillionaire just by using this field passively. Don’t expect to win the lottery with Aureus Fortuna. Life needs action and you got to experience living life with its ups and downs.

Having said this; if you are a waiter and barely have money then it might not be a good idea (for now) to get this field.

I suggest first using free fields about luck, abundance mindset etc. to get the planning and mindset and get you on a good financial route. This might take some time. Once you have that and need the extra push to level up (exponentially) you might consider using these paid fields.


My intention is to give people who are in a situation like Orel a point of view when it comes to paying money for this field.

But I understand the paradox you portray, this is usually said when it comes to these money matters. I admit that money is one of the most difficult things in life.

If you pay close attention to my post i didn’t say have money to make money. The thinking pattern is: have a plan and a clear direction and vision. Once you have that a field like this can certainly accelerate things.

Again: this is just my speculation, i don’t claim anything. If you have the money you can try this field just like me. Since getting it and used it regularly i acknowledge the potential when someone has a clear vision and plan to acquire wealth.


This can help