Osiris NFT


Copies: 45 total.


Should this be in the NFT category?

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I think they are audios, not NFTs.

But if someone else can confirm please let us know.

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They are NFTs :)

Looks like venly NFTs are making a come back now, I wonder what’s to come…


On the product page it says,

“Sapien Medicine limited edition NFT,”

which is why I said anything here.


This is so cool
So cool so cool
Thank you Nemo you’re mythicary
Osiris, otherworldly (or should i say… underworldly :drum::sweat_smile:)


How much of these are available?

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That’s the thing, it seems to be infinite an amount…

i could be wrong.


No; it is only 45 copies each
I didn’t want to say as I felt it wasn’t my place to convey but I guess he’s been busy so lol

I can post the comment of his directly but I didn’t get his consent to so I guess it’s best to wait
It’s 45 copies for each release on TeeSpring
It won’t be there forever like the one’s we see on the Sapien Shop

Also! They are just NFTs as in just the photos you see; no audios!


that’s cool, I’ll update the threads.



Ok!! You the bomb

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I still can’t find the API link for this or the few other drops from teespring.

/api/127 is the last NFT “The Jawliner” perhaps is just waiting a bit more.


Not surprised
Probably because their energy was too… otherworldly

:sparkles: Hello! Anybody working with Osiris yet? I don’t think the lack of actual NFTs in our wallets would preclude use. For me, thoughts such as these come late…but better late than never, I suppose. :expressionless:

I think those of us who got him were meant to keep him (hence the ‘lost in Venly’ status).

He’s definitely making himself known to me these days. It might take me a while, but I’ll report out what I learn. :sparkles:


What i found interesting is that
This applies to both he and Persephone:

  • persephone is one of the few in greek mythology
    Who can go in between realms; death and life.

similarly we could kinda apply that to this venly situation
She’s with us
But at the same time not

Then osiris because he’s osiris

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I agree. It’s all very apropos to their realm.

I really like Persephone. Her eyes are very innocent
It is nice to see innocence in a NFT

When I am sad I sometimes look at her
And it reminds me of her situation and also Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s
How even if external circumstances are not possible to change , there is always a choice; in our mindsets namely.
Therefore emphasizing only more so free will exists, it’s not going anywhere. It’s just whether we choose to see it or not
Plys I like how she radiates light even when it’s gloomy lol

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Ok…here’s something interesting related to Osiris…

The Osiris-Rex is the name (an acronym of some crazy long phrase) of the American spaceship sent to collect a sample from asteroid Bennu.

For those interested in what this could mean, astrologer Philip Sedgwick offers a viewpoint worth considering. The latest issue of his “Skyscrapings” newsletter is worth a read.


Asteroid Bennu Dusts Earth ~ 23 September 2023

On Sunday, a delivery package jettisoned from the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft plops down somewhere in the Utah desert. If all goes well, that is. The contents of this package contain extracted physical matter from a Near Earth Orbiting (NEO) asteroid. Approximately a cup’s worth of material. Making Earth impact will be captured remnants from the asteroid Bennu.

Bennu is also noted to be a Potentially Hazardous Object. Between now and say, 2199, there is a slim possibility Bennu could collide with Earth. A slim 1 in 1,750 chance of impact, so not so much an online betting thing. The asteroid, discovered in 1999 was named by a third-grade student from South Carolina who won a NASA contest to name the body. The name Bennu comes from an ancient Egyptian bird deity. Most commonly, Bennu is portrayed as a heron.

Despite the official namesake, Bennu wrangled the nickname “the trickster asteroid” from the astronomers studying the body and managing the mission to probe its body. Initially, it was believed to have a pebbled landscape. Nope. The arriving spacecraft needed to avoid huge boulders navigating to the landing spot. When the spacecraft did touch down, it was like landing on a heap of pingpong balls. Not expected either.

“Rubble pile” actually stands as a valid classification category by astronomers. When lots of space debris gets gathered gravitationally and sticks together… it’s a rubble pile. Bennu actually consists of a heap of holes on the inside and much of its dimension consists of emptiness. Bennu could fall apart if exposed to the gravitational influence of a planetary body, or if something causes it to rotate faster.

Bennu, whose measurements are 565 meters × 535 meters × 508 meters, orbits the earth once every 436.65 days. The exploration of Bennu could offer possible clues about the origin of life on Earth. Who cares about that when we could discover gold and even better, platinum? Some astronomers speculate Bennu offers something even more precious, H20. It is theorized that Bennu could provide an invaluable source of water for astronauts and space explorers passing through the inner region of our solar system.


Bennu, a Near Earth Asteroid

What does all this mean astrologically and why should you care?

When Bennu was probed by the spacecraft on 20 October 2020, the position of the body as seen by Earth was approximately 19 Scorpio 16. No doubt speculations about Scorpio’s inquisitiveness and investigative tendencies should apply… especially about the things Bennu potentially offers and more to the point, why that stuff is more highly valued that life-supporting water.

Bennu occupies 25 Cancer 38 (estimated) at the time the delivery of its extracted materials is projected to land in Utah. This position offers up a wide opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, days away from Pluto stationing to turn direct. How coolly profound. Perhaps it is true that discoveries about our native planet’s origins will be better understood. We don’t yet know. And it will take time for the goods to be processed and catalogued. To the point of the opposition with Pluto and adding that Bennu sextiles Uranus in Cancer, more of a core question results: Personally why does one value what they do? Can one consider the inherent value of a rubble pile? Is something not packed tight like a snowball of equal value? How much of a thing is density? And in what context does density apply? And oh, by the way, where’s that list of personal assets that you claim as intrinsic?

While the positional data of Bennu is revealing in relation to other bodies, Bennu’s inherent nature also requires exploration. According to mythology, Bennu Bird was associated with the deities Ra, Atum and Osiris. As well, Bennu applies to a rebirth, the dawn of creation, and the Sun itself. Bennu may have provided the origin story for the Phoenix. How cool to be in opposition to the transcendent Pluto when his mined physicality arrives on Earth.

As with any body in orbit around the Sun, a theme can be derived from the north node of the body and a sense of urgency, priority, and maximum intensity may be extracted from its perihelion. The node of Bennu is 2 Aries 4; his perihelion is 8 Gemini 17.

Given the transformative nature of the asteroid’s mythology, and the above orbital elements Bennu concludes that what a body tells itself about its nature, skills and attributes need to be believed. When one proclaims what one does not believe, it comes off empty, hollow, or pocked with holes. Bennu, like the dwarf planet, Makemake with node in Gemini, perihelion in Aries, pushes every living soul to believe their own press. If you put out a claim about capabilities and talents, believe those items to be bursting with truth. Hype yourself based upon raw and pure inner belief. Embellishment of traits the soul does not or cannot support would be discouraged, with the added caution: humble bragging is still bragging. On the other hand, hold back nothing that you can consciously contribute to any scenario.

What can a person do to celebrate the arrival of goodies from Bennu and to welcome the change of seasons and Pluto’s upcoming station? How about taking a personal inventory? Note all assets on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Consider how to apply those traits to each life objective. Also notice which of your skills are not on the favorite list to do. If the use of a skill provides unpleasant results, how can one justify not using that trait? To Bennu’s point, how can this trait be converted/transformed to an asset one eagerly and willfully applies?

Soon, people will be sitting down to come up with wish lists for the holidays. Why not start the process now with the recognition of all the good you have going for you? How about asking for gifts that support your intrinsic merit and encourage utilizing all of you to go beyond the beyond? How about coming up with a list of what you bring to the table that causes deep satisfaction as soon as a table to present wares appears - after all these are the gifts with which one returns favors.

Sure this is a tiny asteroid, that’s not even packed tight. Still, the resources it offers may vastly contribute to all ones causes and inspire staking a greater claim in life. Ready or not, here it comes… and with that arrival, potential personal polishing.

More soon.

The Galactic Report is a lot like Bennu. It points out talents and skills with sharp focus. Naturally, a consultation does more of the same and works with personal attributes to apply them in a perfectly timed manner. Should one consultation need support from subsequent consultations that, too, can be arranged. Personal questions may be posed by e-mail and the Galactic Trilogy offers tons of astrological insights. All of this can be arranged by clicking the links below, and hopefully in time for Bennu’s yet to be revealed discoveries!

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The Cool Waters of Osiris

In a curious sepulchral inscription, the deceased is exhorted to be of good cheer and the wish is expressed that Osris will offer him cool water. It is described in length in Plutarch’s writing on Isis and Osiris, how Osiris dying and reviving, coupled with his judge in the netherworld, was god-hooded under his personification of the Nile, and especially the fructifying and regenerative blessings of it’s inundation.

In several of the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts, the Osirian-dead king is offered a libation of cool or fresh water. The purpose of this funeral libation was lustral, to revitalize the dead king, causing him to become youthful again. The dead king is thus addressed,

"Raise yourself, o king…
wash (your hands in this) fresh (water),
which your father Osiris has given to you.

The fresh water is the celestially seated and seeded Nile efflux, both the Nile flow and the life force of the Nile’s soul in essentially personified, as in Osiris. Lustration in the Nile water purified the dead king’s consecrating body. By absorbing the vital fluid of Osiris, the deceased might partake of the god’s immortality. Likewise, in the Middle Kingdom Coffin Texts, the deceased, once bathed in the fresh or cool water that issued from Osiris, is identified with him, whereupon the deceased claims:

I am this great soul of Osiris whom the gods commanded to copulate with him…
I have remade Osiris from the efflux which was in his flesh,
from the seed which issued from his phallus at the going out into the day that he might copulate with it.
I am the son of Osiris,
his heir within his rank.
I am the soul within his blood…

In the Coffin Texts, the first mention of the thirsting dead occurs:

I will not be thirsty,
my lips will not be dry.
I have quenched my thirst
with that great efflux of my father Osiris.

During the New Kingdom and Late periods, Osiris continued to be identified with the Nile and the deceased with Osiris. Lustration continued to be practiced in connection with funerary and temple rituals. At the temple of Osiris at Abydos, Horus and Thoth are represented pouring water over deified King Set from libation vessel. This water is depicted as streams of ankh and was signs, conferring divine life empowered. Likewise, another scene represents Horus purifying Osirian Seti with water,
Horus says:

Thy purifications are the purifications of Horus and vice versa.

Above Horus are the words,

"Pure is King Men-ma’atre (Min-Ma’at-Ra), given life;
he has censed himself with his bodily eye
and his flesh is pure
and his image is divine

Clearly, ancient Egyptians associated water with life, and the ritual act of lustration with Nile water signified rejuvenation and immortality. As early as Rameside times, purification rites of Osiris were celebrated every autumn, as soon.as the Nile inundation began to recede, in order to revitalize the god’s limbs. These rites continued to be celebrated down through Roman times. The rite of pouring water on corn-Osiris figures interred with the deceased, first attested during the New Kingdom, appears to have symbolized a similar revival of the god, too practices preserved throughout the Hellenistic and Roman periods. In the Papyris Rhind, lustral water is described as having come from elephantine, near the first cataract, which ancient Egyptians considered as the source of the Nile as the body of Osiris was believed to have been buried beneath Biga Island. Moreover, on several Ptolemaic funerary stelae, cool water from Elephantine appears as a libation intended for consumption by the Osirian deceased for the purpose of rejuvenation. Elsewhere, cool water was associated with the Nile, revival of the deceased, and immortality. Hence,the significance of flasks or cups that prominently appear on Fayoum mummy portraits.

On the 22nd of Choiak, symbols of the gods were carried on precession in celebration of the mysteries of Osiris. Among these was an effigy of Osiris which Apuleius describes as hollowed-out urn of burnished gold, posing a rounded bottom, a long spout on one side and a handle on the other, with hieroglyphic writing on the exterior. The peculiar shape and spout suggest that it was a hydration, containing Nile water. Apuleius praises the urn, “worthy of devotion because of its skillful craftsmanship and originality”, but it is owing to its contents that he proclaims it to be “an indescribable religious proof that should be veiled in deep silence”. It is interesting to note that Osiris became so closely associated with the hydreion that he was actually worshipped as Hydreios, a mummiform personification of his sacred Nile water vessel, on the island of Delos.

Sources of classical writers discuoursed on the subject on the Nile, commenting on its alleged progenitive qualities and its sweetness in contrast to the bitterness of salt sea water. It was claimed that Ptolemy II Philadelphos regularly sent Nile water to his daughter in Syria, Berenike, so that she would not drink of any other source. Which itself clarifies the divination of the animals, and persons, immersed in the Nilotic presence. Accordingly, the Egyptian word meaning “immersed in water”, was equivalent to the Greek “to become divine”, the Latin consecrare.

Soon after the Macedonian conquest of Egypt, a new religious cult was introduced to Egypt. Its deity, Serapis, was a composite that blended together characteristics of many Hellenistic gods, particularly Zeus, Hades, Ascelpius, Dionysys and Osiris. His name, as well, was borrowed from the Egyptian deity, Oserapis, himself a compound of Osiris and Apis. In time, Serapis came to be associated, as Osiris before him, with Isis, Horus (as Harpokrates) and Anubis as an official cult par excellence, promoted by the Ptolemaic and later Roman administrations in Egypt. This triad, of Serapis, Isis and Harpokrates, or Anubis, spread throughout the Mediterranean with a considerable following.

In Ancient Greece, a practice reminiscent to the underworld-guidance of Osiris can be reviewed within the Orphic lamellae. Lamellae, thin sheets of gold lead, rather life foil, on which texts were inscribed, folded alongside buried skeletons, placed in their hands, or encased in cylinder attached to a gold chain worn like an amulet. The original purpose was the instruct the deceased concerning the paths to travel in the netherworld, what he or she is to say, and what responses ought to be expected; imparting on the deceased formulae necessary. One group of gold leaves in particular is reminiscent of our Oisirian prayer, the lamellae catalogued as group B, dating from 2nd century BC, but showing evidence of prolonging in cylindrical re-use into Roman period. It reads:

You will find to the left of the House of Hades a spring,
and standing by its side a white cypress.
Do not approach near to this spring,
but you will find another, from the Lake of Memory,
cold water flowing forth,
and there are guardians before it.

Say, “I am a child of the Earth and the starry Heaven,
but my race is of Heaven (alone).
This you yourselves know,
But I am parched with thirst and I perish.
Give me quickly the cold water flowing forth from the Lake of Memory”

And of themselves they will permit you to drink of the holy spring,
and thereafter you will be lord among the other heroes.

Moreover, ancient testimony on Pythagoras concur that he resided in Egypt circa 535 to 525 BC, embracing the local traditions and undergoing initiation to the mysteries, learning the sacred rites and lore. The Pythagorean lamellae cited above, reflects the greets to Egypt. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans residing in Egypt during the Hellenistic and Roman eras cherished the ancient religious beliefs which for millennia resembled their terra sacra. Abroad, those who has been initiated into the Osirian teachings triumphing into their crowned fate, continued the participation.

Hydreios: Osiris-Canopus

Another, rather strange, “vessel” associated with temples of Isis in the later period is known as the Osiris Hydreios, or Osiris of the Waters. These images seem to have originated around the first century BCE and are mainly associated with Isis sanctuaries in northern Egypt (Alexandria and its suburbs) and southern Italy (Rome and environs).

The images of Osiris Hydreios resemble Egyptian canopic jars, the jars that contained the internal organs of mummies. They are decorated with Egyptian motifs and crowned with the head of Osiris. Sometimes, however, the head of Isis or Anubis replaces that of Osiris. Earlier in this post, I put quotes around the word vessel because—though the images are shaped like vessels, and they relate to a watery aspect of Osiris—they were not hollowed out and therefore could not have actually contained water.

A priest of Isis carries an Osiris Hydreios in veiled hands

Isis and Her Beloved Osiris have long, long been associated with the life-giving Waters. Living as the ancient Egyptians did in that narrow strip of the Black Land that received the blessing of water, they knew in their bodies and souls the vital importance of water.


Canopus: The Steering Keel-Eel of the Barque

Fixed star Canopus, Alpha Carinae, is a 0.7 magnitude white star located in the Keel of the Ship, Argo Constellation. The traditional name Canopus is a Latinisation of the Ancient Greek name Κάνωβος (Kanôbos).

Canopus, for Egypt the South polar star, is the second-brightest star and interplays with Sirius in such a way that ancient accounts surmised that the two stars controlled time. It was the navigators star, allowing access to the afterlife: the domain of Osiris. Canopus was specifically identified with Osirus’ Ark, where he was transformed from mere mortal to resurrected supergod. With the heliacal rising of Sirius, known to the Egyptians as Sothis, astro-literally pours into the canopic-star of Osiris; Canopus, filling it upon it’s red-shone following rise; the celestial flooding preceding the terrestrial. Isis, identified with Sirius, or Sothis, as Sopdet, is literally known by the epithet ‘She Who Pours’, an epithet shared with the first-cataract-personifications of Neith, the shooting force behind the flooding; Anuket and Satis, interplaying their roles as daughter and consort, within the Aswan-triad of Khnum.

Canopus is the second brightest star in the night-time sky, after Sirius. Canopus’s brightness and location well off the ecliptic make it popular for space navigation. Many spacecraft carry a special camera known as a “Canopus Star Tracker”.

The Egyptians had another explanation for the name Canopus, a star lay near the horizon, which would make it look reddish. They derived it from the Coptic Kahi Nub, Golden Earth. Canopus is opposing the star Vega, to ancient Egyptians known as the golden purifier, associated with the goddess in her form of a diving vulture, Nekhbet; Lady of Upper Egypt in the South. The diving Nekhbet, merging with the rising cobra, Wadjet, by the throned seat of the pharaoh. Thus, Canopus, the Keel of the Barque, resembles the cobra-tail of Wadjet, worn by Isis, gods and pharaohs alike.

Early Egyptian temples at Edfu, Philae, Amada, and Semneh, were oriented towards Canopus, which then rose with the autumn equinox.

While the star became identified with Osiris as god of the Nile, the moon-god Khonsu had it as his symbol, and his temple at Thebes pointed to its setting position. But it seems the rising star was the more important. A priestly poem called it Karbana, “the star which pours his light in a glance of fire, When he disperses the morning dew.”, words heavily align with the morning-resurrected Osiris, in contrast to the light in the night-epithet of Khonsu by the setting, a dual-play of the dry and wet, hot and cold, orchestrated by the stellar interplay of pole-stars Vega and Canopus.

The ancient Egyptian city of Peguet, for the Greeks and Romans known as Canopus, from the mythological Canopus, who was a navigator for Menelaus, king of Sparta. It was situated in the western delta of the Nile, referenced as the resembling mouth of the, by the Isis-orchestrated, rising of the cobra. Piercing out by the crown of Osiris, a crown itself resembling Osiris in his Canopus-form of Hydreios. Canopus as a city was buzzing, blossoming and environmentally flourishing, well-nurtured in the blue-green, sprouting essence. The city of the inundated Osiris, was a well-known as the key trading-point by Nilotic, abundantly rich in the meeting by the harboring ocean of the infinite.

Later, during the time of the Ptolemies it was known as Ptolemaion, and they timed the Ptolemaia festival by its heliacal rising; when the star appears above the horizon just before sunrise.

Some Contemporary Trivia

The Sun of Arrakis, the planet of the sought for spice (funny enough I’m listening to the Golden Elixir as typing…) of Frank Herbert’s Dune, is actually the third planet orbiting the saga’s solar-system of Canopus, embodying the core of the system.

Dune Arrakis