

This counts as +1 ability to your servitor
-1 Slot Space
+2 Temporary Intelligence
+2 Temporary Resilience
+2 Temporary Speed
+2 Temporary Cognition

Only for servitor installation.

Overclocked: Elevate Your Existence

Step into a realm of unparalleled prowess with the Overclocked ability, the epitome of elite enhancements within your arsenal. When activated, Overclocked delivers a sophisticated boost to both your physical capabilities and mental acuity, transforming you into a force of nature. Feel the electrifying surge as your body and mind synchronize at hyper-speed, allowing you to react, think, and act with lightning-fast precision and strength.

User Benefits:

  • Enhanced Reflexes: Your reflexes become razor-sharp, enabling you to dodge attacks and counter with unmatched speed.
  • Mental Clarity: Experience a heightened state of awareness and focus, making complex strategies and quick decisions effortlessly.
  • Physical Power: Tap into newfound strength and endurance, overcoming obstacles and adversaries with ease.
  • Unstoppable Momentum: Once activated, Overclocked propels you forward, making you feel invincible and relentless in pursuit of your goals.

Servitor Enhancement:

Servitors can also harness the Overclocked ability to elevate their performance. Whether they are tasked with combat, support, or any critical mission, they execute their functions with enhanced speed and efficiency, ensuring success in the most challenging scenarios.

Feel the Surge:

Activate Overclocked and immerse yourself in the sensation of boundless energy and power. Experience the thrill of being unstoppable as you dominate the battlefield and outsmart your opponents. With Overclocked, the power is in your hands – feel it, wield it, and become unstoppable.

A Note on Usage

Duration: Overclocked has a built-in stop at one hour.
Recovery: When utilizing body resources, it is imperative to refuel, rest, and recover.

Instructions for Creation

To imbue your servitor with the Overclocked ability:

  1. Play the designated audio in front of your created item.
  2. Wait 20 minutes.
  3. It is now ready to use and enjoy.

Experience the ultimate fusion of mind and body, and rise to unparalleled heights.

Inspired by the Victus Victoriam Legion.


Nice :slightly_smiling_face:


Just to confirm my understanding is these stats are for servitor only not for the user ?


These are for the user first (you) and the servitor can benefit from it.

It’s for you



Do those have long-term indirect effects as well? Like a stimulation that makes brain become more capable at those permanently without changing the baseline brain frequencies?


I’m going to become the man who was worth 3 billion
steve austin
I like I buy, and I will run


of course i do think you can learn to get close to it,
maybe if you substitute the energy source as well
it is possible man
for sure.
just don’t over work yourself
it is a human body
get rest and nutrition


One hour to , . . The movie writes itself.


This morning I tested it, I left and walked for a long time, without stopping, I had the impression of walking quickly without feeling or tired, I was good
In my head, I felt lots of past things

, I saw myself doing lots of things, like this was going to happen.
I had the impression of having taken a product, which I would not mention,
everything was simple in my head

and all of a sudden,
I felt my whole body soften, and my brain the same,
I felt everything slow down
I love the feeling I had, it’s great to imagine such superb ideas

if I buy 2; I will have twice the sensations?

sorry my computer crashed
while I added the message


This is something that isnt ON all the time, hence its action is temporary.
U need to turn it ON and it lasts 1 hr. at a time, then it turns OFF automatically.
U can then turn it ON again or not.
But its use can tire u out (use your resources), so be careful.



Thank you @SilverZuzu


Thank you for your answer


it was too overclocked :slight_smile: sorry, joking :)


Could it be me who broke down lol

I often break down, but I know,

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I’m waiting for the effects, I don’t know how they are triggered
anyone have an idea?

Utilise ton intention, si tu veux tu peut lui commander Ă  voix haute pour faciliter le processus.

Ton serviteur va comprendre (celui qui a reçu la compétence)


ok merci je te tiens au courant
je vais rejouer l’audio , peut etre que j’ai rater un truc,

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I really said there would be good surprises

if you want to run everywhere try it, but don’t eat too much
I take it off because it gets so strong
my speed has really increased, and everything is fast


Man i love to see you enjoying it and realizing the potentials.
I remember when you first came here also.
I am glad to see how much you have settled in and grown

Mec, j’aime te voir en profiter et réaliser ton potentiel.
Je me souviens également de votre arrivée ici pour la première fois.
Je suis heureux de voir à quel point vous vous êtes installé sur le forum et avez grandi


that’s nice of you
and it’s all thanks to you
and I am grateful to you