Overweight, eating too much and depression

Hi! I wanted to ask for advice what i can listen to. I purchased weight loss combo, but also have social anxiety with high authority people like my boss…

And this frequency makes my anxiety worst, because i saw that my palms get wet from it, i get this “hot sensation” in all my body and cant see the difference from weight loss combo and my social anxiety. Same symptoms. :woman_shrugging:

I really want to lose weight, because my social anxiety comes from this overweight stuff, insecurity, like i am not enough.

My business failed two years ago, we end with my boyfriend who was narcissist and my confidence now is below zero.

I feel stuck, like i cant get out from this. Tried to think positive and this kind of stuff, but…

I feel the food i am eating play huge role in my mood and change my body chemistry to feel bad and sluggish, but… Its like some circle i cant leave.

Bad mood > food > more bad food… More bad mood and lazyness…

I really need some help and advices. I cant live like that anyone… I mean… Now i don’t live, because of this crap. :pleading_face:


read that first, after that I am pretty sure other Members will help you out

Well, in addition to all the audios ppl will be suggesting i want to give you an outside tip. Really good one.

Soak oats at night, wash them with pure water in the morning and then you can choose to cook them and add some milk and honey or whatever you use, and a banana, eat it as breakfast or blended it all and then drink it.
Or the best way is to just add pure water again after washing them in the morning and just have it like that with a spoon.
Oats not only help you in losing weight by giving you a full sensation, but also helps with going to the bathroom at least twice a day and its great to give you a boost of energy and a feeling of greatness, the banana would do the same. So you dont end up ‘eating your emotions’ while it actually physically helps you too.


Hi @Aria, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you’re struggling with this. Here are a few ideas in addition to the article in @anon48416969’s post.

Perhaps try Sapien’s Overcome Any Addiction, Stop Procrastinating or Unstoppable Willpower fields for this.

Become Whole, the Mental Health album and the Alchemy of Love album may be a good starting point to help with all of this, and may have a positive impact on your physical body and weight loss as well. Unconditional love can do a lot for physical healing as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

The description of Sapien’s Alchemy of Love album is on the forum here, or here on the Sapien website: Energetic Alchemy Field Descriptions

Here are the fields within the Mental Health album:

Here’s the description of Self Love and Acceptance:

I would like to introduce to you a new perspective on healing here, that could have profound mental and physical effects.

Have you considered working with your own mind/body/spirit connection?

I remember a story in my youth about a lady who was losing her eyesight.

The healer did small general question interview with her,

a lot of the statements she made includes the term “I can’t see”

“I dont like seeing” for example, I dont like seeing how the world is becoming.

It become apparent the lady was creating a mental state in which her own subconscious was responding to by ‘removing her sight’.

With this in mind, let us rather create a loving environment of acceptance to all of the parts that make us up.

Literally communicate with the intelligences in our cells to create rapid healing.

The first step in this i think, is to love your being, fill yourself with that unconditional love and appreciation.

Directly from yourself.

The audio that follows after (is energetically programmed) will help create and induce that in your body, your being will be guided to saturate all your

internal organs, bones and energy system with your own love, while trying to dissolve some of the limitations that may reduce that.

Perhaps see how you go with individual weight loss related fields if you find the Weight Loss Combo field uncomfortable in particular.

Many people have found listening to the individual fields within the combo more effective for them than the Weight Loss Combo field.

You may wish to try the Intense Weight Loss Regimen playlist and the fields in this thread:


Guys, you are awesome. Thank you so much. :heart:
I will start with changes from today and will remember that my ego don’t love to change, so i can be prepared to this.


How many times i can listen subconsciousness field? Can i loop them overnight?

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you could, wont recommend, but its your choice really, the other option would be buying

which you can wear 24/7

oh and 2 times a day is enough, at best in the morning before using any other field

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Sapien has a mental album on Patreon, I guess is on Youtube too.
It includes audios for anxiety and depression.

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Thanks for all advices. Yeah, i will try first to make my emotions better.

I follow the links you posted for videos and also use from yesterday Quadible new formula for multiple frequency + 7-8 Sapien’s videos.

Feel a lot more better. :heart:


15 days i am listening to sapien’s fields and i feel a lot more better mentally and emotional.
Thanks all for suggestions and support! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

When i go out of the house i use:

  1. Atmospheric Vibration Riser Ver2.0
  2. Environmental Energy Accumulator
  3. Sakura Blossoms (Featuring Kano)
  4. {GAME CHANGER!} ★Super Session Capacity Extender

And when i am home:

  1. Subconsciousness,
  2. Amygdala healing,
  3. Ego Dissolution,
  4. Self-confidence
  5. Trauma Release and Healing
  6. Self Love and Acceptance
  7. Become Whole
  8. {GAME CHANGER!} ★Super Session Capacity Extender

I think to stuck with this program for 1 or 2 months, to balance all my mental and emotional states and after that i will try with weight loss series.

One effect that i noticed is that i can talk free with people which is great. I stop overthinking what to say, why to say it… and look like dumbass lol.


buy subconsciousnes limit remover tag :D


and a tree for 1$ :D


Broke my heart, “Aria” I don’t know you but NO one should invoke that sort of power over you.


Woot! Didn’t see this till after my previous reply! Glad you’re better!!


@Aria print put also emphatic shielding mandala. It will help alot too, so other people emotions doesnt bother u


I will get it when i get salary :smiley: its amazing.


Thanks, will do it. I am type of person “yes to everything” :smiley: and will stop to do this to myself.


:+1: :two_hearts: :100: :dizzy: