Paranormal Youtube Channels

Any Youtube channels you feel belong at home inside of The Rabbit Hole.

Primarily, we can share such channels with others here.

Also, feel free to point out any specific video from any such channel that you can relate to or that especially caused you to ponder life. If it’s just something you want to talk about.

I’ll start with this one I feel definitely belongs here. The whole channel does, but here is just one video from it and you can go further into this channel if you want.

That video expired so here’s the channel.

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You can look up Lazy Masquerade, used to be a really great paranormal channel with stories from glitch in the matrix, humanoid creatures, demons etc. but sadly now it is all about crime and only crime. I still listen to the old videos narrated again and again.

If you want to look for paranormal clips from very legit to fake ones Nukes Top 5 is the best on the YouTube, hands down!


Loved Hellier, wish there was another season!


Somehow I forgot about this Thread.

Although not a YouTube video (maybe the uploader has it on his YouTube channel too, idk), this ones very interesting:

A woman whose grandma died, was hearing her calling her and she decided to film whatever was happening on camera, to prove thst she’s not crazy (mostly to her family).

Through the keyhole you can see grandma’s face and if you turn the volume to the max, you can hear her calling her grandchild.