Past lives / chakras

so in a group i was asking about chakras strengthening , and one person said “past lives can be stuck in them and if you don’t address these then you are only addressing the surface stuff”. If this the case what to do then
same can be applied to morphic fields too then?

You are born with an energy body and chakras, they are tied directly to the physical and only the crown chakra is related to your soul/higher self.

So when you die, your energy body and chakras die too, each new “vessel” of your soul has a fresh set of chakras.

So don’t worry brah, some medieval dude or girl isn’t stuck in your chakras ;DD


ahhh thats good to know, my hands are full enough already, dont need more baggage t_t
thanks bro

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but then\ whats the deal with people remembering past lives and all . Crown chakra hm

The soul remembers…

WHY I WONDER, because they were more IN TOUCH WITH THINGS their past lives ?

why people remember i mean, cause only some remember right

idk, by that logic i imagine there would be lot more, asdaasdadsad

Who says its past life…?

When people do past life regressions most of them were either kings, princesses or some medieval lord or great sorcerer, or even worse, they are alien races who are here to save humanity, fkin LOL.

The truth is that they were probably some 12th century horse or peasant, very rarely a person of “higher status”, but their ego will never accept that.

Your soul has acess to your genetic memory aswell, so depending on circumstances your soul could “activate” some traits of one of your ancestors in you, depending on who you are meant to be etc, and you could confuse it with past life.


ahhh, yeah EGO MAN , very tricky ,i too have been trying to be less egoic ,hard sometimes , especially with the little things … been reflecting those little things , can one really be WITH NO EGO THO.
I see I see. Hope I dont active those incase they re some bad ones

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Hahaha exactly.
As a matter of fact not even the crown chakra.
Its the 9th that has all the past memories. The akashic records


How would you be able to access akashic records? Any systematic approach to it? Any books /references maybe? I have had really intense emotions while searching about Atlantis, watching movies, reading books. I really want to know if I am just having illusions or I really was there.


Yes, that one is indeed awesome also for traveling into any kind of “records”.


@ashgrrr if you are able to travel but the majority of people me included imo cant atm and have to put some work in meditating growing their energy system and cultivating the right neuronal pathways. If you cant sit down and meditate in deeper states or have natural esp dont think you can easily access dimensions beyond the physical.
What i mean is dont expect instant results when you are not yet sensetive. The cool thing is from what i gathered through experience is you can accelerate your growth in every which direction exponentially with all the great work of dreamweaver.
I suppose some of the work really helps to cut down time of lifetimes of work in the spiritual field but i have only seen the beginning of it. ( I have and use all the Soul restoration series the energy awakeing course VoC,VoD)
Not all of them daily but some plus more and i have seen big changes in the last month but also much down time because of the intensity of it(ego fighting back etc).(@_OM also trying to get some breaks in not to overwork myself)
Interested as always in diffrent opinions experiences suggetions and realities.
Much of whatever you want to have in your life Baya


You need an atunement

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