Path to abilities

YES, the Vibration of Creation audio is better suited to energy detection than the IPF tag.


I’m not sure which I would choose if you can only choose one of the two fields. I might choose Vibration of Creation as @Takyon said, but I’m already energy sensitive, and IPF could help develop the awareness and neural networks needed to recognise energies.

If your goal is to develop energy sensitivity, perhaps it would also be helpful to do something that strengthens your energy body and energy flow such as using the chakra fields and Internal Alchemy series.

Sam from the Sapien team also recommended the New Energy Ways system.


I am energy sensitive, but it is not there on command. It would be nice if my ability to sense was stronger and more easily accessible. Thanks, for the help! I will look into the Internal Alchemy series and the book.

Some days I can communicate telepathically and control energy within my body and other days I can’t.


For energy detection, there is the sapien card system on his instagram:

For telepathy and empathy, there are:

To use the sapien cards, you must first use the harmonization card first (once), if this has not already been done, so that the subconcient knows exactly how to work with the cards and their energies:

you can read the descriptions and comments, experience it for yourself, and see what is most difficult for you [feeling the subtle energy or thinking it conceptual (for example to use that only as a psychic ability)]. After that, it may be easier for you to choose a tool that can help you where you have the most difficulty. Good luck.


I will try what you said and see which is most difficult for me and then decide. Thanks!

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Then that means the base is already there and your nerve cluster is developed enough you just lack practice it seems. Focus where you feel the sensations in your brain when everything works. Use the cards like energy expansion and feel where it works in your brain or the animal telepathy. You just need to focus a bit on these parts and then you’ll be able to always use these abilities naturally.

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Two of the exercises I did and felt so much controlled energy in my body that I was unable to sleep at night. It was controlled enough that I could direct energy, but not shut it off. At some point it felt like my body was vibrating. It helped a lot.

I am not able to tell where the energy originates when all this starts. Will the card help me feel a sensation in my brain when all this starts working? Is this something you can do?

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First you start to feel where the card works in your brain then you remember that place and put your focus on there if you look at something while focusing on that part you’ll automatically pick the energy up. You’ll also be able to feel your surroundings if you hold your focus on that place. After some time you’ll develope that nerve cluster enough so that it’ll be a natural state of being and you don’t really have to focus that much anymore.


Thanks, I will work on this and see how it turns out.

Every month (possibly weekly in the future) Associative Remote Viewing be offering a Cash Contest to the Top 3 Best Viewers. For their first contest, they’ll be doing a simple Unitary Remove Viewing (targeting only one image) where the Top 3 Viewers receive the following prizes:

Grand Prize

$3,000 USD in BTC Immediately after the Contest.


$1,500 USD in BTC Immediately after the Contest.

3rd place

$1,000 USD in BTC Immediately after the Contest.

i just contact them for coming contest, in which they replied ‘’ Probably next month :) ‘’


So is this like the new CIA recruitment strategy? :joy:


maybe lol i don’t know really i just want to share for general member benefit, but that doesn’t mean i didn’t think about the same.

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Lol had the same idea. The top 3 viewers will get a live experience of the “FBI open up” meme


i don’t think CIA will still use remote viewing as source of information, now satellite can do more, but maybe seeing inside facilities which require astral projection.

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I can’t say that I understand much of these concepts or fields/branches of Science mentioned here or in other related topics, but I’m learning, little by little (that’s the good news, even those of us with little knowledge can learn and improve). :slightly_smiling_face:
I will have to start again with base/basic Chemistry and Physics, Biology, Anatomy, etc. and from there go further 

And besides these “material” sciences, I will have to study about Energy and “alternative medicine”, to finally be able to understand more advanced subjects and information 

The good news is that there are so many places to learn nowadays (including this very useful forum), that all I need is the will to do it 

Anyway, to say something relevant to the topic, I can’t wait to improve my abilities and of course, to pass them on, to my children, someday and if I will master healing abilities, I’ll use them also, for the good of others (I’m not caught in the idea that I need to be a savior, I don’t, since each person can help himself/herself, but If I can contribute with my power or knowledge to improve other peoples’ lives <?> -Sure!).

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