Imaginarium Divine (Patreon)

Let’s tune down the bromance a notch lol
But thanks :pray:





Don’t overestimate me, I’m just a simple dude talking online. You wouldn’t look at me twice in real life.

Congratulations for the voice, it will lead you far if you listen to it.


Ummm, what if he’s leading me to the abyss in his saying…:thinking::thinking::thinking:


How many times a day at max? Can we listen to it the entire day?

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24 times a day at max.

(But seriously, whatever you can handle and gives you the results you’re wanting. In the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) Sammy makes a point that, with fields longer than 10 minutes [as this field is], we don’t need to listen to them more than once. The 10 minutes is enough for our energy systems to absorb the energy and information of those longer fields. There’s nothing “wrong” if we want to listen to those fields more than once. But we don’t need to.)



So I’m giving this one some effort, listening once or twice per day.

Kept getting one question the whole time.

“Who are you being right now?”

Today, listened to it again and watching my patterns of thought. Attempting to refrain from judgment while I do this.

I’m excited for when I figure out how to effectively move past these patterns as they seem very old and ingrained - though I know not to rush anything. Just let it unfold.

Really grateful for the opportunity, here. If you’re feeling a bit stuck in your journey, I think this is a really good audio to get your introspection flow moving.


Oooo, and doesn’t that lead you down a wonderful thought trail:

  • Who do I want to be right now?
  • In what ways, can I be more of who I want to be right now without anything around me changing first? (Maybe it’s just a change of posture or in the way you’re breathing or a simple smile on your face…)

Hell yeah it does


:mechanical_arm: :+1:


Lol Kinda interesting to read this beacuse in Islam they believe that god goes to the lowest heaven at that time to listen to prayers. But overall god answers prayers whenever. Just thought that poped in my head while reading your comment.

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This may not work so well for everyone but you may also hear Reponses ‘inside’ your head rather than physical sound.

I totally forgot about the description even though I had this in my stack every day… no wonder I occasionally get some kind of ‘correct response’ in my head when talking to people. :joy:

It’s pretty different from thinking thoughts because the response just flashes through and it’s gone. :thinking: :thinking:


Free version of conceptual realization :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I love how this audio heightened my clairvoyant. But it’s so damn long :sweat_smile:




perfect length to play at night, though :wink:


Could you explain in more detail?

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Detail about what? You mean the clairvoyant part? If that’s what you mean by that.

My ability get way stronger to the point I can even smell it.

Talking to people for few minutes and get the whole picture of what they been doing. Without me needing to close my eyes. Yes I have to close my eyes when I use my ability to see the subconscious images projected at me. Which take me few minutes when I don’t listen to this.

If I keep listening to this. My ability get too vivid that I just don’t want to get more with people in general. Because the information I get is hurting me.

But of course everyone is different. You might listen to this and get nothing but you can hear more strongly. That depending on your natural born ability I think.


Have you ever had the feeling of having a prompter inside your head?
Like saying answers inside the head, expanded insights and sometimes knowing the outcome in advance and easily predicting various situations.


All the time and it’s my higher self.

I’m very close to Angelic beings. But they’re not usually talking to me directly. They speak to me through numbers and flash of lights. Sometime it can be very physical. But it’s rarely happens only when it’s something big happen they always influence my gut feeling strongly.

Predicting outcome yes. I have lot of it happening