Imaginarium Divine (Patreon)

Manifestation Skill Improvement?

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Oh. My manifestations always on top notch tbh even when I have so much blockages :joy::sweat_smile:

I donā€™t do anything with it I just simply use cone of power and all I know my manifestations keep coming


So you can do without the Solidifier ā€¦

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I canā€™t really say about solidifer since I donā€™t own it but ya. Perhaps

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neither do I, that field is still a mystery to me


Btw I did simple reading about wealth from @anon25711007 and she is quite good in it. She helped me how can I get the situation to overcome my financial problems and she was pretty accurate on my current habits


It seems that since I resumed attending the forum, the insights and benefits from this field have expanded.


She ;)


Ohh I didnā€™t knewšŸ˜…

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Hereā€™s a little something interesting. Seems like it pointed me to a great helper (among other interesting stuff)


I used this field for 2 weeks last month then I stopped because nothing at all was happening, three days ago my head started talking to me out of nowhere and was speaking my name, like it was a part of myself.

Got my notebook and wrote down everything. ā€œDo this, Donā€™t do that, if you do this you will feel this so stop doing this, if you wanna do this then itā€™s the wrong wayā€

and finally the best one

ā€œif you want to stop being stupid then stop being stupidā€

Damn. The interesting part was that it was like my right hemisphere was talking to me independantly.

And the best action was to predict the future but not confortable to share here.

To be honest I am not taking the steps and the voice subsides if I start doing the things it comes back. Seems that to get to a direction you must first follow it and then you start hearing your higher self, if not then it will not tell you something to do.

And another thing to add, higher self in my thoughts was like someone who has all the wisdom in reality I didnā€™t receive that, but in a sense he knows how to talk to you, so I knew it was something higher but at the same time he knew I wouldnā€™t reciprocate so it was talking like I was a higher up. Really smart guy.


This sentence is really beautiful, you really got to the core, congratulations.


Really? Nice to have a confirmation about this. Trying to have subconscious communication with myself and higher self communication is something I try to have for years if I remember correctly for four years because I saw a meditation on YouTube.


I am not currently listening to it, but as I wrote above, since I started to frequent this forum, the connection with the HS seems to have increased; the strange fact is that I am not listening to this field, but I have all the effects of a traditional listening.


Do u find it like ur thinking 2 thoughts at a time it is like somone talking to u.

I canā€™t imagine this not confusing me


no itā€™s a really different speech, not visual but audible not at all confusing the opposite thing really. No imagination and no focus can cover it nor penetrate it when in action. An unstoppable and inevitable back and forth maybe that all we have sometime in our lives as I understood.

Something bothering you and you dont know what it is? maybe a dream reveal it, it feels the same. Something out of place but you donā€™t know what? the ā€œahaā€ moment in the millisecond is something, but the process to the aha moment is the back and forth between many different versions, you now, you before, you after sometime,higher self,knowledge not consiously avaible. Sometimes to see your future you must remember it backwards.

Damn I really like to talk about it maybe I will go all day with the field and the back and forth you get is really nice,comfortable and so on. Really happy to have that experience.Even failing to have it before seems worth now.

nice man, to have that as a default is really good because my experience is totally perfect. Maybe exchange ideas in the future to go further.


Nice, same here


Ayeeee. Nice i love it I am not alone

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No your not crazy :joy::rofl:


Maybe weā€™re both crazy lol


Literally was crossing my mind as to whether I should listen to this now and then immediately scroll to this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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