Imaginarium Divine (Patreon)

Just discovered this hidden gem last week and the last few days this song has been playing non stop in my head more specifically this particular verse.

I’ve been trying to ignore it but my brain won’t let up & I feel my subconscious is trying to tell me something lol.
I have been single my whole life and never really desired a relationship cause I feel more comfortable on my own but now I am thinking it’s because of resistance towards intimate affection. I have never really liked anyone touching me not even my parents and when I give hugs it’s one of those one arm hugs lol. I honestly never questioned that I had a problem with intimacy cause it’s never really been an issue for me without it. This audio has been like a guidance counselor for me showing me exactly what I need and learning more about my self gonna be spamming this daily for more guidance.




Based off what the description implies would this in a way speed up the results obtained from the mind settings album? Since those audios reprogram your subconscious mind directly?

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I’m smiling with tears in my eyes while writing this. This is so, so important, deep, transformative. I never had such fast and profound results from a field until now. Everything seems upgraded: my energy system, my mindfulness, my working memory, the insights I get. I’m writing this review because I heard a voice telling me to do it, because it’s too important.
These are the benefits I got with less then a month of nightly listening:

  • Increased energy sensitivity; I can feel the fields energy better, they seem alive and “organic”

  • Increased mindfulness; I’m more grounded, less distracted, I appreciate life and the present moment so much more. Meditation practice is so easy now…

  • Increased working memory; I recall more informations from the past, even distant memories from childhood. These are not just random thoughts or images, but pieces of the bigger picture.

  • Increased insights from my higher self. Sometimes, I just know what I have to do, what fields I have to listen in that specific moment, what to say to touch and positively influence others. I’m finally realizing I HAVE to help the people around me. This guidance is gentle but I would also call it “severe”.

And I KNOW this is just scratching the surface of this field’s potential…

P.S: enhanced visual processing before this= wild, wild dream ride :wink:


Are you looping it the entire night?

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I started with once and worked my way up to 3 times according to what I feel.
My night stack is:

1x Ego dissolution
3x Imaginarium Divine
3x Abundance mindset

Depending on the day, I may or not add something else. Enhanced visual processing while getting ready to go to bed since the music would probably wake me up during the night.


This is very good.
Few focuses friends, and all on point!


Let’s see what imaginarium divine will give me again.


When I use this. It give me that voice. Im clairvoyant and I don’t like hearing. Very weird to me. But I guess if your natural ability is Clairaudience it’s enhancing it more.



Mostly an empath so feeling is amplified… Will all what that means…


I have that voice of reason always trying to help. This field making it strong and more clear.


Thank you Matteo, for writing and sharing this. Feel a little more oriented in a very good way.


Im little bit clairvoyant but i don’t know why would the voice would annoy me.

There is a difference in hearing that voice the inner voice is merely higher self

The outside voice are ancestors, entities.

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how do you differentiate?

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Ancestors and entities You hear them from outside (inside your ears) like someone whispers softly in your ear.

The higher self is mental voice but different than thoughts

Because thoughts are vague, voice is precise


Im not used to hearing. Usually when I hear it’s something really big gonna happen. Like a person dead or disaster. And I hate it so bad. When I hear this field. I can hear more often but my clairvoyant is somewhat not as sharp as always. And more of the hearing itself which I don’t like it at all. But I’m pretty sure you like it anyway.


Glad this gets bumped regularly. Still one of the top 3 best fields Dream has ever made imo


I’m not sure why but every time I listen to this audio it feels like I’ve been listening to a long time but I look at how much time has gone on the audio and it seems to be stuck around the same time stamp when checking multiple times. Either I’m just paranoid or my perception of time has really slowed down. Either way I’m kind of freaked.


I’ve been listening to this and higher self connection for a month. I’m unsure if I should just listen to higher self connection until I’ve made the connection when listen to this to strengthen it. Or I might just be impatient lol

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Gave this a good full hour meditation yesterday. It was very trippy.

Reminds me a bit of an intercession with Raziel, albeit, this seems like something a bit more stable and easier to accentuate.

As for the scent, for me it was like Cedar Trees.


lol i was reading along this thread while listening to this and felt the same sensation at the exact time i read this…right around the 26 minute part of the audio…

i still feel the sensation…like a cool breeze around my head…this feels amazing…feeling like my brain and spirit is getting upgraded…like the subtle movements i make with my head feels different (my eyes, my eyebrows, my breath)…feels like my brain is swimming in plasma…even more than the plasma light bio active beach

lol makes me feel like that movie look who’s talking when mikey was in the womb while chistey alley’s character took some drugs and mikey was tripping out waving his hand in front of him saying he’s feeling cosmic loll…