Please help. How to undo/reverse/negate physical changes from YT video (concerning penis)?

Try out Morpheus Fields “flush” field. It’s made specifically for cases like this. Try it out and let us know if it helped with your situation.

Thank you. This is simple, clear, and generally helpful.

Personally, ego dissolution has been long overdue (and it had been under my nose!). I’ve been overthinking and identifying more with worry. In particular, this helped with some insecurities, and becoming more open to paths forward.

An example, is being more receptive to positive view points, and then being clearer on how/what to change.

Thank you. I tried that.

This was probably the most helpful and to the point. There was a longer narrative of a person describing their experience, and views. Some of that created conflict and concern. Helpful to invite input, and learning for newer people discovering this world.

The post from SammyG and Marjan (and quoted Captain) really “hit the nails on the head” for me.

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Really love this. And thank you.

Learning to merge and identify more with one’s true nature, Soul, seems like a lot. Like its a “higher” path that could apply to anyone; and the journey there, seems like ‘the’ journey. Well, that’s how it appears to me. While this may have been communicated to anyone, I feel that the message timing and guidance is apt. Thank you for the direction, and external validation.

“Express what you do want” is also personally key. With being more intentional and conscientious of what that means.

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Thank you for the input

Yeah, I was embarrassed about that line.

Thank you for your suggestion.

The image works right away. Intuitively though, it didn’t and doesn’t seem right for me personally.

I looked at it for less than 10 seconds. From what I could tell it had a similar effect to the aura cleanser from Dream Seed’s, in that it can negate recent fields/subs fairly quickly. I’m not sure about all previous fields from weeks, months, years past, and am also somewhat hesitant to try. I don’t know how long a morphic field/sub varies in staying with a person.

From what I understand, if a physical change already happened as a result of a listened morphic field, how long will that result stay with a person before it becomes more permanent (even after the field is removed)? I guess the more important question for someone navigating this world is, to ask that question for one self, and gain that awareness.

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Thank you for the suggestion.

I tried it. I think after using aura cleaner, ego dissolution from Dreamseed, it seemed to have less of an effect (which may have been different if I hadn’t tried those two?).

Personally, I didn’t really resonate with the creator Morpheus after reading the description. Which led me to consider whether someone’s work resonates or not (before viewing) and then to staying with one creator at a time (versus dabbling and mixing energies).


I think where I’m at right now is first, accepting that the physical changes already happened.

Thankfully I used the aura cleaner a few hours after the viewing to stop further changes. The ego dissolution was also helpful, in at least for my mind and emotions. So the impetus for the change has stopped. The change happened though.

From the video description I’m thankful to at least know the (long) list of the specific biological and chemical changes. I would then need to learn how to energetically work to reduce/undo these changes, and possibly ask for guidance along the way.

My main concern now, is the amount of blood flow that is being directed toward down there, as a result of the physical changes communicating that need to sustain. I don’t necessarily have arousal, but am aware of the greater increase in directed energy. From the pulsing, I also feel a greater sensitivity with my physical heart and the increased strain. How can I learn to bring ease and rest to my heart?

Another potential concern are the chemicals involved. I don’t have much awareness for these physical changes or what areas in my body in particular, or as a whole system, they may be affecting. I guess I would have to study the chemicals, or ask for someone to energetically work with them.

Thank you again.


All will be good :slightly_smiling_face:

Some grounding and the feelings will pass soon.

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Your mind is far stronger than this!

If you’d like, I could arrange a talk with my coach, helping you with the right mindset, and breathwork to help /ease the shift in mindset. DM then.

In our higher mind we can manipulate our cells at atom level, and there are hacks to getting into that higher mind, breath being a very direct one.

(I felt one with the Universe, within 10min, last time my coach walked me through one specific breath. Powerful place to direct your mind, and body… change doesn’t have to be permanent now, does it? :grin::thinking:

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Thank you for the offer and encouragement.

Mindset and breathwork will be helpful I believe. They usually seem like great areas to create further awareness and practice with.

Higher mind and manipulating cells…I kind of get the impression this is the way to go. Though I also have some fear/caution in how to do this consciously, with the intentions align with my physical well being. I’ll DM you.

At this point, this issue has become a high priority; I’m aiming to learn and realize resolution.

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Blueprint, in my opinion

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Which Blueprint? I noticed there are several.
I searched The Blueprint of Life: New Release but got “Hmm… Looks like you don’t have access to this page” from teespring, when attempting to access it.

Thanks for the input.

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Was listening to the sample…blown away, words can’t describe. To express something though: Beautiful, positive, loving, light.

Thank you


Last Update. Summary. Concluding remarks.

Issue being resolved!

So based on my experience here, I want to start off with what to possibly do if there are undesirable/adverse physical changes from a field/sub, with a noticeably strong mental/emotional response. [for anyone reading here with that query in mind]

Energy Body/Aura Cleaner, “flush” (for subs), mandala - Helps to remove the energy field, and (subconscious) mind work. This will stop any furthering of change from those sources. Thank you Happyyear123 and Pinnacle for this input.

Ego Dissolution - Helped me with my initial fears and worries. Though I want to acknowledge that those emotions were a good response at the time…to really feel them and understand why. Also helped with being less egotistical (of course!) and in my head. Thank you again Owl.

Grounding - I did this outside, barefoot next to large tree. Dream Seeds has a video for automating it too. Grounding is just good in general as a practice. Thank you Sniping Tour for the reminder here.

Breathing deeply and fully - The last few days were really difficult with my heart and circulation. Yesterday I could start to feet strain on my kidneys as well. Resting my hands on the areas of distress, breathing fully/deeply really helped. I alternated between fast and slow, being intuitive with it. My heart was able to slow down and be more at ease. Thank you for the reminder, point of attention, Ananda.

Instructions for Pranayama and the ‘belly breathing trainer’ later on also really helped overall. Good daily practices.

Prayer, intentionally asking for help, guidance, intercession - I can’t really fathom this. I just have a lot gratitude, love, and awe for benevolent beings, and kind acts.

And what sealed the deal, The Blueprint of Life - So beautiful. I’m incredibly humbled by this creation, and barely have a glimpse of what’s going on,… or even the process of life experienced that led to it’s creation, and then even how to do so. Thank you Dreamweaver, for this, bringing us here in the forum, and for so much more.
Thank you TF_CAD and otm for your input and directing of attention.

With The Blueprint of Life I feel and notice the physical changes. Even changes that occurred accidentally from a year ago, but especially with the issue that began this thread. I also noticed so much more, and am aware of how little I’m currently able to see. I’ll need to continue listening, and meditating with, for the physical stuff to be more fully resolved. But I can also imagine spending so much time and doing so much with this field.

Bonus, I went through the Soul Restoration Series - Oh my goodness. They didn’t directly help with the issue but helped tremendously with states of being, and so much more.

Ok, that’s it. I learned a lot within this forum. I’m incredibly thankful for you, and the fact that a resolution seem to come so quickly. Also I’m thankful for depths of personal experience, and the actions of conscientious change that took place.

Not necessarily the post of how I wanted to enter this forum, but that’s how it happened. Looking forward to mutual and healthy interactions!


Absolutely yes, this is one of the fundamental fields to get rid of what you have heard. As a last suggestion, in my opinion, you could listen, sparingly, this field as well.

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Thank you, kind of got a three in one with that link. That mental mandala was also quite timely.

I was reading posts on that field…wow, currently I can only imagine.

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Really great to hear this forum is helping you so much!

“Prayer, intentionally asking for help, guidance, intercession - I can’t really fathom this. I just have a lot gratitude, love, and awe for benevolent beings, and kind acts.”

That part sounds so familiar to me! All of it.
What helps me, then, is to be aware that without me asking, all kinds of energy beings around us aren’t allowed to help. Ask, and it shall be given…

Same when I heard my uncle is doing poorly, at 73 years old. I only just shifted my mindset from There-Is-More, Mother Nature and the Universe, to that is God, and using his name, seeing the creator behind it all.
Prayer, not quite there yet… but I do work with Reiki and so my coach combined the idea: visualizing golden and white light to help my uncle heal and feel better. :pray:❤‍🔥

Hope this helps, in overall life :slightly_smiling_face: