Peach Springs: Testimonial Thread

The Peach Springs is a project that aims to provide a safety shelter for you and your family and friends in turbulent times.

It’s a beautiful, serene, peaceful and utopia like place. This place is a dream land. Everyone has his or her dream land that provides safety and happiness in its simplest form. Let this work gradually shift you away from the exciting but sometimes disturbing and draining world. Regain your inner peace. Eventually, this inner peace of you will manifest into outer peace around you and your loved ones. Your dream will become reality in the right time.


War just hits. It’s part of human history. Sadly but inevitable, at least for now. Of course we can and should fight for our freedom and integrity. But many of us also have a family, childrens, beloved ones and good friends. We want to protect them in a safe and abundant place. And also, even the most courageous and brave need time to rest, replenish and fully recover in a serene, undisturbed environment to prepare for challenges of the future.

Here I present The Peach Blossom Spring. It is based on a famous chinese literature text Taohuayuanji (桃花源記), authored by celebrated pastoral poet Tao Yuanming (365-427 CE). The text is short, and it has several English translations. Read it and visualize it to manifest your peach blossom spring into reality.

  1. Portal to The Peach Blossom Spring
  • Erasing PTSD from war experience or other serious traumas
  • Time perception is slowed when you are in The Peach Blossom Spring, to make your physical and mental healing process more efficient
  • Cut off from turbulent, cruel and violent energies and informations of outside world
  • Nourishment in all aspects
  • An emergency shelter
  • Regain your innocence
  1. Manifest your own Peach Blossom Spring
  • Have farmlands in fertile lands with clear streams
  • Have a property in countryside
  • Expert in farming, hunting, fishing and foraging
  • Self-sufficient and prosperous
  • No poverty
  • Hosting hearty feasts and have great guests
  • Great friends are your neighbors
  • Hospitality
  • Small, tightly connected community
  • Deliberately ignore politics and wars
  • Simple yet abundant life
  1. Protect and prosper in Peach Blossom Spring
  • Your place is insular to politics and war
  • Have a huge family, only if you want
  • Your family and lineage can survive and prosper for centuries in here
  • Self-sufficient in every aspect for centuries
  • Uncontaminated soil, water, and air for centuries
  • Outsiders are unaware of the existence of your place
  • Your place eludes unwanted visitors and invasions
  1. Peaches
  • Ward off evil spirits
  • Brings romantic relationships
  • Brings ideal spouse
  • Exciting sex life
  • Enjoy peaches, and this brings you longevity

I think Dream may have added something that I am not aware of yet. I welcome every owner of the Peach Springs to share his/her experiences with this creation. Cheers.


Congratulations on leading a community group for the 1st time, for following the inner push to take the chance.

Beautiful creation and i hope itll bring and expand cozy abundant safe lands every where. It will.


Beautiful! Took my breath away!


Wooow. Amazing artwork and project.

kimchisauerkraut :clap:


桃花源记 :yum:


Artwork belongs to Captain. I was also pleasantly surprised that it’s so vivid.






nice little story but too many traditional characters haha


It’s easy to find English translation anyway :slight_smile: I think the original text can help understand what this is about.


With bad news of recent strained world food supply and skyrocket food prices, I’m now trying to manifesting my Peach Spring faster and eating more peaches. :stuck_out_tongue:


I got this through a trade and just had peaches this week. Best peaches I have ever had. I hope to manifest the self sustaining paradise it represents.


I also want to mention that I have noticed that I feel untouched by the drama of the world since getting this. I had already had a measure of detachment beforehand, but now I feel grounded in an alternate reality.

Also bonus for me that is personal is that peaches was the native fruit of my first Animal Crossing village and that was the first taste of a type of “paradise” in my life. A place that felt comfy and safe that I could retreat to when exhausted by worldly duties. Now perhaps this seems less and less of a fantasy as time goes by.


It’s great to learn that the first immediate effect of this NFT is working on you. :grinning:

This is the portal to Peach Springs at work. It’s quite actually easy to enter it. Personally I got into there accidently. :joy:

According to Captain’s explanation, it will gradually grow. Unlike the portal and the unfazedness that’s immediate, the realization of your safe homeland will take time. Pieces by pieces, they will come into place.

I truly thank you for this wonderful feedback. I submitted this project not long after the war in Urkraine started. I felt this is a suitable project at the time. It’s truly my pleasure to see people benefit from this. :+1:


I just re read the thread of Sammy’s talking about connecting to nfts and servitors today. So I really wanted to put it into practice with peach springs.

I started with 1 min session of just looking and focusing on the picture. I felt the energy subtly kinda like a push pull flow from the pic to me. It was nice.

Then I just jumped to a 4 min session right after lol, and it was great I was like gleefully smiling and giggling couldn’t help it really. Energies of joy and happiness really come out strong with this one. As I’m writing this I still feel connected to those energies.

Hmm I like it, im glad I got it lol.


This is the first NFT I got a larger print of, like 12 inches long. When gazing at it, I can see waves coming out of it, or wavy mirage-like distortion of the space in front of it. Still feeling very peaceful in my home, despite stressful things happening around us, and the occasional domestic conflict seems to fizzle out quickly. I think it pushed me to get the Feng Shui audio too, which is now helping the manifestation concretely. I am surprised how much I like this one, and also want to try printing my other ones out large.

Peach Springs: Very underrated NFT.



Where is the link to buy this?

With love




You have to have a lookout for it in the buying/selling thread. Perhaps someone there will trade for it too, it’s possible.

Also, I think this was an NFT on venly, you can check out the marketplace of sapien med NFTs currently listed.

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All copies of this project was sold out, since it was in the venly/teespring days… You may seek this on the selling thread. Perhaps some owners would like to sell it. Good luck!