Pegasus: The Myth Reborn(Western Europe Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

Nice yes.

This describes it with the words i couldnt find :) because its exactly how it feels.



Oh i forgot to thank the Members of this group for having come up with this idea.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart :heart:



So, took me long enough, thatā€™s for sure lol

Some excerpts from my reviewā€¦:
"Witnessing him in action whilst in a slight meditative state was pure bliss."

Like a baby being born, except itā€™s an energetic powerhouse

Through pegasus, the spark of joy for meditation returned, and the benefits attributed to meditation are intensified generously

healing effects are like an amplified energy healing session combined with a spa

I simply have more energy at my disposal

My reviewā€¦:
pre-pegasus era

The first time I got truly excited about the Pegasus (aside from the designing process) was when we, in our little group, were meditating together on how it would look like, what it would be capable of doing, etc. I believe it was the cone of power playing in the background during the group meditation in order for us to channel our intentions.

It was breathtaking. It was as if interacting with a prototype whilst building it. The connection was fast and intense, oh and the group meditation only lasted for about 15 minutes. In such a short time I was able to glimpse into the realm of the Pegasus.

I asked him for a demonstration of some features. Felt like a beta tester for a game lol. Witnessing him in action whilst in a slight meditative state was pure bliss. From that moment on, I knew I couldnā€™t get enough of him.

release the pegasus

The excitement among group members was palpable. We couldnā€™t wait lol.
On the day of his ā€œbirthā€, we all experienced a kind of childlikeness, a curiosity for things to explore and an open playfulness. Like a baby being born, except itā€™s an energetic powerhouse! It was cool to witness, also simply magical. Our group was feeling coherently blissful. We were happy with our + captainā€™s creation. Respect Shifu :pray:

Getting intimateā€¦

Honestly it took me a while to get to know my Pegasus. I felt it was important not to rush this process, so I took it nice and slow. I started with simple tasks (he probably got bored with me lol). You knowā€¦ Better sleep for instance. Easier transition from waking to sleepy state, independent from the time of sleep to wake to refreshed no matter what. More vivid dreams, plus dreams so easy to interpret, even my silly mind can understand them (:joy: still Iā€™m posting in the dream thread).

Then I thought, alright, letā€™s put this up a notch. I require deeper meditation, quicker to reach into a meditative state. Easier access to subconscious mind, easier interaction with it through both emotion and thought. To be honest, the past couple months prior to pegasus I hadnā€™t been meditating much. Through pegasus, the spark of joy for meditation returned, and the benefits attributed to meditation are intensified generously.

The healing effects are like an amplified energy healing session combined with a spa. To be fair though, Iā€™m almost never really ill anyways, but I had this one instance in which I just felt so bad, physically, emotionally and mentally, and I thought damn man what do I do? So I did what I had to do, lay on the sofa, closed my eyes and instructed my little magical friend to help me harmonize my body and spirit please, so that I can function again.

Surprise surprise, about half an hour later, I open my eyes, headache is gone. Energy body feels as if itā€™s covered in some kind of gel (Pegasus healing gel? Lol). My mind is calm and Iā€™m ready to go. Wow!

applying Pegasus everywhere

So let the experimentations begin. Recently I was at my brotherā€™s again. He has one cat that never interacted with me much prior to pegasus, I never understood why. Well anyway, this same cat was literally staring at me like :eye::smiley_cat::eye:. It also just came to me and enjoying me petting her. Weird I thought. Or not so much since animals seem to be attuned to seeing these beings.

I also thoughtā€¦ Shouldnā€™t the Pegasus make you younger? Appearance wise, other group members confirmed this with me, I also felt it, but mostly in the brainā€¦I noticed I was able to easily memorize new vocabulary, sth I wouldā€™ve struggled with in the past (and wouldā€™ve found it too boring to do).

On the street, people seem to always make space for me (touchĆ©, this effect could be from certain tags Iā€™m wearing). Children and animals stare at me for a longer time. And I simply have more energy at my disposal it seems. If I take long walks, I can always activate a little turbo in the end, no matter if my legs are tired or not.

The other day I also visited some friends in the pub. Since itā€™s a pub, I thought, why not let the pegasus design a kind of loving protective sphere within my aura so that nothing bad can happen to me. It was amazing, waiters and waitresses are out of their way friendly to me, more so than to my friends (could be my imagination lol). It was a splendid evening that turned into the night, and I was literally walking back home at 4am and felt completely safe anywhere I went.

pegasus and beyond

I actually feel very very happy to have him constantly with me as my aid and guide. I try to use him for everything. Iā€™m actually still experimenting. I see him during meditations. I still havenā€™t fully grasped all the things he can do and Iā€™m honestly looking forward to finding out. What I really like about him is that he exudes a playfulness but immediately fierce and focused when assigned a task. Heā€™s a very balanced creature and honestly, I love him, plain and simple. Itā€™s an honour to have him.

Iā€™ll check through this thread a bit and see what I resonate with to make this review completeā€¦:

Yes! So true! I was in a stressful situation recently, and while I felt fearful, it wasnā€™t nearly as strong as I should be feeling.

This is interestingā€¦ Iā€™ve noticed in my purchases Iā€™m buying more of organic stuff, less plastic etc. I havenā€™t noticed until I just read it.

Correct! So cool I thought! My Pegasus actually learned sth from the Pegasus of a friend who, in turn, learned sth from another servitor. Wild!

Lol yeah :rofl: exactly my sentiment

100% agree with this, very beautifully phrased. People wonā€™t mess with me and will be friendly.

Ah thatā€™s interesting, Iā€™ve actually added weights recently and found it easy tooā€¦I thought itā€™s due to the workout fields though. Well maybe both because all the fields seem amplified with the Pegasus

I feel this is automated, but wouldnā€™t hurt to give the command again. I havenā€™t really tested this much though, will get to it soon.

Damn I havenā€™t tried that yet lol, sounds like the water charger, but in another way

Oh yes, you were finally ready to listen, and he sensed that and came through to you

Ah thatā€™s a fantastic idea to combine Schumann with Pegasus, havenā€™t thought of that yet!


This actually reminds me of our group meditations during the creation and design process. In one of them I saw him doing that and some kind of waves emanated from the impact, in ripple effects. Never quite understood what it meant until now. Alsoā€¦I recall in the same meditation, if thereā€™s danger, the Pegasus seems to have this skill to make himself look ridiculously larger, presumably to intimidate the danger. Though Iā€™m not quite sure.

Exactly. All of them

WOW! Wtf! ā€¦ Thatā€™sā€¦phewā€¦ Iā€™m rereading this a few times, sounds impeccable.

We love you :purple_heart:
Pegasus loves you too :purple_heart:

Well then finally wrote my reviewā€¦ Phew.
Hope you like it
Over and out



Hello everyone!

I though it was a good idea reignite this thread because lately and particularly today the Pegasus energy is very strong. Idk if it happens with all of you fellow owners but i had synchronicities and a more active presence regarding mine and my sisters one today. They are more communicative and so efficient and caring :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe itā€™s related to the Neptune/Jupiter conjunction that is exact todayā€¦ the energy is quite magic to say the least,

I had a confirmation of one task a attributed to my Pegasus some days ago that I had no way to verify if was accomplished as it was to help a person that i saw was in distress. I simply asked my Pegasus to help the person the best way according to what was possible. And today I few days after by coincidence I was able to hear that person speaking to a friend (just because I was near and it was audible) that the situation turns out to be nothing serious as per miracleā€¦ Note that I still have no idea about details, it was an impulse to help in the moment and very random.

Pegasus is so efficient and fast accomplishing tasks. He works so magicallyā€¦ Itā€™s a god like servitor. We are so honored to have him.


Has anyone been working with this part recently?
What would be the best way to go about asking Pegasus to do this? Iā€™m still a bit confused by it. Is it that we can ask to have our water infused with the energy of the Fountain of Life?


Try this:
ā€œPegasus (or name), infuse me with the Fountain of Life for XX minutes.ā€


Thanks @Bootcamp Iā€™ll try it out :ok_hand:t3:


Can somebody add me to the group?
I just bought pegasus.


Does anybody know how to get a high resolution pic of Pegasus NFT? Unlike Phantom wallet NFTpics, the ones on venly are very small

And there just download like any other picture.

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