What happened to Philip_Weiss…?
If you made a new acc pm me
What happened to Philip_Weiss…?
If you made a new acc pm me
He requested to have his account deleted a few days ago.
Too bad
Who could forget you?
wow can’t believe Philip deleted his account, oh man, I remember he, Roku and Atreides are/were ones of most knowledgeable members here from beginning this forum, and now we have lost such a valuable member… such a shame
He is really special and unique besides these two too… such a shame losing him really
My guess is hes dealing with some IRL shit and stopped all social media etc.
I agree.
He was like a jedi master in this forum
Philip, si tu nous lis : on aimait bien ton style incisif, sans compromis. Tu nous manques déjà :)
He really helped me a lot guiding me in the right direction of stacks when I joined this forum. Hope he’ll be alright
The last I heard from him he was asking Dreamweaver why we didn’t have a Planet track for the Earth.
I miss you man. Come back.
Maybe he used too much of some portal field😛
I had also deleted my account, but Samuel Gangster was able to restore it.
I think Phillips was upset over some arguments.
I hope he’s in Agartha right now. Or some other awesome place. Remember us Phillip.
Btw, he had bought the course before he deleted his account. So maybe he is only focusing on the course. So, that’s the reason.
He is a really great guy. Come back asshole.
You know that is not the reason
then he was upset over some arguments. That’s what I am sensing but I could be wrong.
I know and you know
Lol . Yeah.