Philosophical Thoughts

New Release: Echoes Of The Past

This was the audio for the discovering past lives, But now Its not being sold.

Its a big issue imo.
This is still taught in a pretty standardized way here.
I’m not saying that creativity gets suppressed; it is more like it is not exactly focused on either. But it can be, if the person chooses. Although in that case it is often that “impossible” choice - do we take our own chosen path and walk it, facing potential ridicule, even perhaps from family?

Remember the japanese three faces?
One face we show to the whole world. We wanna look good of course and mask potential weaknesses (Perceived weaknesses btw). In other words, we wanna look perfect for the world. Look at instagram, etc.

The second face is for family and close friends. We still wanna look good, but those special people in our life likely have seen us at low points and we don’t mind them knowing. In fact, we draw great strength and support from them.

The third face is the one we rarely or never show to the outside world. And that is the actual truest form we are (Source manifested as spirit).

What it is, in my opinion, some people have far less resistance in showing their spirit to the world. I am sure everybody has met some person, or knows someone, and they radiate something magnificient. It feels like they are truly themselves, the way they talk and walk. It is authentic, it is genuine, it is beautiful to witness.

And then for sure you also know that there are people whom you just instantly perceive, they are playing a role, an act of life, so to speak. They are in that role and the role is them. They have chosen it and walking it. It is still the spirit, but they are hiding more aspects of it.

And those trying to look so perfect to the outside world, they are hiding the spirit the most.

Back to your question - and I don’t like sentences with ‘should’ - we should never limit ourselves, but we still do it out of fear. It could be a variety of fears, but mostly it is simply not knowing who we truly are and what we are capable of.


100% agree with this.

most people are not aware of how unconscious our super-ego is (values/ideals from which we feel in debt/lack towards), so, there are no practical ways or measures to deal with it.

this leads people to chase ghosts for their entire lives, until some random event makes them reflect on those values (a random event that may never come).

most of our problems do not get fixed by getting what we want or achieving whatever idea of “success” got implanted by society/culture into us, but by de-constructing/discreating our actual self/ego, and by doing so, our desires change too, so, whatever idea of success you got from your culture will be gone, and your desire for it too, because part of your ego is gone too, the ego that was in lack and attached to those ideals/values.

it’s a never ending process.

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You probably should not focus on that.
It will most likely come naturally once You are “ready”
Learning it too soon could disrupt Your journey.


more on this stuff:

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I would like to share my 2 cents on it, but I thought it belongs to Philosophical Thoughts thread and didnt want to interrupt Sammy’s and Dr.Manhattan’s discussion, so here I go:
I would like to turn around what Sam said a bit, and say that (IMO) everything anyone experiences is real.
Especially with lucid dreams, perhaps also when one is very, very good at visualization(I have never got to that level, so I can’t confirm) when you are proficient at lucid dreams, then you eating a pizza in a lucid dream feels almost, if not exactly as it feels when you are eating a pizza IRL.
The experience can be almost identical, so from the “spirit” or consciouseness perspective ( wont go into definitions, I mean the part of us that reincarnates) it is as real, as if it was experienced in a physical plane.
If we incarnate to experience different things and learn from it, then LD can be a method of speedrunning this learning.
Think about it: no matter how much possibilities you have, there are still experiences you would have to reincarnate to experience.
Some of experiences would even be impossible to experience on earth, no matter how many times you incarnated here.
With lucid dreams you can experience many of such things, and there is no need to incarnate again for those specific experiences.
Of course, they wouldn’t be identical, but very, very similiar. Kind of like Conceptual Realizations field.

I also wanted to adress something from another of Sammy’s posts:

I realized that our definitions of perfection were quite different.
I think I understood how you see perfection and understanding that broadened my perspecitve a bit.
“Your” perfection is a moving one, right? Perfection that is constantly growing and changing.
Like a tree being perfect in every stage of its growth, or more precisely seed being perfect at being seed, sapling being perfect at being sapling etc.
“My” perfection was (now I have two, after understanding Your POV) an unchangfing one.
not moving and not growing.
Why? Because its already at the pinnacle of growth, its already as evolved as it could get. Its already “The highest” so any change in it would mean its no longer perfect.
Using the tree analogy, it would be the moment of tree’s exsitence when its most developed, but not “old” yet.
Its age isn’t doing it “harm”, its neither too young or too old.
And to adress what You said about heaven:
Eternity in perfection couldn’t be boring right?
Boredom isn’t perfect.
Praying to God and all of this stuff aside, of course. It would bore me too :smiley:
I wish I could exist in this unmoving perfection though :stuck_out_tongue:
That I would’t need to “change” anything.
To not have to perform any action or “growth”.Maybe thats the extense of my laziness lol.
Also, if it was perfect, where did the need to expand and grow came from?
How is even growth and expansion possible, when initial state is perfection?
And I don’t say that because Im unhappy with my life. In fact I think Im most happy I have ever been.
Maybe I was overdramatic when I said :

What I meant is, that this necessity to grow and learn feels like a chore. But not Sisiphus kind of chore.
Like a boring homework. Perhaps thats why perspective of speedrunning it feels so appealing to me.

Writing that I realized another thing, it blew my mind a little when I saw this, must be Conceptual Realizations kicking in.

“Your” perfection is
“My” perfection was

So, what kind of perfection will be?


I think this will no longer feel this way when we master proactive manifestation of own reality. Then we are really free to choose what to experience next. From reacting to the ever evolving system to actually being free.

Same here.

The thing with speedruns though is that in order to become a really good speedrunner, you have to kind of play the game thousands of times. Which means mastering the game and becoming a master player in the first place.

If you go to and watch some of the speedruns there, most of these people had to play their game tens of thousands of times to achieve their “perfect run”.

But then, the Conceptual Realizations fields is still a heaven-sent gift as it allows you to speedrun the game even if you are not a master player yet.

I think the Conceptual Realizations field is like a Tool Assisted Speedrun (TAS) in speedrunner terms. Meaning that it will help you to press the right buttons at the right time by already knowing what game challenges are lying ahead, and thus helping you to play through the game as if you’ve already mastered it.


Psychic Mastery is a real powerhouse for me, in that regards.

The main-benefit of it (for me), isn´t just about “yeah mind-reading”, but the conceptual realizations aspect of it. That increase my ability to understand and empathise with other viewpoints too.

I notice a big difference with it, in regards to understanding myself and others. When one doesn´t look at the words, but the intention (what does the persons subconscious really tries to tell you) communication becomes way better.
Taking many things less personally, maturing in the fastlane.

The same applies with the rapport I have with my own subconscious.

For example I walk on the street and feel off about someone, then I get the concept of a negative experience, trauma, etc. that is responsible for my feelings/thoughts.
Understanding that it´s in most cases not the person, but my perception, based on my subconscious framework, that is responsible for how I experience him/her.

It´s like my subconscious is working for me, telling me immediately what´s up and giving me the possibility to reframe it, sometimes nearly immediately, which in turn leads to me being able to change the physical outcome.

Or I am contemplating a past situation, and then getting keywords that help me to access the concept of it, sometimes confirming, sometimes correcting my perception.

This field allows me to make leaps in few weeks, that would me normally take months to years.

I could slap myself for not using the audio of it sooner.


Hmm, I think you misunderstood my question but that’s my fault for phrasing what I wrote in the way I did.

I’m asking that question to people in developed countries, that have allowed for people to more freely be themselves, that want society to start restricting who people can be again. I see people feeling this way in this forum and all over the country now. A lot of people wanting the government to ban certain kind of people from existing. A lot of people wanting men to be more like the men of the olden times and for women to go back to the olden standards as well.

So my question really was for those people who want society to regress back to being restrictive of who you can and can’t be.

I’m in agreement with everything else you said. I’m with you on all that.

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I do not discount that people’s experiences are real to them. I just discount that they are absolutely real. Reality is evershifting and subjective to perception. There realms, upon realms on top and below this one where so many different things are being experienced. There are alternate realities of every single moment existing right now. It’s hard to see it, but in one moment to the next, everything you see now can be gone and your mind can be somewhere else. In fac,t lucid dreaming is a great example of this.

So reality is malleable. It isn’t a tangible thing. And it springs from nothingness and therefore is… made up in the same way your thoughts are made up.

The definition of real is something tangible and absolute. Something that always is. Something with a beginning and and end.

If what is ‘real’ to us is open to completely changing at any moment from one to the next, then how real was it really?

I respect your perspective on perfection. It’s a nice one. Good news for you is that in a way, the void matches that. It is essentially not moving and not growing because it does not exist.

But everything that springs from the void is moving and growing. That is the duality of all things. Non existence and existence.

When you are one with the void, you are at one with the highest high. You are at peace, unmoved, unchallenged and in complete flow with everything. When you experience this one day, you will see for yourself how it’s the highest high.

But understand what the highest high even means… What is the ‘highest’ high? The universe is continually exploring what the highest high is and that is why it is always expanding. There is no highest high for there is no finite destination in the road to infinity.

I know some of you fear infinity because what the hell is the point of seeking forever. There must be a point to all this. You must get somewhere and be fine, forever there. The problem is we are still thinking within the spectrum of human time of beginning, middle and end.

You can spend eternities doing what you want, whether it’s to sleep or be at that peaceful ‘highest high’ state for an eternity. But eventually during that eternity, you grow out of whatever you are doing and will seek more. It is inevitable. Eternity is not a long time. It is no time. It is forever.

It isn’t a need. It’s just the inevitable result of everything existing. It isn’t seeking the ‘best state possible.’ By default of existing, every thought, action and reaction in the universe is creating new things and possibilities and expanding cause of it.

Feeling like you ‘need’ to grow a certain way is a chore. Go ahead and grow the way you want to. By you doing what you want and doing what makes you happy, that is growth as well. All of your failures are growth as well. Everything you experience is growth whether you can see it or now. So grow in a way you find fun and pleasing.

The reason why trying to do anything as a human feels like a chore is because we are so limited by our personal limitations and understanding of things. When you remove these limitations and let go of everything we think we know, our soul opens up to all possibilities and a drive to actually do what you really want to do. You also begin to be at peace with all that is and the perfection of it all. When you are able to experience the negative and positive as one, all the chaos and disruption of humanity feels actually rather perfect as it is. Doesn’t seem like it but perfection… is. The tao is perfect for nothing is perfect. I mean that in both ways (nothing is perfect. and the ‘thing’ that is nothing is perfect)

But that’s easier to do when you are not in the mix of humanity’s chaos haha. That’s why monks would tap into this perfection in the mountains. It’s possible to do amongst the chaos but that takes an insurmountable amount of strength and other humans are… rather distracting lol.

Our egos are what make living and trying and growing a chore. Our egos don’t want to grow and just wish to remain as they are (homeostasis). That might be why perhaps the thought of there being a perfect state where you don’t have to do anything sounds very attractive.


You can access your past lives through a past life regression. Most hypnotherapists can do it, but I wouldn’t suggest doing it just for fun.

It used to be included in advanced Autogenic Training techniques (not sure if it is still).

When I first came upon Thelema and Crowley this statement felt very appealing to me.
The question is: How do You know what thou wilt?
It isn’t that simple, because its hard to distinguish between what real You wants, and what Your ego wants, amd even what other “outside influences” want from us.
Some will say: follow Higher Self. But then again, Higher Self as a concept was introduced to us. It was already there, as an idea. It has its definition. Someone else thought it up. It isn’t “thine” invention. So is following the Higher Self really doing what thou wilt? Or is it attempt to mold self into frame that was already there?
But only instead of societal frames You talked about, its more of a spiritual frame?
If that’s the case, than what is True Will/True Self really? Can this question even be answered?
Isn’t any answer to this question already creating limits and frames?
How does one go about discovering what real self is? Isn’t it true every ounce of will/ desire/ personailty trait could be traced back to either ego, societal norms/collective mind/, bodily desires and instincts/ karma and past life memories etc? Where is the real self in all of that?
In attempt to be truely free and express self fully, one would need to differentiate betwen True Will and everything that isnt True Will.
Another question is, what if doing what thou wilt is against free will of others?

I agree with Your post, I just try to come up with an answer to those questions



Have you ever reach the point when you can hear your own ego thoughts beside your own self thoughts and distinguish between them.

Its the same as two voices in your head each one want to take control of you, but the ego seems to controlling and wanting to hurt more than help.

At this point i think you’ll be able to know
Who are you, what is the true self of you and where it comes the external influence.


Here are A few questions and a few sidenotes, also I will not create a new thread, every time I have a question or a philosophical thought, there’s this thread and other places, for such purposes.

What is the difference between universes, realities, dimensions, etc.?
When someone say different reality, what does that mean?
Beyond the Physical, yet still part of this Universe?
How about dimensions?
3 dimensional is our world, what is the 5th one?
How many dimensions there are?
Is there even a slight consensus on these things?

Does it matter whether you achieve higher spiritual levels at a higher pace or it’s the same thing to our Spirit or Higher Self or whatever?
How about lifetime purposes?

If it’s all the same, if we are all part of the same coin, why not go selfish and choose only what you want or desire (although that way, it could be argued that you’re a slave to “your own” or rather some biological or psychological needs, instincts, desires, inherited stuff)?
Why struggle to choose the “right choice”?

Or it doesn’t really matter, on a Grand Scale, thus be and do however and whatever you want?

Or Why struggle to reach “Higher” faster (faster in our terms, in a shorter span/amount of time, fewer years or less lifetimes)?
Whats the rush?

Why are we bound by time and space and why can’t we exit whenever we please, if “we are God”?
Maybe because Everyone is Divine, thus I can’t just enter “Director”/“Creator” mode whenever “I” wish?

How are Aliens or Gods viewing the World?

What is “The Heavenly Hierarchy”?
Who is Higher or Lower?
Angels, Gods, Devas, Asuras, Aliens, Greco-Roman Deities, Egyptian Ones, etc., who is higher or lower (or it doesn’t work that way, maybe there is no “higher” or “lower”)?

How about Demons?
Is the so called Lucifer truly Satan or more a metaphorical story?
Is there a Hierarchy of “Evil” (lol, we got “good guys”, let’s see what you think about the “bad guys”)?

ANY And ALL Comments/Replies and Views Are Welcomed.
Thank You for Reading this long non sensical thing lol. :pray:

Few side notes:

I can view myself as part of the Creation, but not the Creator (even if they are the same, supposedly), yet I would love to feel boundless too, to have unlimited power, yet not through an “evil” path (as some people in this Universe are choosing, so called Powers that be).
The most I got were glimpses of me being something more.

I don’t Completely believe in Anyones views nor I take any answer as absolute, yet I know that some people on this forum and beyond/from elsewhere know and understand more than me, but I guess that we are individuals, with unique experiences and unique ways of understanding (maybe at a “higher level” I’ll understand more/better, maybe if I were smarter, wiser or just more spiritual, idk).


Excellent questions! Love em to death. Will answer when I get the chance.


What if change is negentropy and stagnation is entropy and that is why we experience things?
The universe would fall apart if there were no movement and no change.

Carl Jung’s quote on our tendency to protect ourselves from indeterminations by ordering them.

Horror movies play a lot with the unexplicable and what does not “fit” or resists symbolization. The unknown.

Something we cannot see protects us from something we do not understand. The thing we cannot see is culture, in its intrapsychic or internal manifestation. The thing we do not understand is the chaos that gave rise to culture. If the structure of culture is disrupted, unwittingly, chaos returns. We will do anything -anything- to defend ourselves against that return.

Here’s another interesting quote from Lacan on Entropy.

I’ve came to the conclusion that in terms of spirituality, Lacan made a science of low vibration and aura gaps in the energy body.

When the signifier is introduced as an apparatus of jouissance (pleasure in suffering), we should thus not be surprised to see something related to entropy appear, since entropy is defined precisely once one has started to lay this apparatus of signifiers over the physical world. (…) In fact, it is only through this effect of entropy, through this wasting, that jouissance acquires a status and shows itself. This is why I initially introduced it by the term “Mehrlust,” surplus jouissance. It is precisely through being perceived in the dimension of loss –something necessitates compensation, if I can put it like this, for what is initially a negative number– that this something that has come and struck, resonated on the walls of the bell, has created jouissance, jouissance that is to be repeated. Only the dimension of entropy gives body to the fact that there is surplus jouissance there to be recovered. And this is the dimension in which work, knowledge at work, becomes necessary, insofar as, whether it knows it or not, it initially stems from the unary trait and, in its wake, from everything that can possibly be articulated as signifier. (…) This is the hollow, the gap that no doubt a number of objects initially come and fill – objects that, in some way, are adapted in advance, designed to be used as stoppers. This is no doubt where a classical analytic practice stops, with its emphasis upon these various terms, oral, anal, scopic, not to mention vocal. These are various names by which we can designate, as an object, the a – but the a, as such, is strictly speaking what follows from the fact that, at its origin, knowledge is reduced to an articulation of signifiers. This knowledge is a means of jouissance. And, I repeat, when it is at work, what it produces is entropy. This entropy, this point of loss, is the sole point, the sole regular point at which we have access to the nature of jouissance. This is what the effect the signifier has upon the fate of the speaking being translates into, culminates in, and is motivated by. (…) This is where work begins. It is with knowledge as a means of jouissance that work that has a meaning, an obscure meaning, is produced. This obscure meaning is the meaning of truth. (Seminar 17 )

2 Thoughts:

What if The Universe tries to Heal Itself, just like any other organism which is part of It - and Everyone and Every Species or Place (think of Planets, their Energy, Vibes, etc.) which is not in Perfect Harmony with The Whole is problematic at least, cancerous or a virus at worst?

(thought arrived due to me thinking about today’s - technically yesterday’s for me - zoom meeting and about the Awesome knowledge that some individuals shared, especially Sammy)

Second thought - this is more personal…
** (sigh)**

Due to me being viewed as beautiful (this is one of the catalysts, other being pain, misery, suffering, humiliations, poverty, loneliness, sickness, Loss of my father, Loss of my house, Loss of friends, betrayal, disappointment, financial ruin, etc. - so I learned to become THE Center of my own life, at least me, I always got me,…, but back to this cause, pillar and catalyst), as a beautiful guy, I became more self conscious about my looks, about lifestyle, choices, beliefs, relationahips, etc., and I created a sense of pride or rather a sense of duty…

(let me explain)

I wanted to achieve “Perfection” or as close to that as possible, to have not only a beautiful face, but a great body, strong, athletic, a strong and “perfect” mind, a “perfect” schedule, a “perfect” sexuality (thus wanting to get rid of BDSM, as that in itself I dislike, plus it just isn’t “right”), a “perfect” wallet or account, “perfect” communication skills, a “perfect” Aura, a “perfect” Life, etc.

Now, the same thing (beauty, but not only it, as losses, minuses and Love, among other things, taught me just as good if not better lessons) which got me to climb mountains, is a thing which became an impediment of sorts, as it created a sort of chain of thoughts and ambitions which got me aspire to more beauty, to beauty and perfection in everything…

Is this a problem?
A blessing? A curse?

How do you guys find beauty and what is your view on any of these things which I wrote here?

You can also say that it all came from a sense of inadequacy, so I just wanted to compensate for a lack of self love and self understanding (maybe?)…

Anyway, any thought?

As you can see, I’m quite a complex character and I’m afraid that my complexity = wounds or rather the effect of old wounds…

Idk - and I am kinda tired And sleepy.

Thank You for reading.

(I did not want ANOTHER thread)

I have found beauty in the forests

I love walking around where I live

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