Philosophical Thoughts

Haha, this is all too true. I sometimes find that I waste a lot of my energy writing my long posts. But I do it for the 1 or 2 people who read. I read your post and I agree. This is is all indeed an illusion. But the grandest part of the illusion truly is: that you are separate from all this. This is not so at all. You, me, everyone and everything else are one being. It is undeniable.

I have had that awakening experience a number of times now. Becoming one with everything. It is at first met with aversion because well, to be one with everything is to accept that I am one with all that is evil, destructive and horrible in the world. It is to accept that all such things have their place and that I am also all of those people who intend harm on others. Who intend to divide us more. All such things are the other side of divinity that we all reject. And to reject it disconnects us from the source. It is unfortunate that this is how it is but it is so.

For good reason of course. How could one accept such things? Butā€¦ I let myself go anyways. I let myself go into the void and I felt so much pain from the collective. It was so dense. Like a heavy black cloud. But I learned to that heavy discomfort and accepted it all as is and let go. And all of it just dissipated and my consciousness expanded until love illuminated every part of my being.

I awoke as the I in everything. In you, in me, in the ground, in the sky. It is the most freeing form of being. I am infinity and infinity is me. Infinity is every possiblity and I realize more and more, that it can only be accessed if you accept every possiblity. You canā€™t experience oneness if you do not accept that which you reject.

I accept all of me, every flaw, every memory. I accept that others do not or will not accept me. I accept the worst possible outcomes in the future. I accept all the hate, all the ignorance, all the division in the world. I accept the unaccepted all that is rejected, through and through.

For in me being at peace with it all, allows me to fully focus on the things I prefer. It allows me to fully focus my infinite potential onto love. Onto unity. Onto saying the kinds of things or performing the kinds of actions that lead to most peace in all the people around me. Peace with all existence allows me to be bring peace to others. For whatever I am in opposition to, will repress my flow and be a weight against my willpower. If i am not in opposition to anything, then my flow will go wherever I intend it to go.

It was a beautiful experience and I fully embraced and found the power in surrender. I am not special. I am you. You are also me. What enables me to tap into the source, is in you too. Itā€™s just are you willing to let go of everything? Are you willing to accept everything? Are you willing to acknowledge you are all that you hate & reject? That is the hard part. But if you are willing to, youā€™ll awaken the universe within you.

I still feel the allness but when I return to the outside world, I naturally attune to a more manageable state. I cannot be everyoneā€™s mirror in such a big city. It would be too much for me and for others.

Oh, I had many more realizations and I luckily wrote them alll. But it is a dense amount of content and I know once I post it here, only 1 or 2 would read. I accept that too and will still do so happily. I just wanted to let out some of these thoughts right now at the very least. Iā€™ve been holding onto this for a few days and I really wished to share it. And share thatā€¦

I sincerely love every single one of you. I recognize the me in you, the you and me. I send you my heart. I send you all the gratitude in the world for existing. I know some of you are hurting oh so much and if you could only send me your pain, i would gladly weather it with love. We will make it through these dark times together. If we donā€™t, thatā€™s fine as well. We are eternal and will have an infinite amount of times to get ā€˜itā€™ right. But letā€™s give it our all. In the name of love, as a collective, there is little to nothing we canā€™t do.


I still dont understand why Divinity/All that it is/Absolute/Whatever is so brokenā€¦
Why the need for this Maya and for mass shootings, wars, torture, famine, slavery, etc.?

Anyway, i got much stuff to Accept and too much to learnā€¦

Also, I am guilty of the following: I read a part of the reply/post and if it is long and i need to do stuff, i leave it for a later time/read, but sometimes i realize much later that i have a ton of bookmarks thst i barely readā€¦

BUT, I USUALLY Try to read whole posts though.

Edit: is Divinity Evolving and Experimenting with Creation/Manifestation and maybe thats why all the horrible stuff?

Its just The Divine Expressing Himself/Herself, with Thr Good, the Bad and the Ugly?
Perfecting Itself?

It means a lot that you read my words and took the time to respond. Appreciate you!

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The tricky part is, as soon as you say it is one thing, it adapts to once again become unknowable, or was never knowable in the first place, therefore no answer will truly fit as thereā€™s no way to describe such a thing as this, that or the other. There is only one answer, which makes the questions much more important as it is the questioning not the answering that leads you down the path. Truth can never be fully known here, just as God can never be fully conceptualized in this limited space. You can hack off bits and pieces of Truth, but the whole can never be known. The Dao that can be spoken is not the eternal Dao.

Edit: The only place where Truth can be known is within you. Only within you can the promise of God The Father be realized. Jesus Christ returns within you. There can be no place else.


I think you are right.
We dont have the capacity to perceive and know the Divine 100% in our 3D world.

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There is no creation without destruction. There is no love without hate. The existence of anything creates what it is not. It just is this way. Being humam is experiencing the extremes of duality. It just is.

Through exploring extremes of darkness, the ā€˜oneā€™ expands its capacity of light. Stretching the worst things possible makea best things possible and expands the universe. Think of how when you stretch a rubber band, it stretches off of both sides being stretched.

The universe is in a constant state of expansion. Forever and ever on and on into infinity.

I experienced this when I accepted a number of things I was averting and unwilling to accept. My consciousness expanded afterwards.


Thank you for the answer.

It aint called Infinite/Infinity for nothing. :sweat_smile:

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What about at the Absolute level?

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Well, thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been talking about. When all is one, all is love. Hate is a degree of love of course but love is pure, absolute and encompassing of everything. It is all one. Love is unity.

Now of course, at the highest level, the duality is nothingness. The void. But the void is peace. It is nothing to fear, for it is nothing.

At the highest level, nothing <> everything.

Random thought that kept repeating was that the creator is the created. One of the greatest misunderstandings man has had about god is that god is separate from its creation. Itā€™s like saying you are separate from your dream world when you dream. No, you are the world you dream inside. It is made up of you.


Thatā€™s lovely. I can see it written in paint, framed, on the wall

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That is why I say, I am God. Maybe just a tiny piece, but inextricably linked, just on a very grainy level of the fractal.

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Think about fire and the absolute zero in thermodynamics.

Our experience is also determined by several dimensional degrees, the more dense we become, the more conflict is needed to compensate for that density.

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If you could look God capital G universal consciousness in the eye and asked it why do you exist.

What answer do you think youā€™ll get?

Or how do you exist God.

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For itself. It does not need reason. Why would it need to please anyone? There is noone here. Just me. The universe is all me.

And it is fun to learn more and grow more. I am growing just cause. And i cannot help but grow because infinity is expanding through every possibility at every moment. Us having this conversation right now is creating infinite possiblities of what could happen next from it. Every moment, we are expanding the universe through our thoughts, feeling and actions.

It is we, humans that search for reason. Through identity, we seek to define ourselves. But once the illusion of identity dissipates, you realize, there is nothing to define. There is no reason for anything. It is all made up.

And while that may scare some people, it is also the most freeing concept there is. This means you can write your story however you want. You are playing a movie you create for yourself.

Yes, you are starting at the bottom at some random point based on where you were born, circumstances, extā€¦ but when you free yourself of all youā€™ve identified with because of your past, you can finally author your life how you want to from this point forward.

If everything is made up, then I believe I am the best version of me right now and through my self love and growth, I will grow to be even better. I choose to feel joy. I choose to feel love at every moment. I choose to believe that I can create some amazing things that I and others will enjoy. I choose to make a difference.

Weā€™re alive and it sucks being alive because weā€™re confronted with a reality we reject. When we accept it for what it is, we can focus on the reality we want and make choses that pave that path forward for us.


And if you really want meaning. If this would satisfy your mindā€¦

We are all young universes in the making. Every single point of consciousness is expanding to become its own universe and spawn more universes.

The scale of infinity is unimaginable and goes on forever and ever. But is just is. To want something finite and with more solid reasin will only repress you from truly enjoying and making the most of reality as it is.


At one point I started tapping into what people have felt/thought of my post if anything when they post in the thread after me lol, thatā€™s pretty cool!

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Iā€™ll go with this for now

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The more you search for the why, the more youā€™re a dog chasing after its own tail. It is all void. It came from nothing, and therefore it is all made up.

And you give it meaning. You are the creator of your own reality. Most people have subscribed to a certain pattern that give them the reaosn for all this. For why they keep going on with this game called life.

But thatā€™s a trap in itself and closes you into a very linear lane of reality.

The perspective I speak of frees you from these illusions. For you to come back to oneness. Into your godhood. And begin choosing who you would rather be and the kind of life you would prefer to live.


And I just wanted to expand on your point of the void where all kinds of creators are. If those are the real creatorsā€¦

The source is the void. That is the creator of all things.

That is why I keep saying, everything is made up. It all comes from nothing. In the same way you imagine things and all that you imagine is made up. That is the universe.

And this universe was born out of another universe that was born from another, and so on and on and on.

And do not feel ashamed in choosing to follow a more linear path. A more linear belief system. That is fine. We are all at different levels in our development and have our own ways of coping with reality. And in the end, all paths lead to the same place.


Well, how do u then define nothing and void?

If in what we perceive as an empty space, is a potential for something to spark up, then itā€™s not rly nothing, something creates that potential, doesnā€™t it? The void is thus full of something, like according qunatum physics, itā€™s full of quasi-particles that create itself and annihilate, but under some circumstances, those particle pairs can be divided and thus not annihilated. The question might be, is there somewhere really nothing?

If we become universes once, what then? We will just keep expanding and contracting? Can we perhaps become more universes? Is there a final, I mean, totally final state from which there is nowhere to go further? Is it a line with a beginning and an end or more so some kind of cycle?

Do we after some time become one being, as many say or we will just become bigger and self-sufficient each one, and I mean literally?

Btw u once said that we can occupy solar systems, meaning more planets at the same time. Maybe can we occupy multiple people at the same time? May it be something that happens here from time to time?