Philosophical Thoughts

How do you personally reconcile these realizations with your human life?

It’s driving me crazy rn, like does pursuing material goals, spending time with my family, dating, having friends, studying, hobbies, passions, etc. mean anything in the grand scheme of things?

If our consciousness is expanding to become it’s own universe then from one point of view the only thing that matters is yourself so your family members, friends, spouses, etc. mean nothing?

Finding a way to reconcile all of this is probably the biggest hurdle in my spiritual path so far

A bit hard to explain what i’m feeling in words, but there are people in my life who i’d want by my side, forever, if that makes sense


Beyond your earthly incarnation, your being is a far longer history of incarnations, you might have way many people “to be together forever with”. What you think you are here is just a fraction of who you really are. After your incarnation is completed, your priorities might not be the same. Incarnations seem to be chapters on their own. But you probably shouldn’t think of what happens after the incarnation is completed, as it was just the direct continuation of it.

You come to this world alone, and you go from this world alone.

But maybe, after that, there may be a bit more unity among beings. Imagine being in love with a girl, and then about the same, but unconditionally, and with all others.

Coming from mostly from Dream’s and Sammy’s words. (+ my assumptions, thoughts, etc)

More about it:

But I’m also interested to hear Sammy’s take on it.


Im not commenting about anyone on this thread, just from some things i have seen online, but when I see others mention that none of this matters in this life and the next and the next until we ascend to the higher planes, it really saddens me. Of course this life matters, you matter, I matter, to so many people. When we pass on from this life, we are leaving a hole in the life of others, a sadness, but also hopefully fond memories which will help to shape their lives in one way or another for years to come. Our actions are not just our own, they impact so many others in the process.
By living a fulfilling and compassionate life, we can make a positive impact on so many people and leave a meaningful legacy for future generations. To live a life of purpose and fulfillment, while also recognizing the potential impact of our actions on future lives is what we should all strive towards. Life is a beautiful gift which we should cherish and enjoy even though many hardships will come our way, it is worth it to feel true love and to show love to others. To feel real happiness. Make a difference in this life that you, your family, and friends will be proud of. When they reminisce throughout the years gone by after we leave this life, how great would it be for all to have extremely fond memories of you? maybe those memories will help shape the family and friends we leave behind to be even better people. We hold so much power in our lives, it’s quite surreal when we think about it. One person can shape the lives of generations to come, that to me is special and it is why we should not just feel like a passenger just passing by, we should embrace every second of this life and take it all in and make it as wonderful as we possibly can for us and all others in our life.


Yeah, I probably shouldn’t worry about it too much as my soul/whatever I am in the afterlife will probably do what’s best, from a limited human perspective I probably can’t grasp it, but still, everything seems pointless if I think like this

More or less i’ve been having existential crises like this since I was a kid but i’d always cope by spending time with my family and friends, doing fun stuff and the like, thinking that if nothing matters i’ll just enjoy life the way I want to.

But with spiritual realizations i’ve been having everything seems meaningless altogether, from things like fashion to even my familial relations and i’m not sure what to think of it

I guess so, being a universe would also mean being all of the beings inside of it

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To focus just on tomorrow, while not living in the present moment, is the antithesis of spiritual fulfillment.

We all crave for something better, something which may or may not exist, which may or may not be better than what we have currently.

A lot of times, folks who ignore this beautiful life are those that do not have any experiential vision of a non-materialistic domain, but have heard/read stuff and are deeply programmed to believe it.

Once when I decided that none of this meant anything, and almost adopted Nihilism, the Goddess had wise counsel… “Live your life, it is a blessing, a gift”.

Things are perfect as they are, we just need to work on our perception. Samsara is Nirvana, all that is needed is refinement of perception. When one sees Divinity in every aspect, including the Divine Illusion, everything is perfect and blissful. That which binds (Maya or Illusion), through the aspect of Divine Grace, is also what liberates…

Jnani (the enlightened) rejects the material world as Maya or Illusion…
Vijnani (who has gone beyond a certain stage of enlightenment and has had a glimpse into the higher working of the Universe) embraces everything as Lila or the ever-present, blissful sport of the Divine Consciousness …

Fear binds us, and duality-consciousness is the root cause of primal fear.


Well, how do u then define nothing and void?

The tao that can be named is not the tao. The moment you define it, it becomes something to be defined. How can you define nothing if there is nothing to define?

Nonetheless, everything sprang from nothing and therefore, nothing encompasses everything. And so, Nothing is also everything - everything is nothing. There is no separation between void<>existence. They both are one.

As is with you. There truly is no separation between you and everything else.

And you are the center of the universe from our point of view. Everything else is what you experience. And all of it experiences you. It all (people, the world) percieves you and creates you with the way it percieves you. It’s all one.

The question might be, is there somewhere really nothing?

I do believe there really is nothing. At the beginning and end of time.

As far as I know, it never ends. And how could it? Infinity never ends.

Our minds are programmed to see life is finite. You live, you die. There was a beginning to the universe. There will be an end. But every end is a new beginning. Death is change.

Can we perhaps become more universes

And yes, you become more universes as the universes that spawned from you expand in scale as well. As overwhelming as this seems, there is lots of sleep involved. You are void after all.

So yes, you will contiunally rise in the degrees of consciousness. Yes, stars, solar systems, galaxies, clusters and on and on. But in that state of awareness, the things we care about on our scale are marginal to the bigger picture. And It’s like your body and the 40 trillion cells operating inside of it. You arent conscious of each one but they make up your being.

As a galaxy or anything so expanded in scale, you won’t be as overwhelmed as you think. You grow into it.

Is there a final, I mean, totally final state from which there is nowhere to go further?

I don’t know if there is an end to it all. Noone knows. But I do know we’re all each telling a completely new story thats never been told before. Your universe has its own path that you are paving the way for, one way or another.

It is best not to fear infinity. You more than likely get to sleep in void a lot and the scale of freedom from what you can experience to what you can create, is glorious. It is worth existing for. To see the unseen. Find the unknown. Love the unloved. To do what has not been done and build new realities on top of the old ones.

And we find ourselves playing the human game. The game of duality. Order vs the chaotic nature of mankind. Negentropy vs entropy.

You win when you find oneness through the pendelum swing of negative/positive. In being both poles at once, you can encompass your infinite potential and create the life you want to live.

Now, this is just as i currently percieve reality up to this point. Always open to change it.


Also, I have read all your last comments, everyone, then i liked them, so not just empty likes lol.

Isn’t that just the matrix we live in? We chase after things that feel good whether they have meaning or not. In the grand scheme of it all though, I would say that we’re one thing and that’s a point of attention.

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Discreation is a very necessary tool for mankind.

We become so stuck with everything that gets in our ways that becomes too hard for a normal everyday people, and even people in the spiritual path to stop being determined by stuff.

Before we become true creators we should be able to discreate what determines us without our awareness.

You can see it in regular self help and self improvement advice, even in cognitive behavioral therapy, they push this idea of being something else without erasing everything that had been working on the background for a long time.

It is too bad that most people can’t get into Sapien Medicine because their egos cannot reconciliate their previously created common sense with audios and morphic fields.


Personally reconcile? This perspective has freed my mind. I feel mentally free to feel, want and pursue whatever I want.

I am not constrained to reality being a certain way or in attainment of a specific goal. I am not constrained to the idea that I am only sammy.

I am more and I am expanding my full self through all my experiences here. I am learning new things, creating new things, spreading my love and light wherever I could. I’m pursuing life thw way I want pursue it. I am living the life the way I want to, as if I were playing an mmorpg and I am a character leveling up in it.

And the world is experiencing me and is growing through it’s experience of me. All my little interactions, all the things I do and say, all ripple out into the universe and impact the collective in its own way. Same with you. We all play our own special role in the grand scheme of things.

At the essence of it, life is play. When you were a child, as the most blank slated version of yourself, that’s all life was. And that’s all life is.
It’s just that when you get older, life’s problems seem more serious and theres higher stakes and more pain.

But it’s on that difficulty, that we learn the greatest lessons and reveal/expand more of our potential.

So yeah, knowing this doesn’t scare me at all. It only makes me feel more whole. The understanding that everything is everything, that I have an eternity to explore, learn and grow and the more I do, the more freedom I attain… makes me embrace infinity.

It means that my failures mean nothing at all if I have forever to correct them. I am not pressured to do or be anything. It means that anything is possible and that nothing is finite, as everything is always changing. Reality is malleable. I am malleable. And so, I choose to live the life I want to live and be the person I want to be. Why not? Life is awesome when you finally choose to flow with it.

Many of you are repulsed by life because of all you’ve suffered through this one. This life is nothing in the grand scheme of all that you are, all your lifetimes and even all the entire history of the universe that courses through your soul. You are far more than what you’ve suffered here.

And the suffering here is an illusion that dissolves when you finally choose to accept all of yourself and the world as it is now. It is all one, one is all.

Shoutout to @StarSeed cause I pretty much just reiterated your beautiful words :sweat_smile: Same with @Maoshan_Wanderer but ey, ya’ll words inspired me.


Far too necessary. To be a true creator, one must have a malleable mind. Able to change perspective or see through any other perspective at will.

Nothing is forever. Everything is always changing and therefore, reality is not finite. It is very easy for the mind to fall into finite perspectives (this is this, this is that) and then get closed into that belief system.

Moment it gets closed in, your mind closes itself to infinite possibilities and loses the ability to create yourself and the world around you.

You then become determined by these belief systems and your willpower is constricted to the dualities created by your patterns. Your reality becomes a box.

To create, you must be able to deconstruct what you create. Understand that nothing is true, everything is possible. Which in other words means ‘everything is true and not true at the same time’.

So, I choose what I believe in and what I choose to believe are things that lead me to living a peaceful, joyful and impactful life. But I also know what I believe in is not absolute truth and I am always open to shifting my perspective.

That openness allows for me to remain free. The moment I close myself to my beliefs/choices, is the moment I lock myself into the game again.

And now that I remember, I’ve had awakenings a number of times before and I would typically revert back later on… the moment I rejected certain things about myself or reality.

To be one with all, one must not be opposed to anything but instead be in flow with everything.


You said free expression so im gonna ask ahead.

When it comes to God is it truly free will …?

Hypothetical ofcourse but can someone live a life dedicated to getting to know God if you will, but hurt its other aspects…?

Not humans.

Entities specifically. Like demons.

Are demons and negative entities the byproduct of human magicians ?

Like say how dreamweaver creates servitors.

Then demons are the servitors of the ancient people right.

This always bugged me as I heard once an entity say “God is for all life”.

Obviously looking at the world and humanity in general its pretty obvious God doesnt intervene and its free will.

But do you think if I keep connecting with God it will end up as a strict parent ?

Not in the religious sense but more as you said God is everything.

There are certain forces that I cannot forgive and will not forgive not even if they are part of God.

Can I hear your opinion?

I do want to get closer to God as for example the story of saint Cyprian where it is said that with the power of God all demons and magicians and entities lose power as God is the mightiest.

So I do want Gods protection against the forces after me but at the same time when I do get a chance for revenge no mercy will be shown from me.

I sound like a religious nutjob lol but this is a serious question.

Its like part of me is afraid that God will “protect”
these forces attacking me etc.

I like reading your posts regarding God. You can write a book lol

I also hope one day a mandala or something can be made for a God intercession lol.

Like connecting with the creator so we can ask it directly.

In my case its mostly revenge.

It baffles me how demons can possess children and ruin their whole life literally for years.

I guess in a sense God is those demons but then we can reverse that card right?

Ruin the lives of demons as we are God also?

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Thank you so much for giving your perspective.

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When it comes to God is it truly free will …?

As humans, we tend to think that god is something acting independently from us. In my perspective, god is not.

God is everything at once. The present thought of the universe. It is expressing itself through your thoughts and actions and everything elses. Even if you are stuck in a certain pattern, that is god expressing itself.

The conscious you, that feels ‘I am,’ is the same ‘I’ in everything. What you choose to think, feel and do is what god chooses to think, feel and do. You are ‘it’.

So when I speak of free will, I mean awakening to infinite possiiblities that your mind is capable of considering and pursuing, instead of being closed off to a select few.

God isn’t acting for us, it is acting through us. You choose what god does through your being. But up until this point, you have been limited to just a few choices and have a predetermined reality based on your beliefs/past. Freedom is to break out of that spell and begin to choose the reality we would prefer to exist in. One that allows us to best express our unique expression within the infinite potential of the universal self behind the ego.

(I do think free will is probably an illusion still. Moreso in the sense that while everything is real, everything is also void. Therefore, true freedom isn’t beind expressed if its under an illusion. For every question, the answer is yes and no)

Hypothetical ofcourse but can someone live a life dedicated to getting to know God if you will, but hurt its other aspects…?

I don’t know what you mean. Getting to know god is getting to know yourself. God isn’t a thing that’s outside of you. That it is beyond you like some diety you connect to. You connect to god by stripping your ego bare, dissolving the barrier between you and everything else. And consciously becoming the god that you already are behind the mask. Everything outside your body, is also your body.

And from that oneness, comes clarity as to what and how you truly wish to express itself through your current body and your ego ( the frame of perspective that you have developed this lifetime). Because up to this point the majority of us lack that clarity because of our limiting beliefs, fears, rejections of self and the world and all this fogs up our drive and passion in life. In essence, there is a drive within you to grow in certain ways and add to thr world in your own way. You just are unable to see that at this point.

And essentially from that oneness, it’s rather natural for you to want things and act in ways that improve the lives of those around you. Because you aren’t just the you in your body anymore and are interacting with other parts of you everywhere you go and in everything you do.

It is very hard to grasp without experiencing it so I can understand the confusion. But I am doing best of translating the experience of it into words. God is not a separate thing. For example, when one connects with shiva, they connect with a higher part of themself. Shivs is just a name for the all. And when you have awakening experiences under shivaism, you realize ‘I am shiva.’ It is the way.

Are demons and negative entities the byproduct of human magicians ?

Not all. Most are not in fact. Duality is negative and positive. They are many, many negative entities that exist by default of just being born as entropic beings. Doesn’t mean they’re bad. They just are.

Them manipulating, sucking the life out of things or acting upon destruction are necesssary elements of the universe. It’s just part of the ebb and flow of life. Destruction and creation go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other, for they are both of the same source. They are both the same thing.

That is often the greatest confusion we have. Separating negative and positive when in essence they are just opposite poles of the same thing.

But yes, we have created many demons, entities through our own thoughts. Remember, we are all the creator itself as well. But they take a life on a life of their own and often express themselves in difrerent ways to people depending on how you peecieve them. A demon can be very friendly/helpful to certain people (left hand pathers) compared to people who fear demons. Reality is already very subjective in the physical realm but is faaaaar more suggestive in the more mental realms (astral or just anything above 3d).

But do you think if I keep connecting with God it will end up as a strict parent?

No lol. When you truly connect to god, you see the world through its eyes. And seeing the world through its eyes, you have a grander perspective of who you are up to this point in this lifetime. You know what you have to do. You know what’s healthy for you. You know what’s right. If you choose to go against that, that’s up to you. That’s also god making the choice. You are it. There isn’t a god looking down on you. You are god looking at yourself and through yourself.

Through these lens, you also see everyone and everything as an extension of yourself. So naturally, you will treat everyone and everything with more care and respect. But as for yourself… truly, the level of mental freedom you have allows you to make whatever decisions you want and you can still make unhealthy ones. You are the one who ultimately judges yourself. In that sense, you are the god that judges your reality.

There are certain forces that I cannot forgive and will not forgive not even if they are part of God.

Then you continue your lifetime subscription to duality. I get it. I really do. That’s the absolute hardest part to oneness. And I understand most of humanity not being able to do this. But I came to learn that’s why the human game is so hard. Winning means accepting the unacceptable. And that’s too much for most to do within a life that is already so difficult.

But to deny any part of ‘god’ is to deny your full connection to source. It just is that way unfortunately.

So I do want Gods protection against the forces after me but at the same time when I do get a chance for revenge no mercy will be shown from me.

Look, I see that you and others still think of god as this separate being that can help you in times of need. And you can percieve from this perspective and get help from some of our diety servitors, calling on jesus/jhva or shiva or any such dieties (which are just faces of the all). It’s just from this perspective, I’ve come to find that the war never ends.

You protect yourself today and tomorrow you have to protect yourself again. And again. And again. Me and dream dealt with this for years. It didn’t matter how connected to dieties we were or our fields or the amount of times we won our battles. It just kept happening over and over again.

Until, dream found that oneness and began recognizing entities attacking him as other parts of him/the all. Reintgrating these entropic/divided energies into the allness within him and raising its vibration through love and embrace and expanding his consciousness through that.

He then taught me that. And I do so and it works quite beautifully. It is uncomftorable but me and him aren’t under ‘attack.’

When we emanate as source, entities only see a mirror. Negative beings are naturally quite divided from source/light and act of their own accord against it. When encountering people like me and him that allow ourselves to consciously integrate with darkness and transmute it to light… it’s a losing battle for them.

It’s that recognition when something like that happens, that ‘I am the all. I am everything. And therefore I am also you. And I choose to transmute this part of me into light with acceptance and embrace.’

That is power.


Here is another way of looking at it. Entities are very much affected by your perception of them.

And when you genuinely recognize yourself as the all…As the source of all things (which you certainly are)… You are in your seat of power.

And you recognize the entity as an extension of yourself. You are its mirror and it sees itself through you. If it hurts you, it hurts itsself. You aren’t some individual opersting separate from everything. You are everything operating within an individual. And the entity can’t hold a candle to that and either leaves or gets reintgrated into source (through you).

This is only possible if you accept these things as a part of you. It is difficult but it is the shortcut to freedom from the battles of duality.


This is reassuring. I’ve often regarded the spiritual path as ill-advised because it attracts unwanted attention and danger. Eventually, you’re going to miss your mark and get flattened. I’m not sure how to recognize an entity as an extension of myself, but that seems easier to figure out than surviving a never-ending, escalating battle.


I understand but my worries are more physical.

Possessed people that can physically hurt you.

You cant kill/hurt the person knowing theres a demon in it and not his doing

Unless you mean by integrating those things it will not manifest ?

Can you outmanifest a bullet coming at you for example.

Not mocking as I know about the field with light and glory or something deflecting projectiles.

I guess you can lol

Its easy when its purely astral based but when they are in people causing physical danger is when it gets real.

I was very close to going to jail for example because of these entities literally causing a fight.

Although in the webinar doc you mention when it comes to certain forces its like asking how an ant can defend itself against humans.

This is more my point regarding entities.

Those who see them in movies and do astral battles is cute but when you see someone possessed black eyed raging at you its a different scenario.

And I KNOW its entities because fields do affect it slightly.

The problem is when they cross over to the physical trough people.

Add some ET implants and you got a demon that exorcisms dont work on lol

And its easy to say dont give into fear until youre close to death or jail.

Have your life ruined cuz some punk demon decides its ok?

But the thing with God was mostly because priests use God to banish them hence also the question.

“By the power of God I command you back to hell”

For example.

And yes yes its me doing it to me but might aswell
not be born in that case. Or be born to torture myself lol.

I guess it really depends on the perspective.

More weapons please against these forces lol

Or teach us that absorb into source thing.

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This is complicated because humans have the concepts of “secrets” and “privacy”.
A concept that only exists on the physical plane.

On the astral planes and higher there are no secrets and no privacy.
Everyone can read everyone’s minds, access and see everything telepathically.

The fear and shame of showing your nude physical body is a human concept that only exists here because most humans are trapped in the physical perception as well as in sexual shame.


You seem to really have trouble with those entities…

Although i have had some trouble, i was never truly in a life or death situation.

Idk, shielding Plus ENERGY RAISING, I think they cant touch/harm you, if you are High Enough And If you call Angels, Gods, etc. to Your Aid - so Intercessions are Good tools.

The Michael mandala made an entity go away really quick - at least thats my situation.

Use these type of fields/audios as well, for me they are very effective:

Lol, the image for daemon slayer. :sweat_smile: