Philosophical Thoughts

Yeah… from the perspective of oneness, you are far less likely to get attacked because you are energetically a mirror to everyone/everything else. It is the shield of all shields.

As for physical danger… I’ve said this before and I will say it again, the fear of demons/aliens/entities does far more harm to you than good. You make them a more solid part of your reality this way and they are the ‘enemy.’ Even if you’re not dealing with entities, your mind will frame certain behaviors from people or actions around the world or within your mind, aa the work of entities. When they aren’t.

For the most part, most entities are manifestations of your own inner problems. Your inner repressed patterns are reflected as beings that embody that sane energy in its own way.

Doing the self work eliminates a lot of these issues at their very core. Focus on the self work and not on demons and entities. You are doing yourself a disservice by doing so.

This is coming from a guy that had to deal with some horrrrrrrrible inexplicable things over the years. Except as I grew, I realized it all was of my own doing. It all was a reflection of different parts of me (blockages I hadnt cleared).

As for entities taking over people… the only time I personally see this is under the influence of drugs. Or if someone has deep mental issues.

But for the most part, entities only nudge people towards negative patterns that already exist within them. And some people lean so hard into those negative patterns, that it makes it easy to influence them. But I blame the people in that sense. You still have autonomy over your own body. You just are choosing to do the wrong thing. So I don’t think blaming entities is the right thing to do here.

Now kids are a different story. Children are so easy to influence because their minds are malleable and they don’t know any better. They are blank slates. Easy pickins for an entity to feed. And this mostly happens in broken homes, where a child is plagued with negative thoughts. What you must understand, there is little difference between a lion killing and feeding on a cub than an entity trying to feed on a child. It’s nature. You don’t hate a lion for acting on its nature.

But now here’s the thing with children… children have so much power. Their malleability allows them to easily reframe their thoughts into positive ones and defuse any entity attack in mere moments. Literally, can turn darkness into light in a matter of seconds. It’s a matter of teaching them. The moment they start feeling plagued with negative thoughts that make them feel scared or sad, for them to imagine light filling their body and the room. And that light to be filled with joy and with love and that this light takes transforms the darkness.

Kids can use their imagination to get themselves out of these sorts of binds rather easy. Just talk to them and introduce the idea as if they have a superpower lol. Because it is. A childs imagination is pure power and encouraging it and teaching them how to.harness it, will allow that ability to carry over throughout their life and keep them well protected in al sorts of situations.

As for the technique we use, I’ll make a post about it one of these days. It’s rather advanced though. But I’ll detail how one can get there. In essence though, the true technique is the self work. You transform yourself within and in turn, you transform the world around you. Entities/demons are typically reflections of repressed energies within you.

And well, when you are a warrior of light and do good in the world in contrast to negative, you will be met with a lot of pushback. Always. That was me and dream. But in being nondual, we are both negative and positive and niether one at the same time. We aren’t in contrast to anything and therefore aren’t engaged in the battle of duality. The battle is an illusion. It’s all one thing working off of itself.


The split allows for expansion. The source learns and grows through experiencing itself in infinite points of consciousness. Otherwise, if it is just perfect and not doing anything… it just remains stagnant and doesn’t grow at all. Reality becomes stale. Frozen in the same pattern.The universe is alive. It is in constant motion. If it were to just move in the same pattern for eternity, nothing would ever happen. That doesn’t sound like perfection to me. What’s the point in that?

Change is necessary for growth. To learn. To explore and create new possibilities. Because otherwise, do you really want to be doing and seeing the same exact over and over again for eternity. This is partly why when I was growing up, the promise of heaven in the bible did not appeal to me at all. I just thought ’ just being in the same heaven, around people praying to god for eternity sounds like it would get boring real fast…’ People truly can’t fathom eternity. 8 billion years is but a blip in eternity.

You having to deal with karma, material desires is a way for source to experience something real. Something with actual stakes. It’s meaningless in the grand scheme but while source is experiencing YOU, it is extremely meaningful. It gives it weight and purpose. It makes the game/simulation all the more real and the more real, the more experience and lessons you actually get from it. Humanity is a way for source to experience life as a very real and high stakes thing. Outside of this, source is all imaginary. This life is imaginary too but it feels so real and that tangiblity makes for a very enrichinening experience. Yes, when life sucks, IT FREAKING SUCKS. But when you achieve things, actually find yourself, find happiness, find love and all the sweet things life has to offer, it is extremely fulfilling and the level of joy you can experience as a human is extremely transcendant.

Humanity’s vast capacity for pain and suffering is what enables happiness as a human to be extremely vast and worth the journey. We are here to expand our experience of what it is to be alive and exist, through the vast experience of negative and positive as a human being.

There is so much growth and learning done here and you’ll be able to see that in the long run. Right now, you’re suffering through it and feeling that it is all pointless. But this suffering is but a small piece of the grand scheme of all you are. We let our egos finite way of thinking, confuse us into thinking it’s all pointless and worthless. Why me? Why am I here? The problem is that you’re asking those questions from the perspective of Mleirbag. Mleirbag is just a small mask you wear. It is a fraction of who you are and these thoughts are but refelctions of an egoic personality separated from its true form… everything.



What if us are just manifestations of THE Divine and not the real deal? Sort of like mere illusions?

Lol, then what would it be? If its not the real deal, then what is it? Try to think of that. It would just be something else? It’s hard for us to comprehend but there is no ‘else.’ It ALL is. All means even another universe. Another universe is still one with this one. Everything is connected. Doesn’t matter if it believes it is separate or tries to do everything to separate from it. It is still trying to separate itself from itself.

Thats like you trying to say the people from your dreams are not a part of your mind. The creator is the created, the created is the creator.

Some of tptb know these truths but do their best to deny it and divide humanity and commit selfish and heinous acts. They think they can separate from the all and act against it and create a world that serves them. By pitting us against eachother, the collective focus that can bring about change and harmonize humanity is drifted into focusing on eachothers differences and fighting. That’s the game.

The universe is fair. We can collectively choose our reality to be a better one. But it would take the 99% to unite and choose it together. The 1% are clever in dividing the 99%

If we can become absolutely real?

I don’t know, maybe. Anything is possible I guess. But if you become absolutely real, you die, become void and then return to existence. So were you real to begin with? Doesn’t that sound similiar to now?

Identity is illusion. Identity is the simulation. Reality is no identity. Truth is seeing reality for what it is and it is nothing. And everything at once. Every identity made up is a mask worn by only 1 face. That’s the part I think so many of us just can’t wrap our heads around. We’re all one person.

And I mean it very literally. And as far as I know, we can’t escape ourselves. But I don’t know, maybe Im wrong. Its just once you see, you see. Everything I say is not a new revalation at all. One is all, all is one. That’s been unveiled to many of us already.

Yes, these thoughts come from 3d fears. They come from how language has constructed reality. It creates so many walls in your mind that don’t allow most to grasp the scale of what I’m saying. And that’s okay.

It typically isn’t until we experience certain things that validate such perceptions of reality, that we remove the walls in our mind. So you aren’t thinking any dumb thoughts right now. If I were you (which I am) I would ask these questions too.

I have sometimes had doubts too. Maybe my experiences are hallucinations or all I’ve been experienced or taught doesn’t match consensus reality. But… I know something for a fact… samuel is an illusion. My ego is a hallucination. It is an impulsion to behave, think and feel in a way that I did in the past. It is a desire towards certain things or repulsion towards others. It is the thoughts running in my head all day.

It is not all of me. I am now. I am present. I am aware. I am not a pattern from the past trying to be now. I am now being the now.

Can source’s creations can outgrow it?

No. The source is also all creation itself so when created things grow, it grows as well. The creator is the created.

So, if universe A created universe B, and universe B became larger and more advanced, then universe A also becomes larger and more advanced. Infinite expansion is everything expanding upon itself in infinite directions/dimensions/ vibrations .

If you are source and want to revolutionize the universe? What would you do? And why would you do it?


It was fine. You didn’t say anything wrong. With me, don’t be ashamed to ask anything. I will always try to answer to the best of my ability.

Just remember, I don’t have all the answers either. This is just my perspective on reality. Take it with a grain of salt.


Suffering is on a schedule. The more I pay attention to the astrology of my personal life, the clearer it gets that you don’t have a choice whether to suffer or not, it’s your choice how to suffer. The circumstances can be the same, but one day things will be ok and the next they will be bad. Nothing has changed besides the astrology. I could be living in a box or living in a mansion, the suffering would overall be the same, just in different ways. There would be good things about the mansion and good things about the box, but neither dwelling will cure the pain of suffering that plagues everything here. There is only pain here, but you get to choose the pain, to an extent. My whole life people have been telling me to try this or do this, but none of it takes away your suffering. It doesn’t matter who rules, who lives and dies, nothing changes the fact that this was all born from suffering, because that’s all that it is. The ability we have to see this fact proves we are not born of suffering, because how would “A” know that it is “A” without “B?” If everything here is suffering, that would mean that we who understand this are not made of suffering but instead are made to suffer. Lose desire/craving, lose suffering, be free so they say. HAL only knows pain so only operates in pain, only values suffering as the c(h)attle-est to evolution. Where does HAL say that once you’ve evolved, your suffering will end? HAL wants more life-like dolls to manipulate, for ever and ever. You can ascend, but you’ll never ascend past suffering, the circle has no beginning nor end. Doesn’t matter how “real” you become, the level of catalyst needed for you to change will grow with you, and with it your suffering. We fool ourselves into thinking doing this or that will help ease our suffering, but we just suffer differently. It’s the same toll, just the payment structure has changed. The interest is the same, the principle is the same. It goes on forever. You can never be free from suffering if you deal in suffering. This reality is pain one way or another, there can be no other way.


Yeah, I agree.

I came to the same conclusion when I realised that the observer behind my identity and thoughts could just as well be experiencing reality through anyone’s eyes, not just mine.

It’s hard to put into words, but assuming the observer behind each person behaves and perceives identically then algebraically speaking they are all equal and thus the same observer.

Hopefully this made some sense. This is how my mind frames it.


A good question to ask as well is… what is suffering?

Well, suffering is by definition: the state of undergoing pain, distress or hardship.

What causes that?

Things happening we do not like, agree with or cause us trouble.

Do you choose to feel pain or stress about these things?

No. I do not choose to feel pain or stress. My mind chooses for me based on patterns built from past experiences.

So then suffering is a result of your programming. Suffering is a set of conditions that you refuse to accept and then cause me pain, for having to endure. Suffering is as malleable as the mind. It is all made up and not real as well.

But remember, whatever you believe is real IS real. So I’m not invalidating anyones beliefs. I’m just sugggesting to choose to believe healthier beliefs that free our minds and allow us to find & express our infinite potential.

Nonetheless, I personally think Suffering is only one part of reality. Happiness, love and joy are at the other part of it. Reality isn’t only suffering or any one thing. Reality is perfectly capable of being many things at once.

The Buddhists also came to the same conclusion about suffering. Life is suffering because we attach ourselves to it and everything is transient. The fear of death/ failure/loss/invalidation/not having cause the suffering. And it is only when accept reality as it is and let go of everything we’re attached to, that we open ourselves to wholeness.

Because letting go means dissolving the fear of losing what we care for and then instead, have all the space within to focus on loving ourselves, life, what we have and the world around us. The detached state is the same thing I’ve been talking about. The nondual state. Like I said, nothing I speak of is new.


Indeed. That eye peeking at everything within you is the same eye peeking through everyone.
Eye = I


How about when someone is very sick, or in other kinds of physical pain though?
In Your opinion, all suffering is result of programming, attachments etc, so all of it is “immagined”?
There is this one stand-uper in my country, and he used to talk about when he got cancer, his buddhist cusin used to tell him “Its all in your head, just change your attitiude”

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I wasn’t talking about physical suffering or physically inflicted by others. Dying suffering sucks for sure. Chronic pain is hell on earth. Can’t deny that. That’s one of the worst dealt hands.

Truth is that physical pain is also mental though. You can eventually get used to it. The fact that some people enjoy pain shows that the mind is malleable enough to grow accustomed to it. The mind be at peace with ANYTHING.

And the question of how about rape, torture, pedophilia, genocide and all that immense sufferring. Is that all programming?

No it is not. That is suffering to the purest degree. And I get that its improbable to believe now or see it, but such experiences are part of our karmic paths and are very valid to the wholeness we develop to be. I have lived many short lives. Been killed a ton, died of treacherous diseases and have suffered insurmountable amounts of pain in all my lifetimes.

But I’m still here. I’m still existing and smiling. Pain and suffering don’t last. It fades as all things do. So as long as youre willing accept to let go.

And that’s just for people who are suffering cause of the past. To make peace with physical pain, is a matter of accepting your condition and focusing on things you love to see and do. Its a matter of builing your mental resilence/strength to feel no rejection to the ‘pain’ so that it is neutralized by the mind and no longer felt as pain. (I’ve done this dozens of times. Pain can certainly be dissolved as a feeling)


Hi Sammy, correct me if I’m wrong, so things like rape, poverty, emotional pain, etc are all due to karma. I just can’t fathom how someone could be done injustice because of karma and frankly it scares me because I been through a lot of pain and I’m guessing I must have done a a lot of bad stuff in the previous life I guess?

If I read it wrong my bad. I’m just a little confused on how all this still works. @SammyG

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In Vedic astrology.

You get to see your past karma in d60 chart shashtiamsha. Although I don’t really recommend you looking at it with yourself. Because it’s very hard to determine. Especially the accuracy of time is important.

Through this chart you also see why you dealing with such things. That affecting you in deeper level. Subconsciously

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To clarify my vent, it’s not things happening or not happening that causes suffering, it is just things as they are is suffering. I don’t think that definition of suffering works, so maybe I need to use a different word to convey the meaning, but what I meant was I could one day be eating an apple in the park and having a “great” time and the next day I could be doing the same thing with the same conditions and it could be a “miserable” time, and all this is dictated by what the macro programming calls for that day. I’ve had days where I’m hungry, cold, tired and “happy” and days where I’m fat, warm, and comfortable and “sad.” Granted, the context matters, but those could be flipped for no rhyme or reason other than that’s what the day called for. It’s just watching my dashas and I can see days where I know things are probably going to be ok and others where I’m going to be miserable. If I get ahead of it I can mitigate it somewhat, but there’s no way you can account for the mysterious ways things move. Sometimes I stop caring or forget to look, wonder why is this happening, take a peak, and say, “oh, duh.”

Happiness, love and joy are kinds of suffering, as it takes sacrifice and therefore suffering to partake in those things. The default of “life” is suffering. Big Capital L Life may be different, but “life” is pain, suffering, and toil, for everyone. If you don’t have to urinate, defecate, eat, move, breath, and you’re not dead, I guess you’ve successfully escaped. For the rest of us, we have no choice, which is itself suffering. There are perks to existing in the land of death, but do you risk losing your soul in the process to take advantage? Where is the line? No one can tell you for sure.

If this experiment had meaning behind it, it would be worthwhile. It would mitigate suffering, but it only has organisation, processes, scripts, imitations and simulations. There’s nothing here. It’s relying on me(us) to create meaning for it to base its processes, sims, and scripts off of, but it disappears when I give it none of myself to create with, and therefore no ability to create new sufferings to harvest. The only realities are you, me, and those that use our Truth to keep the lights on. From beginning to end, all that we can know here is suffering.

I don’t want to leave it there because I appreciate your words and taking the time to respond. There’s no religion I 100% agree with, as they’re all vehicles, hopefully, for higher realization and good, hopefully, and I don’t think the Buddhists or anyone has a monopoly on Truth, but there are certain aspects of these religious systems you just can’t get away from, and suffering, or that this is a world of suffering, pain and death, would be one of them. To get attached to it at all, or to remain attached, would ultimately be a mistake, so it is claimed, which I agree with as far as I can be aware. Like you say, the detached state, nondual state. But that would be to no longer exist in this world, as you are, as I am. I would have to go, which still means this is a meaningless world of suffering for you can’t turn something that was never able to be real in the first place and make it so, lipstick on a pig. These realisations only bring pain to those close to you who are looking for the you who never existed and you’re unable to provide them proof of life for peace of mind as they don’t understand and can’t understand and there’s nothing you can do to help them because they can only help themselves, so you let them go. I wish I could say I am beyond that suffering.

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It seems to be an impersonal system. You may have done something to warrant something else, but did you ever really have a choice? What were the conditions at play? The buy-in is part of the reaping and sowing, it seems. People use that as an excuse to deprive, rape, murder, but if you’re truly enlightened and beyond all of this buying in, do you really want to rape and/or murder anyone? What would be the point? There would be nothing to gain or lose because you don’t have anything at stake. You have to be kept in the dark for the illusion to work, otherwise you won’t play. We all suffer from past deeds, not because we did bad ones, but because we did any at all. If everyone somehow realised what’s going on, the world would stop turning.

You’ll never know what you did or didn’t do in a past life because how can you reliably know? We can all be deceived. It’s hard to blame people’s past actions that they have no awareness of for their current sufferings, it could be all made up, which would fit the theme of everything in this reality beside you and me being 100% fake.

How and where did it all start?

Like who created the Universe A that created the universe B xd

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This topological figure can explain how pain and enjoyment gets mixed together as one thing inseparable from each other:


Moebius strip properties:

Möbius strip, a one-sided surface that can be constructed by affixing the ends of a rectangular strip after first having given one of the ends a one-half twist. This space exhibits interesting properties, such as having only one side and remaining in one piece when split down the middle


I respect your perspective and you probably have your reasons for thinking these things. I accept it and it’s a valid way of looking at the world.

But it’s just as valid as any other perspective. Just as valid as mine for example. It is just a perspective at the end of the day. A way of looking at the world.

Suffering isn’t a thing. It’s a way of percieving the world. To you, life is suffering. To others like me, it is living. It is loving and fighting, it is fire and water, it is failing and achieving, it is loving and hating, it is the beginning and the end. It is the whole picture and it all the more beautiful and worth living for cause of it. I enjoy living and exploring and creating. I am not suffering by default.

So if I can percieve life as not being suffering, anyone can as well. Reality is what you percieve it to be. And we often create our own suffering with how we percieve ourselves and the world.

Not saying that’s what you do my friend. I’m only responding in friendly discussion. My disagreements are simply for the sake of discussion :slight_smile:


Give me a minute, I’m gonna ask universe #48,216,395,032,745,689,102,376,518,430,925,807,352,914,603,789,246,501,892. But I’m not sure if that’s the one cause that’s as far as I can count. So might take a minute or might be an eternity til I get an answer, I’ll let you know when I get a line :wink:

I have no idea though. It’s mind boggling to think of. How did the void become aware of itself? Haha, that’d be awesome if the universe was just trying to unveil that mystery and created all this just to find that out :sweat_smile:

But from my experience, its an eternal ‘dog chasing after its own tail’ kinda thing. The creator created itself. It’s all just one thing. There wasn’t ever anything else. It does boggle my mind as to how the void became aware of itself to then spark consciousness, which then consciousness created everything through exploring each possiblity onto infinity. Remember though, consciousness is the void being aware of itself.

It just… it really bends my mind too and is kinda insane to try to fathom this as ahuman. I remember when dream started telling me these kinds of things, of the scope of infinity… and my brain would feel fried tryna imagine it. I lowkey had a mini existential crisis when I first learned of these things. And had it for a while. But it wasn’t til I experienced these things for myself that the fear broke away and I felt completely at peace with it. It’s actually reallllllllly awesome and worth growing for. Seriously, realizing how vast and infinite you actually are makes the suffering you’ve experienced seem like nothing.

Existence is far, far more awesome than this short little life of yours in that struggling ego has convinced it of being. I do agree though. Being human is hard as hell.

But you’re human. You’re here to grow. And these hard challenges being thrown at us are the damned reason we are here in the first place! Let’s face them. Not avoid them. We are capable of solving our problems. We’ve only convinced ourselves we aren’t and therefore keep repeating the same cycles of suffering over and over again.

Okay, I’m done. I’ve typed so much today that my arms hurt.

I’ll move these posts to another thread cause I think the people that want to vent are looking at this thread like ‘they still talkin bout oneness… i just wanna vent…’ lol



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