Philosophy and Practice of Sexual Mastery ( Radiant Sexuality )

This thread is based on the Radiant Sexuality field but is also general knowledge for all. I will be going into the different Sexual Kung Fu techniques that will help you become a master of your own sexual energy. And I will also make 3 extra posts on 1. Spirituality and Manifestation with Sexual Energy 2. Sexual Mastery in the bedroom (Men & women) 3. Unique Tips/Tricks

I am going to start with just the basic concepts but really, I am just summarizing what I know from the Mantak Chia books I learned from. I did end up learning a few tricks of the trade along the way that I will also share with you guys as I have found them to be very effective ways to go about this as you climb the ladder. That’s where my experience will come in here to help you guys master this more better. But I wouldn’t have been able to do these tricks if I hadn’t already engaged in these taoist practices. They provide the foundation from which you will grow off of.

PS (The mastery roadmap is a way for you to know the path forward to mastering a practice. It is also a way to help people measure progress. It’s best to keep track in a tracking app, notes or even a clicker. I only included it for kegels for now as it is easier to track but will add the mastery path to the other exercises. The penalty system is to ensure that you can keep momentum going.)

The goal of sexual energy mastery is to circulate your sexual energy throughout your entire body, reinvigorating your whole being, clearing, and growing your energy system (chakras), providing energy orgasms, and safely storing sexual energy for easy transmutation into other endeavors. This practice aims to build up sexual energy without external stimuli, enhance awareness of your sexual energy, and align your breath with its flow for better control and redirection.

Integration with Radiant Sexuality

This advice is beneficial for everyone, not just those using the Radiant Sexuality field. The field enhances these practices, allowing them to grow within you more rapidly and eventually work through pure intention alone. The ultimate goal is to raise your sexual energy with intention, have energetic orgasms, and redirect sexual energy to various parts of the body for healing, strengthening, or cognitive boosts.

Sexual Energy (Ching-Chi)

Sexual energy, known as ching-chi, is considered a powerful and vital form of energy in Taoist philosophy. It is believed to be a highly concentrated form of life force (chi) that, when properly harnessed and circulated, can greatly enhance physical vitality, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Sexual energy is not only a source of sexual pleasure but also a crucial element for maintaining overall health and longevity.

Microcosmic Orbit

The Microcosmic Orbit refers to a key Taoist energy channel that runs through the body. This orbit comprises two primary pathways: the Governor Vessel, which ascends from the perineum up the spine to the crown of the head, and the Conception Vessel, which descends from the crown of the head down the front of the body back to the perineum. Circulating energy through this orbit helps balance the body’s energy systems, promote health, and facilitate spiritual development. Visualization and controlled breathing are used to guide the sexual energy through these pathways, ensuring it nourishes all parts of the body.

Energy System and Chakras

In addition to the Microcosmic Orbit, the body’s energy system includes several energy centers, or chakras, that correspond to various physical and emotional functions. Proper circulation and balance of chi through these chakras are essential for maintaining health and well-being. Sexual energy, when directed properly, can clear, charge, and expand these energy centers, leading to enhanced vitality and emotional balance.

Effects of Ejaculation

Ejaculation is believed to cause a significant loss of sexual energy, which can lead to feelings of depletion, weakness, and a reduction in overall vitality. In Taoist philosophy, frequent ejaculation is thought to disperse the body’s vital essence (Jing), leading to faster aging and a decrease in physical and mental strength. The loss of Jing through ejaculation is compared to depleting a reservoir of life force, which can have long-term effects on health and vitality.

Sexual Energy Cultivation

Cultivating sexual energy involves practices designed to retain and transform this potent energy rather than allowing it to dissipate through ejaculation. Here are the practices:


Kegel exercises enhance sexual performance and pleasure by strengthening pelvic floor muscles, leading to better control over ejaculation for men and improved vaginal tone and lubrication for women. They enhance orgasms and sexual pleasure, improve urinary and bowel control, aid in managing incontinence, support pregnancy and postpartum recovery, and promote core stability. Kegels are foundational to Sexual Energy Mastery as they help gain control over involuntary PC muscle spasms that trigger ejaculation. They also aid in controlling and directing energy upwards into the body’s circular flow.

dentify the Right Muscles:

  • Stop the flow of urine midstream or tighten the muscles that prevent you from passing gas to identify your pelvic floor muscles.

Perform the Exercise:

  1. Empty your bladder before starting.
  2. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  3. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, holding the contraction for 3-5 seconds.
  4. Relax the muscles for an equal amount of time.
  5. Repeat the contraction and relaxation cycle 10-15 times per session.


  • Aim to do Kegel exercises at least three times a day.
  • Gradually increase the duration of each contraction and the number of repetitions as your muscles become stronger.


  • Do not hold your breath while performing Kegels; breathe normally.
  • Focus on isolating the pelvic floor muscles without tightening the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks.
  • You can do this practice while sitting at work, in the car, or anywhere.
  • Be consistent with your practice for the best results.
  • Kegeling while listening to Radiate Sexuality will help strengthen your PC muscles more quickly.
Raise Sexual Energy Flow

Purpose: Build sexual power, increase blood circulation, and stimulate energy flow in the sexual organs to enhance overall vitality and sexual health. This practice allows you to start building up sexual energy without the need for external stimuli like porn. It also helps you become more in touch with your sexual energy by bringing it to your awareness. The combination of breathing along with the energy flow aligns your sexual energy with your breath, allowing you to become fully attuned to its flow and redirect it as desired.

For Men


  1. Preparation:
  • Sit comfortably in a quiet space.
  • Warm your hands by rubbing them together.
  1. Scrotum Compression with Abdominal Breathing:
  • Cup your scrotum gently with one hand.
  • Inhale deeply into your abdomen, feeling it expand.
  • As you inhale, gently compress the scrotum and visualize the energy rising up from the testicles to the spine.
  • Exhale slowly, releasing the compression and feeling your abdomen contract.
  • Visualize the energy flowing down from the spine to the navel.
  • Tip: Focus on a rhythmic, smooth breathing pattern to enhance the connection between breath and energy flow.
  1. Genital Massage:
  • After several compressions, begin to massage the entire genital area.
  • Use circular motions, gentle squeezing, and light tapping.
  • Focus on relaxation and visualize energy flowing smoothly through the reproductive organs, synchronized with your breathing.

Reasoning and Benefits: This combined practice helps to concentrate and store sexual energy within the testicles while stimulating blood flow and maintaining reproductive health. The integration of abdominal breathing with scrotum compression intertwines breath and sexual energy, enhancing vitality and relaxation. The genital massage further improves circulation, reduces tension, and enhances overall sexual health.

Tip: It’s okay to look at pornographic images to begin feeling sexual stimulation. Do not watch videos though.

For Women


  1. Preparation:
  • Sit comfortably in a quiet space.
  • Warm your hands by rubbing them together.
  1. Ovarian Compression with Abdominal Breathing:
  • Place your hands on your lower abdomen, over the ovaries.
  • Inhale deeply into your abdomen, feeling it expand.
  • As you inhale, gently press down on the lower abdomen and visualize the energy rising from the ovaries to the spine.
  • Exhale slowly, releasing the pressure and feeling your abdomen contract.
  • Visualize the energy flowing down from the spine to the navel.
  • Tip: Maintain a gentle, steady pressure and focus on the rhythmic expansion and contraction of your abdomen.
  1. Genital Massage:
  • After several compressions, begin to massage the lower abdomen and genital area.
  • Use circular motions, gentle squeezing, and light tapping.
  • Focus on relaxation and visualize energy flowing smoothly through the reproductive organs, synchronized with your breathing.
  • Tip: Use a warm lubricant if needed to ensure comfort and enhance the massage experience.

Reasoning and Benefits: For women, this combined practice concentrates and stores sexual energy within the ovaries and stimulates blood flow to maintain reproductive health. The integration of abdominal breathing with ovarian compression intertwines breath and sexual energy, enhancing vitality and relaxation. The genital massage further improves circulation, reduces tension, and enhances overall sexual health.

Ultimate Sexual Energy Flow

Microcosmic Sexual Energy Flow

Purpose: This is the core practice of sexual energy mastery. Through this practice, you will learn to circulate your sexual energy throughout your entire body, inducing energetic orgasms and generating a perpetual flow of euphoric, blissful energy. This practice empowers and enhances your energy flow, promoting rejuvenation and overall vitality.


  1. Preparation:
  • Sit comfortably with a straight spine, or lie down if preferred.
  • Place your hands on your abdomen.
  • Take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  1. Deep Abdominal Breathing:
  • Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your abdomen.
  • Exhale slowly through your mouth, contracting your abdomen.
  • Focus on the movement of your abdomen, promoting relaxation and increasing oxygen intake.
  1. Testicle Breathing (for men) / Ovarian Breathing (for women):
  • Men: Focus on your testicles. Inhale deeply, pulling up the testicles and contracting the anus.
  • Women: Focus on your ovaries. Inhale deeply, pulling in the lower abdominal muscles.
  • Visualize energy rising from the testicles/ovaries up the spine to the crown of the head.
  1. Microcosmic Orbit:
  • With each inhale, visualize the energy rising from the perineum (base of the spine) up to the crown of your head.
  • With each exhale, guide the energy down the front of your body to the navel.
  • Continue this circulation, maintaining a calm and focused mind.
  • Tip: Imagine the energy flow as a waterfall rising from your perinum up to your spine and flowing downwards the front of your body.
Storing Sexual Energy/Transmutation

Storing Sexual Energy

Purpose: Retain and circulate sexual energy, prevent ejaculation, and store the energy in the navel energy center for later use. This practice is essential for sexual transmutation, directing life force energy to different tasks and ensuring it becomes a healthy part of your flow.


  1. During arousal:
  • Stop stimulation.
  • Inhale deeply and contract PC muscles.
  • Visualize energy rising from the perineum up the spine.
  • Hold the breath and contraction briefly.
  • Exhale, allowing the energy to flow back to the navel.

Reasoning and Benefits: The Power Lock Exercise uses muscular control and breath work to prevent ejaculation, allowing sexual energy to be retained and circulated within the body. This enhances stamina, channels energy for other uses, and improves overall vitality. By storing the energy in the navel, you can repurpose it for activities such as creativity, exercise, or other physical tasks, ensuring a balanced and invigorating flow.

I will be adding more to these practices as I know I can be even more clear and give even better tips as to how to go about them. I gave the most basic summaries possible so I do think if you want a better general overview of these practices, you should get the multiorgasmic books (either man or woman) by Mantak Chia.

I will be also adding recommended amount of times to do these practices and a general path to mastery for each exercise. The penalties are to maintain momentum. For example for Kegel Mastery, a Mastery Roadmap would look something like this:

Mastery Roadmap: Kegel Exercises

Level 1:

  • Goal: Perform 250 Kegels in two weeks
  • Suggested Daily Practice: 3 sessions of 10-15 reps
  • Timeframe: 2 weeks
  • Penalty: If not achieved by 2 weeks, restart the two-week process. If you cross 100 but don’t reach 250, you get one more chance. You can perform 200 Kegels in one week to still reach level 1. If not, restart the two-week process.

I will keep this thread locked until I add the other posts so that this thread can be a cohesive hub of information. We can discuss these things in the radiant sexuality release thread and you can ask questions. I will be editing these posts and adding what I can to keep this all as informative as possible.


Just a quick tip, even if you aren’t following my visualization advice… this field pairs well with sexual practice. Before or during sex it creates this rejuvenating energy flow that stimulates all your chakras and enhances everything in an empowering way.

Now here’s a cool and fun trick to enhance this field even more for yourself.

Listen to the audio while you stimulate yourself sexually. You can use porn images (of just the person) to get your imagination going or just use your imagination itself.

In your imagination, imagine yourself having sex with them of course. One thing porn tends to ruin is, our abulity to imagine ourselves being sexual with others. It’s important that you are able to imagine yourself doing so and in your imagination, being the best lover you can be. Doing so will start to bring more confidence and purity in desire to your sexual energy. The field and visualization will clear out inner doubts as you continually engage in doing so. (Even without this field, doing this does wonders for sexuality over time)

While you stimulate yourself, try to focus on the crown of your head. When you feel the urge to ejaculate, maintain your awareneess in your head. Stop the stimulation and keep focusing on the crown of your head. And then as the urge simmers down, then put your hands in your stomach/navel and breathe in and out there. When yiu breathe out, let out a moan. A pleasurable ‘ahhhh’ (the moan release built up sexual energy). Do this while circling your hands counter clockwise in your stomach.

Repeat this process a few times.

For one, this is an easy simplified practice of circulating your sexual energy around your microcosmic orbit. It is extremely pleasurable and as you practice it more, you’ll begin to have more and more bodily orgasms. These orgasms clear and open your chakras and revitalize your channels to a very grounded yet vigorous flow.

If you also have a mantra or certain goal, doing this practice while focusing or visualizing it, would create a very strong imprint that makes for faster manifestations or inner change.

When you finish, do the breathing in the stomach/navel and feel all the built up energy being sucked like a straw into this area. Just rub your navel for a while and focus on it. All the other energy you feel just feel it centralizing in your stomach. This will store the energy and transmute it for other tasks.

While this sounds difficult, it’s not. Just the intention alone and semblance of focus should be enough as the audio is doing all this anyways. Its just that fields work 100x better when you mentally engage with the process.

A simpler way of saying all this is… edging while listening to this audio yields excellent results. It’ll invigorate your energy flow and turn you into a powerhouse. Like adding a nitro battery to your body.

That said, just a few word of advice…

Don’t do this all of the time. That’s an easy way of draining your serotonin/dopamine.

Kegels are still recommended as the urge to ejaculate will likely win over some of you. Also, some of the practices I shared earlier to ensure your energy gets centralized to your navel and stored there. So I still recommend them.

I just had to share this because I’ve noticed most people use it casually and while perfectly fine and still circulating your sexual energy in powerful and healthy way… this field is very powerful and working to a very palpable capacity with sexual stimulation. So just had to share this lol.


(Keep in mind this post is very explicit)

How to become a Master in the Bedroom

(This post is for men and women)

Something that rarely gets talked about is how to be good in bed. Actually being good at sex is an essential skill, but there really isn’t much good information or advice given on the subject. Porn is the worst place to get any education about sex because it is staged and extremely unrealistic. For example, thrusting like a jackhammer does not equate to having good sex.

The fact that over 50% of women have never had an orgasm is very telling about how unfulfilling many men are at sex. But this thread is not only for men; it is also for women to be more active in the bedroom and achieve a more fulfilling experience.

Sex is very fulfilling with the right partner and can bring you both much closer together. Even if you are engaging with others purely for pleasure, it’s much more fulfilling to have great sex that leaves a positive experience for both partners. Sex is a skill like any other and will go a long way in enhancing your connection to romantic or sexual partners.

Many people who lack sexual confidence or knowledge about how to please their partner often project that uncertainty in the bedroom. This is often due to a lack of knowledge.

Even if you aren’t sexually active, this is useful knowledge to have in the back of your mind if you do engage. This is universal advice that should apply to most people. I’m not sharing this because I’m some master, but because I’ve learned things over the years that I think would be helpful for most people to know as well.


Know what you are into. Understand what appeals to you. Don’t be ashamed of your desires unless they are genuinely harmful to you or others (like pedophilia, for example). Kinks and preferences are often ingrained in your sexual desire, and that’s fine. Whatever it is, it makes you a unique individual. There are certainly others who are willing to fulfill those desires for you.

There are many variations of sexuality, and you should never be convinced that sex should be a certain way. How we desire and feel pleasure is always an individual thing. Forget about what society thinks.

For example, some men like to be dominant in bed, and some women like to be submissive. This is a common dynamic. But there are also many men who prefer to be submissive and women who like to be dominant. Some couples switch roles from time to time. The dom/sub dynamic exists in most orientations (like top/bottom in the gay community) and represents the give/take push/pull dynamic in the duality of the masculine/feminine dynamic.

Know what you are and what you seek. Understand what drives you. Don’t be ashamed of your inclinations. What you lean towards exists, and people who know themselves sexually are usually the most sexually active. Being confident in what you desire creates a subconscious imprint that naturally draws compatible people to you.

Many people are sexually repressed and carry shame, taboo, or insecurity, which blocks them from having an attractive sexual imprint in their subconscious. This, in turn, hinders their ability to draw in people with whom they would have sexual chemistry.

By being grounded in your sexual desire and owning it, you will draw the right partners to you. Your subconscious communicates everything to others. This is why so many people struggle in the dating world today; there is so much doubt, repression, blame, and hate held within that it repels potential partners. How you feel about yourself is an aura in itself. Your vibe is always felt.


At the base of human connection is communication. Many people struggle with listening to body language. Verbal communication accounts for very little of the actual communication between people. For example, your cheeks might blush, you might fidget after an uncomfortable topic, a lady playing with her hair might indicate interest, someone mirroring your hand movements or stance suggests rapport, and a person’s breathing getting slower when they feel comfortable and connected with you are all significant cues.

These non-verbal signals are constantly at play and can tell you what words cannot. Paying attention to body language will help you understand your partner better, especially when you get intimate. This is very important. But before you get there…

Physical touch is incredibly important before getting intimate. Caressing your partner, holding their hands, playing with their hair, holding them, playing thumb war, or touching their shoulder during a conversation can increase the magnetism between you. It’s like rubbing wool to create an electrical charge. The more you touch your partner, the more that charge will increase. Balancing this with some push and pull will heighten the desire even more. By push and pull, I mean touch and then refrain from touching for a bit. When you touch again, it will be more impactful.

For those already in relationships, you likely have an idea of what your partner enjoys. But for new relationships or hookups, communication is crucial. When getting intimate, it’s important to ask, “How do you like it?”, “How do you want it?”, “What stimulates you most?” Keep it simple and sexy. Whisper it in their ear or ask as you kiss their neck.

Your partner might prefer it rough, slow, with lots of foreplay, or in another way. You won’t know unless you ask. Guessing or doing what you’re inclined to do might work sometimes, but other times it can backfire. Simply asking these questions puts you ahead of most people who don’t bother to ask. It’s not a sign of insecurity; it’s proper communication. You don’t know their body and needs better than they do, so the only way to find out is to ask.

When you begin getting intimate, there is more to communication, but I’ll cover sexual communication in a few bullet points. Before that, remember that body language is just as important during intimacy. Sometimes your partner might not communicate verbally that they aren’t enjoying the experience or want to do something different. That’s why you need to pay attention to their body. While some non-verbal cues might mean nothing on their own, a combination of them clearly indicates they are not into what is happening. It’s important to be conscious of this. If you notice it, ask, “Would you like me to slow down?”, “Tell me how you want it, my love,” or “Talk to me, baby, you want it like that?” Asking, “What’s wrong?” can suggest something is wrong, so stay in the sexual flow.

Here are cues to keep in mind. Many of these also apply outside the bedroom, indicating interest or disinterest.

**Non-Verbal Cues Indicating Discomfort or Lack of Enjoyment**
  1. Body Tension: Stiff or rigid body movements, clenched fists, or tense muscles can indicate discomfort or lack of enjoyment.
  2. Lack of Eye Contact: Avoiding eye contact or looking away frequently might suggest disinterest or discomfort.
  3. Minimal or Forced Responses: Limited physical responses, such as minimal movement or forced, mechanical actions, can indicate a lack of engagement.
  4. Facial Expressions: Frowning, grimacing, or a blank expression can be signs of discomfort or displeasure.
  5. Withdrawing or Pulling Away: Pulling away or distancing themselves physically can indicate a desire to stop or take a break.
  6. Lack of Vocalization: Absence of positive sounds, like moans or sighs, and instead, silence or strained sounds might indicate a lack of enjoyment.
  7. Rapid Breathing or Holding Breath: Unnatural or rapid breathing, or holding breath, can be signs of anxiety or discomfort.
  8. Inconsistent Movements: Sudden, erratic, or inconsistent movements might suggest unease or discomfort.
  9. Avoidance of Touch: Moving hands away or avoiding touch altogether can signal discomfort.
  10. Distracted Behavior: Frequently checking the time, looking around the room, or showing signs of distraction might indicate a lack of interest.
Non-Verbal Cues Indicating Enjoyment and Pleasure
  1. Relaxed Body Language: A relaxed, open posture and smooth, flowing movements suggest comfort and enjoyment.
  2. Maintained Eye Contact: Regular, meaningful eye contact can indicate connection and enjoyment.
  3. Positive Facial Expressions: Smiling, gentle biting of the lip, or other positive facial expressions indicate pleasure.
  4. Responsive Movements: Actively moving in sync with their partner, such as arching back, pulling closer, or moving hips rhythmically, suggests engagement.
  5. Vocalizations: Natural moans, sighs, and other sounds of pleasure indicate enjoyment.
  6. Deep Breathing: Slow, deep breaths can signify relaxation and pleasure.
  7. Touching and Caressing: Actively touching, caressing, or holding their partner suggests a desire for closeness and enjoyment.
  8. Positive Physical Feedback: Actions like nodding, smiling, or gently squeezing their partner’s hand or arm can indicate approval and pleasure.
  9. Flushed Skin: A natural flush on the face, neck, or chest can be a physiological sign of arousal and enjoyment.
  10. Leaning In: Leaning towards their partner and seeking more physical contact suggests enjoyment and a desire for intimacy.


When it comes to intimacy, foreplay is absolutely essential. Think of it not as a precursor to pleasure but as an integral part of the experience itself. Too many men rush through it, eager to get to the main event, but don’t be that guy. Instead, savor every moment and make her feel like the most attractive woman in the world. Confidence and patience are key.

One of the most crucial aspects of foreplay is anticipation. Building up the moment makes the eventual climax much more satisfying. Begin with intimate eye contact that conveys desire and admiration. When you kiss her, let it be a dance of tongues, flowing naturally and rhythmically. Kissing is an art, not a race, so take your time and enjoy each moment.

Teasing is your ally. Women love being kissed, licked, and sucked on different parts of their bodies before any direct contact with their more sensitive areas. Start by kissing her neck, behind her ears, and down her back. These areas are often overlooked but can be incredibly sensitive. The key is to be gentle and pay attention to her responses. Light touches and soft bites can send shivers down her spine.

When undressing her, don’t rush. Kiss her skin as it’s revealed, and when you reach her breasts, remember that the outer parts are just as sensitive as the nipples. Lightly kiss, suck, and lick these areas, gradually working your way in. This method not only builds anticipation but also heightens sensitivity.

When you move to her vagina, start by rubbing the areas surrounding it. This build-up is crucial. The clitoris is incredibly sensitive, so begin with light, soft strokes. Pay attention to her reactions and adjust your pressure accordingly. Slow, circular motions are often effective, and as she responds, you can gradually increase the intensity.

Introducing a finger can enhance the experience. Use a gentle, ‘come hither’ motion to stimulate her G-spot. This dual stimulation can be incredibly intense, so be mindful of her reactions. You can also tease by rubbing around the vagina and slowly building up to direct contact with the clitoris.

Foreplay is not just a lead-up to sex; it is an essential part of the sexual experience. Enjoy the process. Savor every touch. Really enjoy touching her, allowing yourself to feel pleasure from her pleasure. Be eager and enthusiastic, as this is key to being a good lover. Make her feel sexy and desired, caressing her body and expressing how much you want her. Reassure her if she’s self-conscious, especially about her body or her vagina.

Cunnilingus is a powerful aspect of foreplay that should not be overlooked. Begin with soft, gentle licks, gradually increasing pressure and intensity as she responds. The clitoris isn’t the only sensitive part; the labia and inner thighs are also highly responsive areas. Mixing up your technique—sucking, licking, and lightly biting—keeps things exciting and pleasurable.

When performing oral, start with light, soft licks. As she responds, you can increase the pressure. Suck on her clitoris lightly, covering your teeth with your lips, and combine this with gentle licks. Remember to give her clit breaks by focusing on her labia and inner thighs. Pay attention to her reactions and adjust accordingly.

Edging is another powerful technique. Bring her close to orgasm, then stop. This builds immense anticipation and can lead to a much stronger climax. As she gets closer, increase the intensity of your licks and strokes, making long, broad strokes with your tongue and applying more pressure.

Remember, her pleasure is paramount. If she orgasms before penetration, she’ll be much more satisfied, even if you don’t last long. Many women haven’t experienced orgasms regularly, so making sure she reaches one can make a huge difference in her sexual satisfaction.

Being a good lover means being attentive, patient, and eager to please. Treat foreplay as an essential part of sex, not just a lead-up to it. Enjoy the process, savor every touch, and make her pleasure your goal. This approach will not only make sex more enjoyable for her but will also enhance your own experience, creating a fulfilling and deeply satisfying intimacy for both partners.

Note: Enjoy giving pleasure and make it your goal to please your partner. Their satisfaction will only enhance your own in ways that make sex extremely enjoyable and fulfilling. Make sure your partner orgasms before you do, and remember to be fair and reciprocate oral pleasure. This balance and attentiveness will create a deeper connection and a more satisfying experience for both of you.


A lot of foreplay begins before you even get to the bedroom. A flirty text or hint about what you plan to do to him later can build anticipation. Telling him you’re not wearing any underwear can drive him wild. Even a suggestive picture can be incredibly enticing.

(This advice applies to men as well, perhaps even more so! For many women, the anticipation and build-up are more important than the sex itself. If you’re on a date and things are escalating, whispering something like, “I can’t wait to get my mouth on you,” can work wonders. Similarly, women telling men such things can captivate them completely.)

Everything you do should convey that you want them. Half of making anything seem sexy is effectively showing genuine desire. If someone doesn’t feel wanted, they don’t feel sexy, and it kills the mood. So think about how much you want them and let it show in your body language, eyes, and voice. Get close, touch them, kiss them. They’ll get the idea.

Enthusiasm is key and is something many guys appreciate. Show him the same attention he gives you. Don’t act like being on top is a chore or give a half-hearted effort. Give him your all, ride him like he’s the last train home, and engage in passionate oral sex. Ask him what he likes. Take care of your man the way he takes care of you. It’s a mutual effort; they need love, care, and effort just as much as you do. Show interest and passion, and you will bring out the best in each other.

Make it clear that you need it, like you’re in heat and aching to be touched. Use soft caresses, kisses, hard breathing, moaning, and light scratching. Exhibit a sense of feral desire and aggressive submission.

Much of what I wrote for men to women applies to women to men as well. Eye contact is very stimulating, and communication is crucial. For example, if you want to try something new (like stimulating the perineum during oral sex), you need to ask if they’re okay with it. Some guys are into it, and some are not, so it’s best not to surprise them.

Men may not be as sensitive as women, but they love to be touched. Massage them, kiss them everywhere, whisper naughty things in their ears, and give love bites. Touching around the penis, like the inner thighs and pelvis, can work them up and tease them intensely. The ultimate truth is that men don’t need much foreplay; they’re usually ready to go immediately. Oral sex is always welcome! Giving a handjob while kissing his neck is extremely stimulating. Don’t aggressively jerk it; some penises are very sensitive, and that can make us orgasm right away. As always, men should communicate if something is too much or if they want it a certain way, and you should ask if they don’t.

If you’re giving a blowjob, enthusiasm is key. Want to do it and want to pleasure him. Men can tell if you’re into it or just doing it out of obligation, and the latter makes for a poor experience. Show genuine enthusiasm, and he’ll have a good time. Add variety—use your tongue, mix in some dirty talk, and ask ahead of time about any preferences, especially regarding ball play. Let him know ahead of time what you’re comfortable with regarding ejaculation. Teasing is good, and a tender, loving approach with occasional eye contact and genuine smiles can be very effective. Enjoy it and worship it like it’s your last supper.

If your partner is into it, licking his perineum (the area between his balls and anus) can be extremely pleasurable. Just above that area is the male G-spot.

When you’re going to have sex, avoid too much penis stimulation beforehand. Overstimulation can make a man finish too quickly. Men don’t need as much foreplay, and too much can make us finish immediately.



If she’s not sufficiently aroused, continue with foreplay before moving to penetration.

Teasing Before Penetration:

  • Start by teasing her with your penis, rubbing it around her inner thighs and gradually moving to her vagina. Rub it around her vagina for a bit. If she’s begging for you to just stick it in, don’t oblige right away. Rub her clitoris with your penis to work her up. After some time, ask her, “You want it, baby?” When she’s ready, begin penetration but not all the way in.

Finding a Rhythm:

  • Start with shallow thrusts and find a steady rhythm. Gradually penetrate deeper and increase the pace. Treat it like a dance; music can help you maintain rhythm. R&B, Afrobeats, or Reggaeton often have sexual rhythms that are easy to follow.

Aligning Pelvises:

  • When you’re penetrating deeply, align your pelvis with hers. This stimulates her clitoris with your thrusts, which is important because most women don’t orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. Grinding your pelvic bone against hers ensures clitoral stimulation.

Clitoral Stimulation:

  • Rub her clitoris with your fingers while penetrating if possible. This greatly enhances the experience. If not, focus on other erogenous zones. Grab her nipples, her asscheeks, her thighs, her neck (if she’s okay with that), or pull her hair (ask first). Kiss, lick, and bite her to keep the passion alive.

G-Spot Pillow Method:

  • Fold a pillow in half and have her lie on it with her ass raised for penetration. This position makes it easier to hit her G-spot, leading to consistent orgasms.


  • Women love to hear you moan. It reassures them that you’re enjoying the moment. Don’t be silent; let her know you’re having a great time.


  • If she doesn’t seem to be enjoying herself, ask, “How do you want it, baby?” She might prefer rough penetration, but you won’t know unless you ask.

Dirty Talk:

  • Mastering dirty talk can significantly enhance the sexual experience. Women often respond more to emotional stimulation than penetration. Foreplay is where real sex happens, and penetration is the icing on the cake.

Ensuring Orgasm:

  • Pay attention to her moans intensifying and her getting louder. When she’s close, she might say, “I’m almost cumming.” This is your cue to go hard and fast. At this point, jackhammer thrusts can help her climax.

Delaying Your Climax:

  • If you’re getting close to climax and want to keep going, switch to oral sex or fingering. Let her know you’re almost cumming or that you want to taste her again. While doing this, perform Kegels to redirect your sexual energy and slow down the ejaculatory urge. Moaning while eating her out or fingering her can also help.

Practicing Outside the Bedroom:

  • Practice Kegels and other techniques to last longer during sex. Premature ejaculation can prevent you from satisfying her through penetration. Learning to control your climax will make you a better lover and ensure she gets off too.



Communicate what you like and prefer. Many women want men to take the lead and don’t want to seem picky, so they just go with the flow and end up dissatisfied. Don’t be that girl. If you want it rough, say it. If you want it slow, say it.

Non-Verbal Communication

There are ways to communicate without talking. Use your hands. Touch, grab, hold, and guide. Move him the way you want him to move. Most men find this incredibly hot because it shows you’re engaged and enjoying yourself. If you need breast stimulation, grab his hand and place it there. Small gestures like a lip bite, a look down, or a thigh squeeze can communicate your needs and enhance the connection.

Participation During Penetration

Be more participative during penetration. Squeeze him with your legs, use your hips to thrust along with him, and touch and kiss him all over. Even our nipples can be quite sensitive! Show him you can’t get enough of him, and take over in a position or two to give him a break. Riding him also allows you to stimulate your clitoris by rubbing your pelvis against his.

Initiate and Vocalize

Initiate sex every once in a while. It makes men feel incredibly wanted and boosts their self-esteem. Be vocal during sex. Moan, react, and let him know how you feel. If you’re not vocal, we might think you’re bored.

Techniques and Tips

  • Leg Wrap: Wrap your legs around his stomach, not his hips, to avoid creating resistance.
  • Missionary Position: Touch his back, arms, butt, run your fingers through his hair, grab his face, make out, gently nibble on his lips, or bite his shoulder. If he’s more upright, run your hand up and down his chest.
  • Girl on Top: Lean all the way forward, hold his head in your arms, play with his hair, touch yourself, touch his chest, or put your index finger in his mouth and let him suck on it.
  • Doggy Style: Turn around and make eye contact. Reach through your legs to touch his balls (some guys like this, some don’t). Touch yourself, smack your butt, or do whatever feels good.
  • Other Positions: Touch his or your body, make eye contact, talk dirty, crack a joke, laugh, compliment him, and moan.
  • Kegels: Use your kegels to squeeze and release in rhythm with his thrusting. This increases pleasure for both of you.

By being engaged, communicative, and enthusiastic, you can create a more satisfying and connected sexual experience for both you and your partner.

Dirty Talk

Everyone is different, so there isn’t a universal dirty talk that works for everyone. Understanding someone’s vibe and their preferred way of communication is intuitive. Also, not everyone is into dirty talk, so keep that in mind. However, the potential dirty talk shared here should be effective for most men and women.

The real secret to dirty talk is accepting that we all feel weird, awkward, and corny when starting. The more you do it, the smoother and more natural it feels.


It doesn’t take a lot for a woman’s dirty talk to be effective on men.

  • Tell him what you’re going to do to him, tell him what you’re doing to him, then tell him what you just did.
  • Encourage him: “Harder, deeper, etc.?” “You do that so well.” Tell him how great you feel, tell him when something really turns you on, be loud at times just for the hell of it.
  • Tell, don’t ask: Dirty talk is best when it is statements (“I love that”, “You feel so good”, “I want to XYZ…”) and it is worst when it is questions (“How does that feel?”, “Do you like that?”).

(This is very explicit so have to hide)

  • “Fuck my tight pussy, baby. Oh yeah, give it to me harder.”
  • “Oh right there, baby. Mmmmmm, you’re gonna make me cum all over your hard fucking cock. You want that?”
  • “Yeah, you wanna make my pussy drip for you?”
  • “I’m gonna take your big load of cum in my tight pussy and suck it all out of you, baby. Oh fuck yeah, I’m cumming.”
  • “Pound me.”
  • “Beat it up like it’s yours.”
  • “I love it when you fuck me hard.”
  • “Don’t stop.”
  • “It feels so good.”
  • “Your cock feels so good inside me.”
  • “I can hardly take it.”
  • “I need it. I need you!”
  • “Yes, that feels so good.”
  • “Yes, make me cum.”
  • “Harder.”
  • “Your cock is so big.”
  • “Fuck me.”
  • “Kiss my womb.”
  • “Spank me.”
  • “Bite me.”
  • Beg him: “Please, give me more.” “Take me.” “I love how you fuck me.”
  • “Please touch my ____ again/more.”
  • “I’m your good girl.” or “I like being good for you.”

As said before, showing us your desire makes us feel so damn good. It’s incredibly pleasurable to know and feel that you want us more than anything in that moment. Vocalizing how much you’re enjoying it makes us feel great.


In essence, dirty talk for men involves saying “What I’m going to do to you, what I’m doing to you, and what I just did to you.”

Women want to hear what you want to do to them and how bad you want them. The build-up and back-and-forth are key.

**Before sex:**
  • “Fuck, I want you so bad.”
  • “I can’t wait to get in that body of yours.”
  • “You are so beautiful/hot. I’m so fucking lucky.”
  • “I can taste you on my lips already” (when you’re about to go down on her).
  • “Fuck, you’ve got me all worked up.”
  • “Guess what? You’re mine tonight.”
  • “I can’t even tell you the filthy things I’ve been thinking about all day/thinking about doing to you.”
**During sex:**
  • “You look so pretty when you’re taking my dick.”
  • “You feel so good.”
  • “You’re so warm.”
  • “I love going deep inside you.”
  • “You’re all mine, aren’t you? You just can’t help yourself.”
  • “You are so delicious” (while eating her out).
  • “Cum for me, grip my cock.”
  • “You look so pretty with me inside.”
  • “Look at me.”
  • “Shut up and take it.”
  • “You look so fucking pretty, baby.”
  • “You don’t get to finish until I say so.”
  • “You feel so fucking good.”
  • “Good girl.”
  • “This is so good I can’t hold it in.”
  • “You are so fucking tight, I don’t know how much more I can take.”
  • “I will eat the fuck out of your pussy.”
  • “Yeah, work that pussy/ass. Good girl, just like that.”
  • “You like it when I fill up that hot wet little pussy?”
  • “You take it so well.”
**Rough Talk (if she’s into it):**
  • “Good slut.”
  • “Cock hungry little slut.”
  • “Oh yeah, take that cock, baby/bitch.”
  • “Fuck, that feels incredible. Yeah, you’re my sexy little girl/bitch/whore/slut.”
  • “Who’s my sexy little girl/bitch/whore/slut?”
  • “You dirty little bitch/whore/cunt, you’re MY dirty little bitch/whore/cunt.”
  • “I’m gonna fuck you till you scream my fucking name.”
  • “I know you want that cum in you, you dirty little whore/bitch/cunt.”
  • “Take that, you fucking cum slut.”
  • “Whose pussy is this?”

Understand that these examples are to give you a better understanding of what dirty talk is like and what tends to work. Whatever you do should feel natural, but it will feel awkward at first. It gets less corny the more you do it. Dirty talk is not 100% necessary; moaning is the best dirty talk there is. But dirty talk amplifies things and brings more emotion and connection to sex. Women love to be mentally and emotionally stimulated, and this doesn’t change during sex.


That’s all I got for now. I can’t believe I wrote this much about sex, but I think a lot of people will find this information useful. Some of the insights come from my own trial and error over the years, and others are things I’ve read. Compiling everything into one cohesive thread should be very useful for many of you.

Sex is an essential aspect of human existence, yet many of us have little to no knowledge about how to be good at it. I wish I knew most of the stuff I just wrote when I first started out. However, I know some of you are rather young or in the dating world, and having this information firsthand and putting it into practice will set you above the majority of other people out there.

Seriously, remember this information and put it into practice when the time comes. While sex isn’t the most fulfilling thing in the world nor the most important aspect of a relationship (in my opinion), it is still integral to relationships. Being able to satisfy your partner sexually goes a long way toward the success of a relationship. Also, why not be masterful at an activity like this? Like anything else, there is skill involved, and most of us just wing it through life without ever learning how to be good at it. So, I hope these tips help in any way.

Part of what the Radiant Sexuality field is about is enhacing your sexual energy and it’s really not just for… semen retention. That is really not it’s focus. It’s mostly about your sexuality and performance in the bedroom. Enhancing it to its best potential. This information I shared with you helps you actualize that potential into practice that will make you a master in the bedroom.


If you do have any questions, drop em and I can answer. I think I’ve given you guys enough to work with energetically and mentally to make the most out of radiant sexuality. So I’ll be moving onto more things… to master lol.

Also, for those who haven’t purchased and just want to transmute semen retention energy to more spiritual energy, you can just listen to our transmutation/microcosmic audio on youtube.


I guess Sexual Energy Alchemy should be mentioned here as well.


Hell yeah, good catch

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i use this field daily since release. will it help with hmm…will it “heal” my sexuality? sth like blueprint of love? does it teach one how ti perform and what to think of sexuality? like guilt shame? sorry if already answwered.

so far i sence the microcosmic oart, the control of urges is out of dimension, works wonders after relapses. and yes renewal and clear mind also there.

i dudnot achieve much with the above “stimulation”. or maybe unfelt. or idk i dinot do it right.

anyways erotic imagery doesnot trigger me as it once did which i fathom is not bad.

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It’s more of ane energetic/physical field. Like it will heal your sexuality energetically but mentally is a different story. It will make it easier to heal your sexuality mentally but that is inner work that you must do. Not so much a mental field so can’t say it’s like that.

Gotta keep doing the practice. It’ll definitely get you places I’m sure of it. If you also aren’t getting much results, go into the actual practices that I mentioned or even read the book I mentioned.


oh i am getting results. i just was curious. wonderful field!

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Oh I know brother, just answering for ya :heart:


I would like to share here as supportive mean…
I haven’t gone 2 weeks in completely, but the result of practice were kicking in. (can’t share much, but …wink increased intra latency time folks!)

The “porn” part really hit nail right on the head… when it is terminated within, I notice the progress on subconscious and nervous system during amalgamation of the morphic fields + visualization + practice become swift. Leading to enhanced and more propulsive integrating force.

We could do so much more, it just that too many distortion were (probably) shoved to us. You don’t know how good you can feel until you enter the state something like this that enhance your functions quickly. :slightly_smiling_face: :pray:



Heyy @SammyG I want to ask.
Can contacting the perineum lead to any dangerous effects related to Kundalini?

Hmm wouldn’t say dangerous but… definitely stimulates the root chakra. Kegels for example strengthen the root chakram

Technically, yeah… some of theze practice could lead to a random awakening. Not common and isn’t something that has happened to me but I can see it being possible. I don’t see the contact with perinium as dangerous for kundalini though.


@SammyG Beside the knowledge which is essential, should have the ability of that in body, My point is for lasting longer in bed. Which is pretty tough in some case like me because of traditional family and too early circumsition. And should get help with pills like sildenafil and teramadol or spray of that. And can’t stay longer naturally.
And in articles wrote the P.E is around 1 in 3 men. I sincerely request for creating a field for this subject. I’m sick of taking pills anymore. Hope this reach to sapien team.

@SammyG we first need to cultivate large amount of energy,i.e increase our personal energy and then circulate it in order to experience intense brain and full body orgasm.We also need to develop and clear the pathways.
So, in short:
Large amounts of energy + expanded/developed energy channels + technique to circulate it…
All three are necessary?
Am i right in energetic point of view?

@Ivestin Radiant Sexuality helps with this. But as always, I still recommend kegels/reverse kegels. Without that, we usually succumb to the impulse to ejaculate which is triggered through the PC muscles. Without any control over it, it becomes hard to stop the ejaculatory urge. Field and techniques I’ve shared help a lot with this though.

@Anveshsengar Yes, this is true. But you don’t need to be energetically advanced to make this work. The large amount of energy can also be created through sexual energy which is best for energetic orgasma but… technically normal chi can create energetic orgasms as well. Pretty much yeah, your thoughts are on point.

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I am looking for a specific technique or practice that will help me increase my sexual energy.

do you know any?

I want to increase my sexual energy I feel that I have very low levels of sexual energy and I want to increase it

plenty of information across the forum on this, use the search and type sexual energy