Physically Genetically Enhanced Human

The goal of this project is one thing, complete physical enhancement through genetics. Did you know there is over 200+ genetics that have been found to be related to athleticism and the physicality of humans? Genes play a big role in the way our lives turn out in terms of quality and more (for reference to how important genetics are, there are over 30+ genetics that play a role in your eye color alone) Genetics can make us predisposed to things like diseases, mental disorders, and disabilities. Thats where this project comes in in terms of things related to physicality of humans. This projects goal is to bring the human to peak physical condition and form through exclusively genetics. I am aware other projects have used genetic changes but most of these projects have only used a limited amount of them most of the time utilizing under 10 genetic changes. This project is different in the way we are going to utilize a LOT of genetics (atleast 50 of them and at the highest maybe 100) These genetic changes with affect things like (Muscle fiber composition, Muscle strength, muscle growth, flexibility, bone strength, bone density, endurance, oxygen uptake, metabolism, hormones, etc) We will use the best genetic to make us superhumans and bring us to peak physical condition. The goal of this is to enhance human life quality which means this project is not only fit for athletes but anyone looking to get more out life. (Especially if you have physical limits holding you back) Dealing with genes can also be controversial because of possible negative effects or other side effects, with Dreamweaver’s skills we will aim to negate and nullify any possible unwanted or negative effects of dealing with these genes.

Looking for atleast 10 people but maybe we can add more.

  • Interested

0 voters

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Interested. May have some advice about the project.

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I’ll create the group in a little.

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We’ve reached 12 members group is closed for now

if there is still a place for more members or if someone is out im in :+1:

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I’ll see if we decide to open up more spots

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Thx really appreciated, been looking for this kind of topics and projects for a while and this looks just what I exactly want , hope u guys can give me this chance :grin::pray:

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Let me know when space is available.

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I would be interested if there will be a free spot available




Interesting project, there is one like this for cognitive function, way less broad and to be made public, but if you want to go further with your ideas, then go for it man.

For reference:


Cool project, luckily they don’t contradict since this one is meant for physical attributes and such and will have almost no genes to do with anything cognitive or brain related.

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Im interested as this would help me.

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I see that many people are interested in this project so I’ve been thinking should this project be made public?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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A lot of people are always going to be interested in projects. Im not sure dream will let a project like this be made public i could be wrong.

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Worst case it can’t be made public we will still have it privately made