Plandemic documentary

I’ll leave your thoughts to come up with a summary, let’s hear what everyone has to say.


Is it similar to what David Icke says?

Hmm I don’t follow David, but it does shows it’s articles for you to follow the information.

I think that’s probably fine to watch those kind of videos… (taking it like any other kind of information)

But in the end if you focus on that level of energy you spiritual path gets seriously hindered.
It is possible you settle at that kind of vibration (fear, anger etc) and that doesn’t have the power to change anything…
So your orginal purpose for watching was good, but then now you have less resources then before.

I’m generalizing of course (he result would pretty much depends on your vibration)


I saw David Icke videos some time ago and felt negativity and fear after. So, I don’t know if it’s suitable for me.

Okay. Maybe it’s also a good training to look objectively and without bad emotions.

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Don’t worry about experiencing bad emotions (that can suppress them and make things a lot more problematic)

What I mean before is that staying in the same emotion for longer periods of time makes it your new norm… and that’s a problem if you are stuck in fear etc all of the time (just look at people that constantly watch main stream tv news)

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Maybe Emotional Release audio afterwards could help.


You got the point

You receive the informations but you dont risk what I said before (also you would be much more objective in judging the information you just received)

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i watched about 40minutes and realized that it’s best for me to see both or more sides of a topic. for me it’s not about choosing sides, but whether or not to engage any further with the whole subject.