Plasma Protocol

This field. + Shielding tag and Intercession could prolong your life a lot. Maybe even inmortal if you play your cards right.


@KingMerc had a similar experience myself. Was able to fall asleep right after listening. Woke up feeling great. I wonder if this is also due to the fact the original plasma field has detoxed me a bit already.


stop it you guys I can’t afford it right now and I keep torturing myself by coming to this thread


I hope you guys are fixating on whether it makes you sleepy or insomniac for no other reason to compare how it affects people differently.

Cause that’s literally all it indicates…

Not sure why “sleep patterns” matters at all to anything but that people react differently to “healing”…


Yes that is why i am doing it.

It is interesting to see how this audio affects people differently and how everyones body is unique :crazy_face:


Definitely confirming this is next Gen.

Took a nap while looping Plasma One 3 times, my body did not want to get up from bed after that :sweat_smile:
I felt massive fatigue afterward, which is unusual in the afternoon as I tend to be the hyperactive kind of guy, but also felt a profound work happening.

I went for a run once I got back on feet through some breathing techniques… Damn the Run was “different”.
You know how your mind can be a pain for the first 10-15min? Gone, silence.

As if I was a little gazelle on auto-pilot haha


And this could be due to different things in ones disposition, for example how one process new energetic information in general. Perhaps whether one gather energy in an introvert or extrovert way etc.

At the beginning I was very energized, slept nothing for a couple of nights ( plasma light and infrasound bioactive beach) but then switched to being tired, sleeping 8 hours + taking naps.
I usually sleep 5-6 hours.

Yes, I would be considered to be among the moms and dads at this forum, but I think the different reactions is due to more than the chronological age. :wink:


/Actual live footage of Pia after a Plasma session/



I don’t think so ! Sapien is gonna be bombing us with futuristic upgrades so I am willing to wait a bit till other’s reviews before I will decide to empty my wallet! :smiley:


Deffinitely not, only prolong your life about more decades but definitely not being immortal!

There are more cards on the table to play! :slight_smile:

If there will be upgrade sort of Plasma protocol + soul creation/restoration (doubt about that - you’ll subconsciously mearly scratch the soul servise how difficult this constract is) + kundalini + chakra restore

Anyway, if Sapien will still be ok with posting something unusual and of course with help of alien species, then we can expect something really special

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Day one using PP3 since it is the one that called to me. Was so tired after the loop and still had things to do! Entire time while out I wanted to close my eyes and take a nappy nap. Got home passed out for 2 hours did not want to get up but finally did. Now running some energies for headache since I did not drink enough water apparently. We shall see how the week goes. I will certainly not use this before work. Will wait till right when I get home from the field so I can get a rest in.


Reminded to check on my parents mate :sweat_smile:
I have convinced them to use it and my Mum must have used it right before work, oopsy :sweat_smile:

Update: all goood. I am already seeing some results within their state of mind mouhahaha


My feeling though is that there is definitely and order for those.
The first one being primordial as it will level up your nervous system, erase all the deep memories from your bones and allow an overall better energy flow (nervous system, bones, joints, muscles).

Then the second one feels like a Hard-core Detox haha.
Imagine all the shit you’ve stored in your organs over XX years of an unbalanced life :joy:


i woke up randomly at 4am today and literally felt those effects lol felt like i woke up from a epsom salt bath LOL

loads of energy today too. random hairs that were grey due to my compulsive desires have turned back to black - weirdly fast. I am only 28 tbh. these audios are unbelievable, i think the only thing we all need to do is drink LOADS of water. Water = primal healing and life, when those two conjunct with this anti - aging bomb lol results should be crazy good.



Wow keep those testimonials coming… I’m so on the verge of buying :laughing:


Sounds pretty Negentrophic


I had rhinoplasty a few years ago.
Will this make my nose “grow” back to its original state ? (which I obviously don’t want lol).
I know, stupid question, but I want to be sure (and reassured at the same time) :smile:


I had rhinoplasty a few years ago.Will this make my nose “grow” back to its original state ?

On an unrelated note, if Dream were to release an aesthetic nose field his channel would explode.