Plasma Protocol

Small cuts and scrapes that bled healed overnight.

My hearing is better. I can hear plasma flower on one bar of volume coming from my phone speaker during work.

Hair feels smoother and that’s probably also because of plasma drink charger. My hair also feels cool to the touch and with minimal tangles.

Plasma 2 really helped me yesterday when i spent more time on the computer than i usually do. My eyes started to feel sore and puffy and plasma 2 helped calm them down.

Plasma 1 helped with my body’s posture.

I am noticing that i am definitely improving in my shooter games with plasma 1 and 2. Faster reaction and aim. I also have better game sense.

My mindset has definitely improved. I feel more self-assured and confident. Essence of beauty helps with this part.

I have better insights with life so rejection doesn’t bother me as much anymore.


I’m in the 6th day of combo 1 and I can tell my brain has improved a lot.
I feel my nervous system more relaxed and ligther
My tinnitus and ear inflammation is improving each day with this + plasma light + advanced healing
I feel my body stronger, I have always feel my bones weak, maybe by lack of Vitamin D or sedentary or wathever.


I don’t get tired from these at all and I’ve even used all 3 2x each in one day.


I’m not tired either.


Are you young?

I’m 33. But I transmute my sexual energy. So that’s probably why.

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The older you are, the more you will be tired I think.

Right now, at your age, you probably don’t need too much healing and you are not that entropic, so it makes sense why you are not tired. :slightly_smiling_face:


well now that we have negentropy maybe we’ll have more and more energy and be more youthful!

instead of getting ‘older’, we could start calling it a different term like leveling up.



I just playing a combo per day.
To be sincere I don’t feel energized 100% after listening but I can deal with it.
I recommend everybody listening to the QI hydration audio.(Sapien should do one).

Hello, what do you do to transmute your sexual energy?

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Pranayama (the alternate nostril breathing technique), meditation, listening to classical music, mantra recitation, and of course Sapien Med’s Transmutation and Microcosmic orbit fields


I don’t have a lot of sexual energy as before anymore thanks god since a couple of years.
I listen to music and meditate regularly.
I didn’t know about Sapien’s audio.
I think another way is focus on projects, work, etc.
That is a way to sublimate.

This is the sentence after which I finally said “ok, I’m sold”. Thanks Lol :)


tenor (5)


I just bought this :slight_smile:
I knoooow, I’m late in the game…

I have had a strong intuition to buy it for the last 2 days, I didn’t before.

I have basically what is referred to as Haglund’s deformity. I have had it since early teen years so not because of wearing high heels… I have a very tight achilles, and did already in kindergarten, which is a factor in getting this “bone bump”.
It’s not painful for me, but it ruins the back of shoes fairly quickly and it’s not pretty, plus it causes me to get blisters where the bone thingy is.

Anyway, I noticed this summer it was getting significantly worse and was looking up surgery and other options.
Then recently I noticed it seemed… smaller, I think that is mostly attributable to the plasma light field. Not a major change, but “I think I notice something” :slight_smile:
I’m looking forward to see the effect of these fields! I’ll take a before-after, though at the moment it’s a bit hard to tell how big it is because of the blisters. -.-’


Update. Once you get acclimated to the energy of the field you will not get tired after use from what I can tell.

One thing I can tell after using the field is that all healing is faster. I burned my arm last week and it seems like it is healing super fast. Also looks like there will be minimal scarring from it.

Very cool indeed.


Today I used the three combos 3x each one.
I feel pretty good but a little tired.
I’ll be try to this for two or three weeks.
I have already been great improvent in Combo 1 (1 week) and some good in combo 2 (four days)


Late is late 2100’s :relieved::clap:

Welcome to the party.


Is everyone, especially those who started using these when released, still feel symptoms? I’m on week 4 now, and the fatigue level is higher this week, and also feel lethergic at times whether before eating or after. I have other symptoms since starting, but those aren’t affecting me much. I know these are good signs of my body releasing stuff, but just wondering how long approx these will last.


Honestly every mind/body/spirit complex is unique and thus how long it will take is unique to you. For example I will still feel fatigued if i listen more than once to plasma Protocol and i think there are a couple of factors as I wake up really early, work all day and listen to the audio after dinner which by then I don’t have too much energy left.

Something that has helped me with this is the Perseverance card from book of cards. It gives me just enough energy to clear my head before bedtime :slightly_smiling_face: