Plasma Protocol

I found that exercising helps energize you if you’re using the Plasma fields. Since it’s de-aging, it’s like you need to work to keep up with it. Even just a brisk walk every day will improve energy levels.


Thank you both for the suggestions!


Or automated workout/cardio fields. :)

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Any new results with Plasma Protocol guys?

Yes! I am only on day 3 today but yesterday i felt suuuper tired (kind of like i was sick, coming down with the flu) and going outside in the fresh air for a bit and then doing an hour of workout helped immensely.


That’s a common “symptom”


yes, achy. I figured it was a symptom so I was not too bothered.
This reminds me I was also wearing ascension and another tag most day, I took them down in the afternoon, that helped too.

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lol that’s how both @Maoshan_Wanderer and I described it when first testing it…
He said "i feel like I’m coming down with flu. "
I said, “Like achy? Like when wearing Ascension and it’s kicking your a**”
He said, “yes, like that”.

:slight_smile: :nerd_face:
So yeah… same “symptoms”


Yes Sir indeed I felt achey after listening to plasma 1 twice. I think it has something to do where the power of the field overtakes you until you can acclimatize.


Today was my third day and i just feel great. I havent felt anything unusual at all :woman_shrugging:t2::partying_face:
Suuuuper energized and no hungry at all, just a while ago i felt hungry then i remembered i didnt have lunch but i didnt miss it.

I think is because im listening to ojas, blue print, hakunis egg and neg jing a lot that is making the ride much easier.



Been feeling a ton of pain and meditating on it with plasma 2.

I realized a ton of that pain has been emotional and i released a lot through meditation as things came up for me to re-experience and let it be seen.

Still in pain so i guess i’m going deeper with the help of conceptual realizations.

This time around my higher self won’t let me escape through food, sleep, and self-medication.



You are strong! Don’t escape just observe with detachment because you know very well that’s not who you are anymore. Give every experience unconditional love and gratitude for pointing something to you that you have learned from :pray::heart:


I’m only like one day ahead of you (I got it in the night on sunday and I count that at day0) :)

I had no symptoms yesterday and then today it’s like my gums are suddenly inflamed :neutral_face:


Plasma 2 and 3:

Right eye was bloodshot last night and this morning the whites of my eyes are clear.

My cuticles are healthier now when a bit of skin was peeling.


Great. Thanks for update <3

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Oh here comes the flue like symptoms :sleeping::sneezing_face: (i havent listened today which will make for the 4th day) not so bad but body is a bit achy, muscles like if i had run the marathon yesterday, a bit of stuffy nose and tho i wanna kinda lay down because of the body ache i still feel super energized and with a super clear mind, i dont feel these days like eating too much or more like liquids and fruit and some steam veggies but nothing heavy, felt a super urge to be in the sun.


In the beginning you can try to listen after dinner. It will lessen the chance of detox.
Later on you can listen whenever you want, without adverse effects.


Thanks for the suggestions, i had just really mild symptoms, mostly my muscles were the achy ones, but not super detox no, and then later i listened them (like 7pm) all good except that i have zero desire to sleep, lol i think i should listen them early, because i just dont feel like sleeping much these days and maybe its because ive done it in the evening-ish :blush:


Torsion field before Plasma protocol good idea?

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