Plasma Protocol

Sorry you are going through such a tough detox phase. I mostly experienced more of physical detox symptoms - flu, lot of sleep, etc. I upped my water uptake heavily.

  • Ensure you are using the grounding audio/schumann resonance every day a few times.
  • I assume you are using only the first audio of the Protocol for week 1 and using it only a few times. These audios are very strong.
  • Also, use “Love, Gratitude and Appreciation” with “Emotional Release” - that may help the detox phase and purge complete more smoothly.

Drugged and Detached is an interesting observation - I heard something similar from another forum member. But after the first week, he/she felt better :slight_smile:


I did another 3 rounds of P1 and had a 2 hour nap and I can relate to the drugged and detached feeling, it went away a lot quicker though and I had to sleep it off for another 10 hours


Thanks a lot for the best tips.


I wonder about adding audio mstaste to boost healing with the plasma protocol :thinking:.

I take information from the forum concerning the properties of mstate :

" …materials in the M state are superconductors and therefore transform our bodies at the cellular level, from our organs, muscles and tissues to our brain and nervous system, into superconductors of greatly increased photon flux. , greatly increased because the materials themselves are in a sense “liquid (or powder) light”. In other words, one could say that monatomics transforms the body’s “wiring” from a simple copper cable to optical fiber, where the same “width” of wiring is capable of carrying 1,000 times more information. “process”. "


It could prove quite useful, doing that after Plasma.

Depending on your capacity, I’d suggest doing a run trial of the audios to make sure you aren’t doing more harm than good, though. Those audios are quite powerful.

But afterwards :
Maybe consider even ISIRB ; Mstate;


p2 + alchemical mind expansion would be an insane brain boost, perhaps a bit more sped up with blueprint


Hi, thanks for responding :slightly_smiling_face::pray:

For the moment everything is going well with the pp1. No major symptoms of detoxification. A little fatigue from time to time. Rest and grounding is ok for me. We’ll see for the next few days.

I will gradually add the mstates, the neguentropic negative ions, the water charged to the plasma.

Mitochondria loaded in plasma must be integrated in the PP so I think it is not useful to add it, to be confirmed.

Why Mstate them after listening to the PP? isn’t it better to listen to it before?

I saw that ISIRB was recommended for cognitive improvement. Can it bring other benefits with the PP? I use it in my psychic development playlist.


Always remember Philip Weiss’ advice and warnings regarding the brain and related fields.


Hi there ,

Mstate and ISIRB fire the neurons in your brain, so I suggest it afterwards, because some people might have CNS issues or brain problems.
Those fields I commonly used on a brain stack, not on a healthy one. So, that said, my reasoning is that “grounding” the brain and body before placing those fiery audios might be wise…

Of course, if you’ve ran protocol and are used to it, IF you feel fine about it, you can even do something cool as this:

  • Blueprint
  • Torsion Field
  • Alchemical States
  • Plasma’s

But it really depends on your starting point friend… Which is why I suggest latter, because many on protocol are actually recovering :slight_smile:


I take note :grin:. I have pinned your message to my favorites.

Thank you for the info :slightly_smiling_face::pray::sunny:

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Quick question, should I listen to the grounding after the plasma protocol correct?

yes and it is also good to do it before :slightly_smiling_face:.


Why does the grounding audio is important during Plasma Protocol?

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The Plasma component in the field is very strong. It can force the body into a detox reaction.
The grounding fields help to ground the excess energy and make the Plasma field gentler on the body.

After a while you won´t need to ground anymore, as your capacity will increase.

I only ground when doing multiple loops, as I´ve been on the field for months.


True, it is impressive how much this field forces to get rid of substances which seem to be resident in the body, almost as if they are a normal component, while instead they can be dragged along for many and many years.


Hey, I just realized that the audio that makes me have intense rage is not the Plasma Protocol 1 but instead its the Mstate platinum. I really don’t know why it does that to me. Anyone else experienced rage with it ? :)


No but it seems as if you are releasing some negative emotions which is good though! Keep listening to it, it’s a powerful field!


it detoxing you from that rage because has Mstate Platinum has calming effects


To those who own this, since I’m planning to buy this next as soon as I am able (my body needs it)

How important is the sequence of protocol combos? If I’m not mistaken #2 is for the organs. My first instinct would be start there because the organs theoretically, to me anyways, would be priority.

I’ll most likely follow the sequence as presented but I was just wondering (I find myself too often asking myself “What would Om say?” to those kinds of questions lol)


I would HIGHLY recommend sticking with the exact protocol (it is called a protocol for that reason) at the least during the first round of three weeks.

The way Dream created it, subsequent audios build on top of the previous ones, so it is best to go in a sequence, at least the first time.