Plasma Protocol

Im using the grounding audio now and I feel better :). Also, would it be a good idea to add the other plasma audios of the youtube albums to the protocol or the protocol by itself is enough?

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Today I have listened by mistake, 2 times Plasma 2, hopefully everything is fine :roll_eyes:

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Donā€™t stress it nor put "blame " on it.
Otherwise you will feel bad about it.

The worst that it can happen is be a little more tired and trigger a detox. Just be at ease :slight_smile:


Shouldnā€™t I listen to Plasma 3 today?

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I canā€™t really tell you what should or should not do.

The advice in the first run is one audio at once per day. With breaks depending on the tiredness.

Just proceed normal and ignore it happened :man_shrugging: :sweat_smile:

This is not a recipe, that if you fail youā€™re back to square one or somethingā€¦ :blush:
I wouldnā€™t stress. What do you feel is right for you? Do it!


As I write this, I feel some pain in my belly, this protocol is really very strong.




Your making things so much more difficult for yourself.

We donā€™t know your body.

Follow the protocol (hence why itā€™s called protocol)

After your first run you can be a bit more open with how you go about things as long as youā€™re not feeling overwhelmed.


Iā€™ve been doing Plasma Protocol (with Plasma Light) for a little over 2 months now and have experienced these benefits:

  • smoother skin, especially facial
  • consistently more energetic
  • clearer mind
  • teeth seemed to have realigned closer together - much cleaner flossing
  • major new hair growth - hair is thickening a lot all over my scalp, especially the thinner areas
  • had sinusitis for months before, and itā€™s all gone since a couple of weeks after starting the protocol
  • received insights about fixing a health issue and solving a business problem that have perplexed me for years

All things Plasma rock - Thank You @Captain_Nemo !!


Lol Iā€™ve just noticed that I unconsciously copied this depiction of yours in another thread, some time ago. Role model rulezz.

No testimonial yet. Iā€™m just among those who are wondering about all this Benjamin Buttoning (minus the ā€œbugā€ that he had). What will happen, say in 20 (linear) years, when weā€™ll look (and actually be) much younger than what we are ā€œsupposedā€ to? I already have gotten very typical remarks like ā€œAre you sure youā€™re not doing injections or something? You can tell me, come onā€¦ā€ with the older anti-aging/regenerating fields lol. So in 20 yearsā€¦ there might be a bigger discrepancy.

But anyway, weā€™ll see when the time comes. And who knows, until then we might not be a small privileged minority anymore, with everybody around using Sapien Medicine (:crossed_fingers:t2:).


proceeds to set bookmark for 20years from now


:hourglass_flowing_sand: This time I should, as well. The last time that I was supposed to meet some people 20 years later, on the same beach wasā€¦ in 2016. But I stood up :speak_no_evil: (is this the right term? French say ā€œto put a rabbitā€). Aka I didnā€™t show up :p (forgot). I hope nobody was waiting :)))


I have a watch which records heart rates, and it has decreased like 10 points in average since I listen to Plasma Protocol.
I feel clamer and I have to mention I listen to Blueprint of life which it helps with this too.


Little update

The skin on the front hairline dries out and forms scales about 1cm wide

I think is caused by PP3 working on changing something cause Iā€™ve always had quite oily hairs and now seems less.

Iā€™m also testing the dutasteride one so maybe is that


If after starting to listen to one of the audios for a couple of days , say 3 days, you have to stop.
When you start listening again after a week or so, do ā€œget creditā€ for the 3 days you listened previously and now only have to listen for 4 more days or do you start at day 1 (out of 7)?

When following the Plasma PROTOCOL guideline of listening to one audio for 7 days then taking a break before moving to the next. If I take a break say 3 days in. When I start again, do I start counting at 1 again or day 4?


If you want a personal opinion safe bet is doing all 7 again. Once you hit ~5 days Iā€™d see how I feel about it.


I think you can start at 4.
The point is that you need to let the first audio work on you first before moving on to the second and then the third.
itā€™s also completely okay to start at 1, especially if you feel overwhelmed - you can give yourself a bit more time with the first one.


Can plasma combo 3 prevent male pattern baldness or hair loss in general? I use a lot of testosterone/dht fields I always worry about my hair line.

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Yes Man!

Maybe an unwanted side effect : its that with all those testosterone and dht you may look like a spartan with a baby glow skin :)