Plasma Protocol

I have a basic question, does each field of the protocol counts as one of the four recommended as limit for physical changes? I know this recommendation is not strict but I dont seem to be able to handle more than 3-4 fields for physical changes and right now I’m using the 3 fields of the plasma protocol everyday along with two more. Thanks!

A little more holistic than that. Unlike for example Grow Taller or Facial Symmetry that are the typical examples of the “(non) rule of 4” / permanent physical changes.

You should be fine but maybe if the 2 more that you’re using are not super specific or emergency fields, you could keep going with only the Protocol for a while. Until you feel ready to handle more (if necessary. Because the Protocol already covers a lot of stuff).


Im also using the spinal tapper to help with my scoliosis and the DNA repair system but if I use more than 3 fields for permanent changes they just dont work.

Thank you so much for the input, I’ll definitely cut my list short, trust in the plasma protocol power for a while and will share my results.


Hello again :wave:t2: I am just about to start Plasma 3. Anyone have any information about what will happen over the next week? I have been doing each one of Plasma just one listen (Sometimes listening twice when I’m feeling a bit crazy and want to take a walk on the wild side) a week.

I’ve had some pretty strong detox symptoms (Headaches, Weakness, Tiredness, Stomach Sickness, Cold/Flu Symptoms) while using Plasma 1 and 2. Should I be bracing myself for the same while listening to Plasma 3?

For the men: How has beard growth been with Plasma 3? Notice any difference in the first week?

Ladies & Men: How has the Hair growth been? I’ve read about a shedding at the beginning, is it very drastic?

Circulating Blood: Will this cleanse and filter out all of the waste and toxins in the bloodstream?
I have high Urate levels, will this help to lower it? I believe high Urate means that your blood is too acidic.

Any other bit of information would be cool just to be able to talk more about it :raised_hands:t2:

Even though this is a very long thread I still feel like there is not enough testimonials on here for people to read, I’d love to here peoples experiences of the whole Protocol, only if you are willing to share of course. Have a blessed day :pray:t2:



I’m not the best example (?!) because the first round of Plasma Protocol (and every other rounds since then) has been an overall relax process for me. And even more with:

The 3 combos are interrelated but that last one usually seems to go smoother than the others. Depends on profiles, health condition, etc. though.

No shedding in my case. It was rather hair regrowth looking like antennas/“freshly out of bed look” on my head lol.

In case of a problem, you could complement with the other hair fields for your peace of mind (as suggested in this thread already).

Again, the blood and vessel rejuvenating aspect has been confirmed in this thread. But also again, you could add some fields specifically targeting the blood (there are a bunch of them, both free and paid).

You may also need a test for your uric acid levels. Pre/post-test kind to be done before and after the Protocol usage.

And maybe pay attention to other parameters like the kidneys, etc.

Don’t hesitate to browse this thread again by entering specific keywords.


Thank you @Bronyraur

You’re one of the lucky ones :joy:

It has been a bit harsh for me but I was expecting it because of the amount of work which needs to be done with me.

I saw about the blood rejuvenation, I just wanted to see if someone wanted to also add any experience with lowering Urate levels.

I thought it might be beneficial to some people to have explanations of all things which Plasma 3 covers in one post instead of looking through over a thousand posts to find the answers.
I’ve been through the thread twice now and still can’t find answers to all which I would like to know so I said I’d make this post. Trying to remember every little detail from it can be hard. For people like myself who suffer from terrible brain fog and find it hard to hold information, it can be very helpful to hear someone’s testimonial in one post so they can get some sort of indication as to what to expect (I know no 2 people are the same but it can still be helpful) That’s why I asked for the hair/beard/Blood all in one post.

Thank you for your answer :pray:t2:


I’ve started playing all 3 a day again for the last few days and wow, my energy sensitivity has clearly gone up. I’m exhausted all day even though I know I’ve slept enough. But as they say, pain is weakness leaving the body.


Has anyone noticed bowel trouble when using all 3 at once?

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That its a very common symptom of detox. If its managable it should be good ,water intake + , rest+ and nutrients from food or whatever + .

Enjoy new heights of healing!

Have faith that you will recover , remember this ones are deep intense healing , which sometimes can be unconfortable.


With regards to healing, does this only restore you to a “normal” state, or does it develop you past it? Specifically, could PP3 give me unusually thick hair and caterpillar eyebrows?

lol, just to a normal state. It will optimize whatever your genetics call for.

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Thanks, that’s what I thought. This had better be worth it, I’ve lost the last three days from listening to all three combos because I’m too tired to do anything.

(I wouldn’t mind having really thick eyebrows though.)

Np, sounds like you’re listening a little too much. Are you following the suggested guidelines?

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I’m using the guidelines I’ve seen other users suggest (each combo once a day)

So, each day you’ve done it like this?

PP1 x1
PP2 x1
PP3 x1

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Its normal bro


I know, it’s still irritating

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Alright, nothing too crazy then. If it’s really knocking you on your ass and you like doing each audio daily, you could try cutting down to 10 minutes of each one, or something similar.

Or, you could focus on PP1 and do that for a week, then PP2 for a week, then PP3. The recommended amount per day that way is 2-3 loops. I’d go for the lower end in your case (twice). It would be cutting down from your current listening time as well. It’s up to you. Don’t try being a hero. Less is often more.


@gittir I know how you feel. I done Plasma 1 for the 1st week, Plasma 2 by itself for the 2nd week and Plasma 3 by itself for the 3rd. I’ve taken a break from them now for nearly a week and I am still wrecked after it. It’s a struggle to put one leg in front of the other. Hopefully it won’t last too long more but it must be a sign that there was a lot of healing being done. Thats what I think anyway. Or hope :joy: . It is very rough though to be going through.

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