Plasma Protocol

Oh @gittir i I should probably also add that I was doing the Energy Course audios at the same time as Plasma Protocol. Probably not the brightest idea on my part, but I felt doing the audios from the course would have been beneficial for my body to be able to withstand what Plasma Protocol was going to throw at me. I still feel like it was but nothing is helping with the very low energy at the moment. Probably just need to let it run its course. Oh and play Shen Energy, Pranic Swirls and Jing throughout the day to give you a bit of a boost also, it worked great for me at the start so hopefully it might help you too.

Currently on Day 7 of Combo 1. I started of with 1 loop added to my night stack, did not experience any significant detox effects. After 3 days, I added another loop but still nothing “detoxy” so far.

Considering this works on the joints, muscles and nervous system, can I remove Muscle Recovery 2.0 if I am listening to PP1?

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If you’re working out (which is when I’d be using Muscle Recovery 2.0*) then I’d continue to use Muscle Recovery as well as PP, so that PP can heal the pre-existing issues (and give you the speedy healing that I’m presuming you want) whilst the Muscle Recovery occupy itself with the new microscopic tears you’re inflicting during your workouts. To me, dropping Muscle Recovery 2.0 would “distract” PP from the deep healing work it and you intended it to do. Or PP might continue to do its deep healing work (because that might be more “important”) and not really deal with your workout recovery.

But really, since you have both fields (so there’s no additional expense to you right now) stop using the one and see what your experience is. That’s the real answer, isn’t it?

*If you’re not working out, I’m not following your reasons for using Muscle Recovery 2.0. So, I can’t comment on that.


listen to it awake

At the moment I am using the Automated workout fields.

I have been. Even though it’s in my “night” stack, the playlist finishes before I head to dream land.

In that case, I, personally, would continue to use Muscle Recovery 2.0, for the same reasons I’d already shared with you.

But as I said, the only way you’re going to know the “right” answer for you is to play with your listenings of the fields you already have and see what suits you.

I’ve listened to the protocol, one audio a week, there was a lot of coolness, warmth, energy, sleeping
The 3rd audio I found the veins around my ankles and legs almost normal after the first week. This was something I’ve been working on for awhile. Amazing.
I’m now listening 2x each everyday.
I just started taking spiraling and chlorella, started 1x a day and got a lot of detox, mixed with these fields, can’t wait to see, feel more results


Looking forward to hearing some great results from you in the future @RedCat11 :raised_hands:t3:

Hi folks,
I took the leap and bought the plasma protocol today . I played protocol 1 , 3 times in a row about 9 hours ago. Now i am aching all over, back , knees and wrists. Also my heart is racing a bit pulse rate 109 . Is this a normal reaction to this field as i have a lot of back pain already but now it is much worse. Feels like im coming down with something . Lateral flow test was negative, but feel very rough. Is it likely to be the protocol working ?


It is.

As you’ve read in this thread, these are strong fields. 3x in row may be a lot for your personal energy system.

Play one of the grounding fields (Automated Grounding or Schumann Resonance–both free). You can loop these as much as you like, with little adverse effect. Drink plenty of water. And, when you return to PP, go S L O W with PP1.


Thanks , i thought just doing P1 on its own was going slow. Maybe just once a day for now until im used to it


Haven’t u read the original post?
This is part of it:

"All combined to provide a fast but hard restorative effect (and faster de-aging)

Hard in that, you are probably gonna get very exhausted using these and need a lot more rest than regular. In fact, some may barely be able to get out of bed sometimes, so use when you can spare the time, work out a routine that is best for you.

I personally think sticking to one audio for a week is good before moving to another. (with taking breaks in-between)

I think each should be used twice to thrice per listen. Work out what works best for you and good luck!

Be careful as there is somewhat of a little detox with this, and also if you use drugs it may change your tolerance levels as things are being regenerated."


Good idea. And if that’s too much for you at this moment (I can’t tell what would be best for you), you can always scale it back to listening to the first half or the first minute or so, and build up from there.


I would say it definitely is. When I first used PP1 I only used it once a day I think and that was even too strong for me. I have terrible problems breathing from my Solar Plexus/Upper Abdomen area and PP1 made the symptoms way worse. After a week of listening to that and then maybe half way through the week of PP2 my breathing problems from there started to disappear. Keep with it but if you even have to cut down to half a track do that. Sometimes less is more as they say.
Along with the Grounding field I would use grounding by using a metal spoon and rub it all over the bottom of your feet and toes to pull out excess energy. Another one I found very helpful was the ISIRB field which Akira suggested to me. Listen to it for maybe half an hour and it should help to get you nicely relaxed.

If all else fails you could try the Energy Body & Aura Clearing.


If I had to guess, I’d say you probably need to drink more water as well.

Edit: Saw that WellBeing mentioned this.


Thanks for the info. Is it typical when using this field that existing pains and ailments get much worse intially. Ive not been able to sleep all night due to terrible back and neck pain.

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Speaking from my own experience, everything which has troubled you in the past or present will intensify while using it. Pains, Tiredness, Flu like symptoms, the works all came to the front and it can wipe you out physically.i think it is something which should be done very slowly, I seem to be a glutton for punishment so I tried it 2 or 3 times on occasion just to see what would happen but I definitely wouldn’t do it again :joy: If you have pain issues or breathing issues or stomach issues, basically any type of issue in your body it will intensify all of it. That’s just my own experience with it though. I have read that some people found it very calming and relaxing (they are the lucky ones :joy: )
But what I can say is to persist with it at your own pace, even if that is just 5 minutes a day try and get through it because I’m certain it will all be worth it I the end.

There is a muscle massage field which may help for you and also the new Pain relief field may help also, it’s a smart field so the more you play it the better it works further down the line.

I hope you feel a bit of relief soon man :pray:t2:


Maybe give the Spa Days Fields a couple of runs and see how you feel after it.

Do you feel the back and neck pain is more from a muscle point of view or deeper issues like with your discs in your back?

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I have 4 herniated disks in my lower lumber. The neck maybe disc or muscle as i ve not had a MRI of the neck yet. But it gives me blinding headaches, The description that it works on bones and joints was one of the main reasons for me buying it.