Plasma soaked Teeth and Gums


same question

This would be a great project !! :raised_hands:

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I wonder if we could talk to smart stem cells and ask it to focus on teeth for that?


Does this heal tooth cracks?

also works good with the healing attunement from the course

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Is this included in the P&R Dentistry new track? Or is this different and something necessary to add?

My 9yo just broke three upper permanent teeth (insisors) during a cycling competition. I intend to play this field (not the “+” one supressing USAG-1 since it’s apparently dangerous for children) to help repair (and maybe regrow :pray:) the lost teeth. Any other advice?

Could consider P and R Dentistry NFT, too.


Hello @Nicephore_Niepce!

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Thanks but unfortunately I don’t have the budget for now ^^’ Maybe BOL? Smart stem cells? Advanced healer? Bone strengthener?

there are free sapien teeth fields on youtube

I would think blueprint of life and advanced healer might be the safest in this case

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Can anyone tell me if this can help regenerate the lost teeth. My mother has lost almost all her teeth except for one or two. Wanted to know if this can help her atleast some if not everything.

Hi @Srimanth!

Here are some links to help you navigate the forum: FAQ Collection for Newcomers - Welcome - Sapien Medicine

Welcome Healing

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Can someone please tell me how many minutes has this field?

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This field has two audio



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Can you please tell me name of each of them? Thank you

Could someone explain to me what is a difference between those two versions? I am reading this thread but I am still confused.

First one is 3:57
Second one 3:31

the second one is the updated version