Playlist length, a question of what audio should I use, and the permanence of morphic fields

You’re welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

These Sapien audios might help:

Here are a few of the effects from chakra clearing and growth audios that might be of help to you:

Root & Sacral Chakra Clearing, Growth and Stimulation can help create a foundation of inner confidence and stability for forming good judgments, and enhance interpersonal relationships and one’s ability to connect.

Heart & Solar Plexus Chakra can develop one’s inner confidence, and one’s ability to sense, understand and form positive connections with others.

Throat Chakra can help one gain a deeper understanding of what people are saying between the lines, and improve many aspects of communication and understanding.

Crown & 3rd Eye Chakra can help develop your discernment, intuition and insight.

It might also help to clear your energy body regularly, as junk energies often impede one’s clear judgment and perception.

Here are Sapien fields that can be grounding or clear negative energies, which can help you develop anything you’d like more effectively: