Playlist length, a question of what audio should I use, and the permanence of morphic fields

Bro I’m in the same spot lol, waiting for the shielding tag


…What can I say? If you’re not a mod here you really should be, you have my ringing endorsement. :stuck_out_tongue:


Right? I swear I checked my mailbox three times today, I couldn’t help it.

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Thanks, man. I simply enjoy helping and contributing. There are many other awesome people in the Sapien community besides myself. :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t doubt it, but you’re super speedy!


I didnt say anything, but he travels back in time :stuck_out_tongue:


Guess who’s back, back again…!

…Okay, I’m thinking that rather to try and improve a billion things about me at once, no matter how essential they are (to me,) I should cut down my daily playlist as much as possible to lessen the transformational load and hopefully speed things along. And I could use some help with weeding out what tracks are ‘similar’ to each other and what I might be able to let go for now.

Currently, on my list of daily ‘permanent physical stuff’ audios, what’s up for debate is whether I should stick with the Weight Loss Combo or the Super Metabolism Boost + Weight Loss track instead, and whether Facial Symmetry is worth keeping when only a few have claimed that it has aligned their teeth/jaw.

And for the other daily tracks:

Subconscious Limit Dissolver
Anger Management
Become Kinder + More Patient
Confidence Boost (maybe the Lion Dogtag & the bracelet I boosted on the Confidence sigil can replace this?)
Probability Alteration
Energy Blockage Removal
Gratitude & Abundance
Self Love & Acceptance
Unconditional You
Unstoppable Will (Maybe confidence or Lion tag will replace this too?)

Results for most audios are pretty subtle thus far, enough that I have trouble noticing them, so I don’t really know for sure at this point as to what is working well and what doesn’t. But thanks anyway in advance for checking this out and for any suggestions. :slight_smile: Take care everyone.


I would add the ancient arts album, pranic swirls, pranayama training, and ego dissolution, so you can increase the threshold of how many audios you can listen to. If you want faster results I recommend meditating with the audios and only focus on one or two topics. Personally I’ve noticed more success with the Super metabolism and weight loss with cellulite reduction audio for weight loss.


Gotchya - thank you for weighing in.

That Super Metabolism thing is the field I’ve gotten a quick physical response from, for sure. I just ate a little less than an hour ago, and now, a few listens later, my stomach’s like, ‘you call that food? Go inhale a whole chicken!’


I’m baaaack… to try and cut down the ol’ playlist in the interest of manifesting results. Here’s what I have - I’ll gladly accept suggestions on what audios I can swap out or remove.

Tags/Imbued Objects:

  • Lion Tag
  • Shielding Tag
  • Subconscious Limits Dissolver
  • Gratitude & Abundance Tag


Advanced Healing
Hair Loss 3.0
Teeth Regen
Super Metabolism

Subconscious Limits Dissolver (could/should this be cut out now that I have it imbued in an object?)
Anger Management (Could this replace the Become Kinder/Patient audio for now? Would it have a similar effect?)
Become Kinder + More Patient
Auric Cleanse
Amygdala Fear Dissolver
Gratitude & Abundance (could my tag replace this or is the field more powerful?)
Probability Alteration
Self Love & Acceptance
Throat Chakra
Unstoppable Will (Might the Lion tag have this covered?)

Thanks for weighing in!


““Shen Yang - can restore and develop one’s mental energies, intuition and sharper discernment””

Excuse me, but where did you find this exactly description or source of this description field?

I didn’t know that Shen Yang could help even in developing psychic or mental abilities?
I just don’t know how
Isn’t it’s purpose only for internal alchemy?

Shen is the most powerful form of energy in this plane.

Ancient Monks would go trough many processes and practices to get it.

Problem is, most people aren’t “equipped” to handle high levels of Shen, especially modern people, so use it carefully.

Another name for Shen is Ojas Shakti, the brahmacharis and yogis praise it, you can research using the term Ojas Shakti, Shen doesnt have that many english descriptions.


Thank you, it’s my first time that I really met with real essence of this field and it’s like some my guidance before strongly spoke to me to more research this field like I would need it, but I always avoided it from some unknown reason.

Really I am surprised now with potential of this field

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