Please help for attract genuine friends

Hey everyone,
I need your Advice i feel so lonely i kost my friends and i miss them so much. I love to being social and popular. Could you please help me about it. I want to attaract with best, genuine people and being social and popular again. Sorry for my english. Thank you for understaning and help.
Sending loves all.


Hi, Cloud. Nice to see you.

You can start by getting to know people here. I notice that even though you have been around for months now, you haven’t liked a single post or responded to a post.

Read and like and get to know folks here - that’s a start. We are some really nice people! :slight_smile:

There is a sapien IG mandala that will come in handy



Spiritual Growth States of Being is focused mainly on what you want.


Thank you for reply :pray:t2: I already used this mandala but i think it didnt worked for me. Thank you for helping.

Thank you for answer i hope it will work. :heart:

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As long as there is hope, tomorrow awaits. Wish you all the best.

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Thank you my friend thank you so much.

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If they’re out of your life. You should be thankful. It shows they are not what they are after all.


A pleasure. We are only as long as we are united.


Very wise answer. One have to step back to see the whole picture.


Yes but i feel so lonely and unloving im so sorry. And i used to be very social and i miss that too

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Although it may sound strange judging by the way you say you feel, the social aspect to your life is entirely within your hands. Use the search function (magnifying glass at upper right) and put in your favorite desired term. You will see that there have been many fields created that have changed the paradigm of your fellow forum members.

If the mandala above did not help, I guarantee it was still doing its job. Something happened from the time you were a social person to the time you apparently had no one to share your life with. What was that? If you are no longer the same person, it might be really a good thing that your old friends are no longer around. Rather than turn the energy on yourself, add love and gratitude for life and be a beacon that will draw others to you. Just by posting here you have drawn some, yes?

There is so much here to enjoy and learn and I encourage you to dive into the big pool of knowledge and goodies that is our Sapienmed forum.

I have recently found the Social Bonding audio to be a real help. Check it out here.

And have fun with us! :slight_smile:


Thank you my friend for your advices, my english is not very good and its difficult to explain myself in English. I will do the things you said​:sparkling_heart::cherry_blossom:


try reframing that to

This works for me because I resonate with it!
and check out the willpower and determination fields :slight_smile:

I am giving myself the same advice lol