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And theres an emphatic shielding mandala on instagram:


Black mirrored stone shield from gurmaod if you want something really powerful


Thank you <3


hello and welcome


Thanks, Can’t afford it no job no money no nothing only soul lol :( (N) !


Thank you <3 much love




Thank You <3


Hello thanks <3


If you cannot afford to buy anything then I agree with Onofre.

Best shoot is the empath shielding mandala here:

You can print it small like 3 x 3cms, laminated and hang it in a chain that doesnt show like under your clothes at the chest height :slight_smile:

And every morning listen to one of these or all if youd like



In addition to the good suggestions you’ve received, the Ultimate Reiki - Star Exercise Meditation to strengthen your energy system, so that your own energy signal won’t be so easily overwhelmed by “theirs.”

And a suggestion: when opening a thread, it’s really helpful to compose your thread title to let us know the topic you want to discuss. I almost didn’t open your thread due to its vague (to me, click-baity) title and you would’ve had to wait longer to be pointed to the Star Exercise.

Have fun on the forum!


Thank you no offense but I will avoid using that mandala because I’m a firm believer in God and I believe that the protection comes only from him, as for Frequencies or Subliminals they still use God’s power, I didn’t create my soul either its power which God Created, either anything that I possess but that mandala is created most likely by a Human or from other beings from different dimensions, so I will avoid believing that it can neither harm me nor benefit me ( I have nothing personal with anyone pls don’t get me wrong) as for videos thank you for your time to suggest me, I wish you health and Light ;)

Yes I am.

Thank you, I wish you the very best <3 <3

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Hey sorry didn’t see the first row of the message, I’m good thank you what about you? I wish you the best.

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Uhm, i fully respect your believes and choices.

Just to be sure here.

Do you know that mandala was created by Sapien too?

So it uses the same good will loving intention as the audios.

Just wanted to clarify that since i got the impression you didnt know the mandalas come from the same creator.

Yes, but for example Subliminal or whatever you call them, they use God’s power it’s like a tool, without the power which God has bestowed to us they wouldn’t work but as for this image, I personally do not see any benefit of it. It may be some kind of magic involved which I personally believe that’s forbidden by the Divine at least in my belief.

Ok :slight_smile:

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No, none of Sapien’s videos have subliminals, all of them are morphic fields just like the image.


Far from me to convince you to use it if you don’t feel it but the way I see it, anything that works for our highest good (no matter its form) is our path of most allowance to our divinity/vitality/source/self worth. Which are always there but we can limit access to through believing in the illusion of separation that leads to fear.

A doctor can mend bones by setting a cast but it’s not the doctor that heals, it just helps set the conditions for us to allow our own healing. It’s the same way with a mandala :slight_smile: