Please Share Forum Learnings

:pushpin:The delight of joining a NFT group.
Researching, reading related info and possible subfields.
Even rewatching old movies about it! :popcorn:

:pushpin:You have about every possible thread/topics
you can think of and be mused by them all
Like an international school learning various courses/subjects
w/ global people


I just learned that if I intensively listen to (many) fields, I must increase my (clean) water intake.


Do you filter your water? If yes, by what method?

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I live in the Netherlands, where it’s presumed to be one of the most clean water supplies. Whether that statement is true or not, I don’t fully trust that statement so I decided to use a filter.

It’s called “Brita” and it’s German. When I use it, the water tastes so much better and softer.


Is RO water clean? Technically, it is free of all impurities and also tastes bland like how pure mineral less water is supposed to taste!


I believe reverse osmosis water always contains some residu (minerals) because 100% pure filtered water is unhealthy for human consumption.

I think it’s a very clean and good solution!


Thank you, I learned something new today 🫡


there is a reverse osmosis + remineralization technique too.


Nice… I haven’t read the fine print when we got our Ro purifier at home. The only thing mattered to me when we made the purchase was the high ratings on a e commerce site, here, lol.


It’s pretty nice, I use it too


My favorite learnings so far:

  1. The more you read, the more you learn. Especially if you dive into topics you have no clue about. That way I learned about servitors.
  2. Get a servitor! They can really help you automating many things and are overall eager to help.
  3. Look up the history of comments by your favorite forum members. You can click on their profile and then where it says „summary“, you can click on „activity“ and then just read through threads that they have posted in. There are also some great collections of comments from some forum members. Check them out! This helped me explorer a lot new topics and helped me expanding my knowledge tremendously.
  4. Everything starts with self-love, start there!
  5. Ask your Higher Self and your Angels/Guides for guidance. I‘m convinced that by actively asking for guidance I have been lead to so many new things in this forum.
  6. Don‘t be shy to participate as a newbie! You‘d be surprised by how helpful your contribution can be for other newbies or even long-term forum members. Your personality is unique and it is great to have you on board!
  7. Treat the forum like one of the most important books you will read in your life. Even 10 minutes a day can expand your knowledge! And because it is an active community, it just keeps growing.
    If anyone has read „Sabriel“ by Garth Nyx, there is a book called „the book of the dead“ that teaches Sabriel about all things she needs to learn, and the book keeps growing and expanding - it never ends in sharing wisdom. I feel this forum is similar :blush:

I used it, too. I was on a coffee fair in Frankfurt where Brita showed with water testing stripes how successful their filter works. We even did water teste tests and the result tasted great. So my family bought one. However, after a couple of refills I noticed the water flavor was not so nice anymore.
I then bought water testing stripes on Amazon to see how long the Brita filter actually works. And for me it only worked 2-3 refills 🥲 After the third refill the testing stripe returned to the same color as when the water came out the tap.
Now we have a new water filter and it lasts much longer. I‘m still testing it though.


Thanks for the info

Great! Thank you!

another Brita Filter?

Testing currently the water filter that is called:
„Lotus Vita Glas-Filterkanne Enya NATURA PLUS“

But haven’t had it for long enough yet to make a proper review.

To stay on topic, another favorite forum learning for me was using the search function and look for „best xxx“.
That lead me to read about the best NFTs, create your best stacks, best paid fields etc.! Highly recommend doing your own research with that :sunglasses:


great idea!

I like how this thread evolved. There are so many useful and wonderful inputs for everyone!

