Please tell us all of your experiences/Miracles with Sapien Medicine‘s work

In 5 years, no one will stop us.


Don’t be so sure…

Pshh please…Dream may be nice and loving, but I am not.

I will remove those forces from existence if they dare touch SapienMed.

Those “dark” forces aren’t darker than me, I am just the good kind of dark ;D


Dream’s gonna have a squad of psychic warrior AND millionaire (possibly billionaire) in 5 years who are gonna be happy to repay favours. In 10 years, he’ll have a network of anonymous benefactor. Guys who can attack, repair or build a new platform. Stars, Politicians, Athlete, Scientist/researchers, real estate magnat and tech entrepreneurs.


Hahhaa Yes, like the john wick movie system.

Except we will not fight amongst ourselves but against the enemies of the brotherhood.

Inb4 we become the next cult LOL


I think an impact can also be made through the upcoming course and anything else the Sapien team does in future.

The YouTube channel isn’t the only way we can make a difference over the course of ten years. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d really like that.
The dumbest among us is going to be a genius and in 5 years, I’m sure Dream is going to receive the first big donation from the newly rich members. He’ll know what to do with that, plus a few of us we’ll probably give an hand in making fields.


Knowing Dream he will probably give 90% of it to the homeless.

The only thing keeping people like Dream and Dale from being billionaires is their mindset, if they wanted to they could easily be one.

But yeah Team Sapien’s gotta be rich ;D


If they wanted they’d squash Elon Musk and Trump. We’d learn about them in school without suspecting that they have superpowers.


Yeah but that kind of life has more downs than ups tbh.

Better to be wealthy, spiritual and anonymous than be wealthy and famous if you ask me.


I may be stepping in hot water with political talk but this is where we are. Why don’t @Captain_Nemo or Dale squash or use their power/ fields to have Trump removed from office? That con artist and his supporters have done so much harm to our country, other countries, the animals, the environment since 2016. :cry:

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I’m not Dream, but I guess he is not on that path, there is the moral dilema, theses guys probably have psychic defence since the CIA’s been doing some psychic espionnage and attacks since WWII and the freemasons themselves since thousands of years. If he kills them, he’s gonna have lots of dumbledore doing voodoo on him. Plus puppets like Trump are easy to replace, they don’t really matter. Playing game of shadows with a bunch of syndicated psychic killer with armed pions while having a family is probably not a good idea for Dream and Sammy or anyone really. I think the sapien team is already breaking the status quo and taking side when they spread their fields.

Chose the reason you like, even add some
Also, killing Trump will make him a martyr. All the people desperate for change who believe him when he pretends to hate the same thing they do are still going to slow progress.

I personally believe that the only way to achieve a better outcome is to educate and strenghten lots of people to balance power. Otherwise the liberator are going to be worst oppressors than the oppressor they chased. If people stopped falling for divide and conquer, all theses c***suckers wouldn’t be there in the firs place.

EDIT: when I said

I meant beat them at their game, become celebrity CEOs or Politicians.


“since the CIA’s been doing some psychic espionnage and attacks since WWII and the freemasons themselves since thousands of years.”
Whoa… really?? I’m a newbie to all this. :hushed:

“Also, killing Trump will make him a martyr.”
Yikes… I wasn’t talking about killing. I was talking about using fields so that Trump gets removed from office i.e resigns, impeachment #2 etc

I definitely agree with you that people need to become better educated and I hope the brain series helps.


To get Hillary ? Another Obama ? Biden ?
They all do and say the same thing. Pretend to fight the powerful for the little one. If you believe the government is the problem, it’s about fighting the swamp (Trump), if you believe the problem is money and business, it’s about fighting the 1% (Obama).
They all pretend to be outsiders and underdogs. The news played the same thing with Obama, that’s when that tactics became the norm. The news pretended to hate Obama toon he also wanted less tax on the average man, stronger border control and less military involvement. Theys said he was “unfit” and a crazy “socialist”. He talked exactly like Trump. He used to go to rally in jeans and boots and talk like a average Joe. People forget how Obama changed and how Trump changed too. The only difference between the two, is that the language change with internet and people are more casual. Less suits, less sophisticated language. Obama (king of facebook) was the casual president, Trump (king of twitter) is trying to beat that and be even more casual in his speeches. In 2008: the bankster, the crash and occupy wall street were the buzz word. Now it’s military-industrial complex, political dynasties and anti-globalism.

It’s a new brand of Politicians. Nobody trust the system, they pretend to fight the system and be outsider. People believe what they want and once they are in one group, they don’t want to lose and they can’t see the critics of their parties.
The king is dead, long live the king. The game is rigged, politics won’t fix this.
Don’t bother with Trump, there are dozens populist like him lining up from every -wing possible.


I will definitely be one among them. After so much he has done for us.

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@Philip_Weiss same thing in other countries

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Duh :roll_eyes:

Lol, I always tell people I voted for the same people they did and that makes them happy, but truth is, I never voted in my life and I never will.
Macron is the biggest C***sucker of them all
Edit: Lol, I forgot Justin Trudeau and that German hooker

#bring back Pétain


@Philip_Weiss Well, I’m from italy so we defend ourself very well in terms of shitty politicians lol

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What a great thread! A fantastic safe space to share all our wonderful experiences.
All the audios I listen to have helped me greatly in some way.
The ones that had the biggest impact on me: Clear negative energy and entities.
STORY TIME!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: That one is actually how I discovered @Captain_Nemo channel. I’m super sensitive to energies and entities. I used to be able to see shapes and figures (I still do, but it’s more out of the corner of my eyes) and it scared the wits out of me. Now, I just get a really strong feeling like something is watching me or I can sense a presence. It’s not always bad though. But about 2 years ago, I started to feel really uneasy in the house. My body would spontaneously break out in a cold sweat, all the hair on the back of my neck would stand on end, and I could feel a really dark, heavy, evil energy near me. I kept waking up at 3am, filled with an absolute primal fear. It’s hard to describe unless you experience it yourself. It’s like your body’s intelligence knows that something life-threatening is nearby. This kept happening night after night. I couldn’t sleep, even with the light on, and only got the courage to close my eyes when the birds started chirping and the first rays of the sun began filtering through the blinds. Now I know this might sound crazy. Trust me, I kept questioning my own sanity and tried to find a logical explanation for what might be happening. I thought maybe it was my blood sugar dipping too low and causing my body to go into a fight-or-flight response. I even kept a packet of medjool dates next to the bed to eat if I woke up in the middle of the night. It didn’t help. It all came to a head when I woke up one night from the bed sagging on the side closest to me, like someone sat down, and I was immediately filled with fear. I felt the most intense evil presence I’ve ever felt. I just lay there and prayed, refusing to open my eyes, because I was afraid of seeing something. After a few minutes I heard my husband stirring, and I worked up the courage to ask him if he’s awake. He said he woke up from something whispering in his ear. I was so freaked out. It wasn’t just all in my head. I needed to do something to protect myself, my husband and our home. I typed in “evil entity removal” in Google, and was directed to a YouTube video. That’s when I came across Sapien Medicine’s channel. I blasted the clear negative energy video that whole next day and I felt an immediate shift. It has since become part of my regular playlist. I usually have it playing permanently on my tablet in the bedroom and haven’t had a problem since. (Except if I forget to charge the tablet and it doesn’t play for a few days, we start seeing strange dark shapes crawling up the wall or I start getting a strange eerie feeling)
The next one that helped me immensely (and still does until this day) is the trauma release audio. I’m a very sensitive soul and I grew up with a very emotionally abusive father, and was severely bullied through childhood. I got into the self-help and self-improvement scene in order to help heal me. I learned about hypnosis, NLP, EFT (or Tapping, I still use that one from time-to-time) affirmations, subliminals and finally morphic field audios. And I can honestly say that the Trauma release audio has helped me the most. I always feel so loved and soothed when listening to it. I always feel better afterwards and I’m not as reactive and oversensitive to everything and my anxiety is WAY down. The unconditional love audio is also super awesome to listen to (especially after the Trauma release one).
Another weird and interesting one that I had profound experiences with is the Alien Intercession one from the Dreamseeds channel. I always suspected that I might be a star seed, as I have always had a feeling of longing to go home, but I never knew where that home was, I just knew it wasn’t HERE.
The first time I listened to it, I immediately burst into tears, and I felt like I was finally home and seeing an old dear friend for the first time in decades. The second time I listened to it, I felt some resentment come up and asked why they abandoned me here to suffer, and I got flashes to memories I had of seeing brightly coloured shapes and streaks of light when I was a kid, and I got the feeling they were telling me that those bright shapes were them checking up on me. It gave me some peace and clarity.
Thank you for reading my essay and coming to my Ted Talk :joy:


Thank you so much for your story! I‘m guessing most of us here have some issues one way or another. We wouldn‘t be here if we have a picture perfect life. I too was born loveless in my life. My dad left us when I was only 8 months old and my depressed mom cared for us without foods to eat and she left the country to work abroad, grandparents are yelling at each other all the time. My relationships are mostly reflected to my abandonment. Found my husband whom I thought saved me from all the traumas. Now 21 years later… I find myself sinking into my own past traumas and it is affecting our relationship. I had confidence when he met me but I lost it when he showed more and more interests in other women like just several years ago. I think bec I didn‘t gave myself a piece of love that I was giving to my family, no left over for myself. The stress manifested in my body, I got very sick but I‘m resilient and I managed to take care of my health thru Anthony Williams books but it was on and off with detox symptoms, there are days that I feel worse and it was frustrating. But when I stumble upon Sapien medicine, I have to say within two weeks of so many playlists… WOW! I menopause very early and I used the meno-unpause and I got say. There is something in the air that my husband was kinda drawn to me like when we were in our 30‘s. It scared me and I have to listen to it only from time to time as I don‘t want us to get used to it, it may ran down quickly and gets tired of it. The other audio that helps me a lot is the Exocism, this is very powerful. And also the Vibration of Creation… that too is so powerful and I used it when I‘m outside, not so much when I‘m depressed at home or bed. I listen to many others depending on how I feel listening to them… I got so many playlist consisting only Sapien‘s.