PMO Recovery

So I dropped my giant brain stack for now because I realized that I can’t get good results if I’m addicted to porn, also I’m so done with it, I’m sick from this addiction.

Last time I fapped to porn was yesterday, I’m so addicted that I fap to porn more time a week than the times I have sex with my gf.

No PMO/ Semen Retention stack:

Valhalla Vail x6
Berserker’s Wrath x6
Strahl x6
Plasma Brain of Youth x6
Overcome Any Addiction x6

Before sleep:
Plasma Flaunt x8

With this I will quit this addiction for good, when I’m done I will go back to my amazing brain stack.


Thanks for the suggestion :smiley:
Maybe Your Energetic Being instead?

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From experience no, the individual fields are very important.

Your Energetic Being is more a finishing product go for the others first then that’s what you want to buy last IMO.

So like few times a week individuals then YEB daily…

This is coming from someone who got YEB before most the individuals and the individuals took me very far.

But you can never go wrong with Soul Core that field changed so much for me loop it overnight for a couple nights when you first get it and you will see for yourself :wink:

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if you have the money i would get this:


I will buy this when I have money and replace Overcome Any Addiction with this.

Healing brain should be given priority for addictions. Do you have any paid brain field in your stack or better post your stack and others can help which can help with your goal.

The Manly Man is not be a good choice as it stimulates and causes the production of testosterone and depending on your age it may act as a trigger.

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I have and use Plasma Brain of Youth, I have Valhalla Vail, Berserker’s Wrath, Strahl, Kōrtisudō, Animus Luminis Radiantem and Le Maître Du Jeux.

The reason I use Manly Man is to recover from excessive masturbation which is known to lower testosterone and also to produce semen faster so I may increase the results from semen retention.

For brain I use Plasma Brain of Youth and Overcome Any Addiction which heals dopamine receptors.

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My suggestion would be:

Valhalla Vial (6x) as this is a booster
Berserker’s Wrath (6x) - seems rewiring
Strahl 332 (6x) - healing / growth
PBOY (6x) - healing / growth
Overcome Any Addiction (6x) - healing

and rest anytime later after good break.

Try this experiment - play Become a being of Beauty and Innocence for 30mins before having sex with your partner next time and best would be through out the act if she knows that you listen to fields.

Let me know how it works.


I will do this, thanks a lot :pray:t3:

I will also try this

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You say Manly Man and Radiant Sexuality are not necessary? @Kalacakra

They both definitely help with replenishing your reserves so use them but priority should be brain stack.


Thanks a lot for the help

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Does Plasma Brain of Youth heal dopamine receptors?

Yes it is an overall healing field.

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There’s some great responses up here! Some of my points are going to re-iterate it.

No.1 -

I’d say, what can be really valuable, is dive inside yourself and understand what makes you attached to the addiction, what it gives you which makes you come back to it.

Having struggled with the same things, what truly truly helped me is, realising personally, it did 3 things for me.

  1. gave me a sense of safety and relief when my environment was too stressful
  2. gave me a dopamine hit, when I couldn’t be excited about because instead of excitement it overwhelmed me
  3. Kept me away from boredom (unfortunately this was a negative since by virtue of addiction, it biologically became the most rewarding thing)

So knowing these 3, I knew how to monitor myself and know which situations made me reach for it.

So, keeping that in mind, I’d highly recommend -

  1. Overcome Any Addiction (absolutely essential)
  2. Resilience Max+ ( absolutely essential)
  3. Brain Game/Spirethon Max+ (will help get those neurotransmitters balanced/hypersensitized)

The first two to me, are all you need. They address the internal and biological aspects. GIVEN, you’ve done the work to understand when it comes up.

Again, this is highly based on my experience, so it can be very individual. But if any of this resonates with you, maybe it could be a good perspective to treat this situation.

No. 2 -

I’d say either focus on cutting out porn, or cutting out masturbation. Don’t do both, because you’re fighting two battles at once, and one of them will actively make the other one worse.

SR will store up your sexual energy, and unless you have a disciplined practise of transmutation, you’re just getting hornier while fighting porn and then you relapse and grow the shame regret etc.

Masturbation is fine. Sex is fine. Ejaculation is fine. All in moderation. But even, if you’re chronically masturbating, and porn is the biggest issue, cut that out first, but continue everything else.

Then maybe if you need cut out masturbation and practise retention. Spiritual practises, which SR would kinda fall into, to me should be done with great respect and diligence. Not just cause Reddit said so.

It’s a practise with great potency and if you don’t have the practise set up, you’re shooting yourself in the foot by doing it aimlessly.

Manly Man is just going to make everything harder.

The testosterone loss from masturbation isn’t something that’s going to make you impotent. It’ll all reset, + if you’re worried about that you have the Test, DHT, and LHS FSH fields.

Best of luck man! I’m sure you can get through this, just don’t give up, keep at it! Rooting for you :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot, going to do the first stack you recommend + Manly Man and Radiant Sexuality.

I will still have sex with my gf.

Just released video.

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I highly recommend negentropic Shen, porn makes your mind out of your control. This treasure will make you centered and value your energy.

Read the relationship between Shen and Qi energy

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that’s the attitude. Remember, 99% of the game is mental.

  • Know PMO to be your enemy.
  • Trust in your ability to recover extremely fast (1-2 weeks)
  • Rejoice the withdrawal pangs for what they are: PMO parasites are starving to death and crying. you’re winning a battle.
  • Kick-out lust along with PMO. You can’t live swamped in gasoline and hope that nobody lights up a cigarette.

Maybe read “The Easy Peasy Method”.

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Hello, how can I access Negentropic Shen? The page is not available