Point of No Return

I assume people download video/audio of venly then sell it :roll_eyes:


Lol, then those who buy it, do apparantly zero google research on the product or how NFTs work… or in other words, those who buy fakes and who buy illegaly deserve to be scammed.


Now I get it.
Someone asked me to send them the photo and audio for a nft I had, and in exchange they would send me major blueprint (they made it sound like a trade but lol I wasn’t trading / chalked it off to it didn’t seem English was their first language)
I mean I told her I dont need that so no worries, just enjoy the audio and photo and stuff (thought she just wanted the photo and audio at high quality- OR SO I THOUGHT).
Next day
Her account was deleted


So, now you know that the fact that she was asking around amongst forum members rather than asking the generous and helpful producers of the products she allegedly “owned” is a big tip-off for you. Good for you to know!


But why would she need to ask the creator when its available on the public domain lol. (I wasn’t doing anything sus I was just trying to be a helpful Sapient minion to the other)
Idk I didn’t think there’s a problem sending an audio to someone (which btw never got sent since she deleted her account the next day) NFT created because it won’t work for them regardless
Dreamy over here happens to make bomb music
so I figured it was from that sentiment she requested


I was celebrating the learning that you may have accomplished.


I thought I was being reprimanded
Thanks sire


Nope. I’m not here to reprimand anyone.


Nothing with Point of No return. Yes it can be moved to another thread.


Point of no return + Etheric Chords removal = light and free :slight_smile:


Oh nah lol. I was wondering when I posted it, why I wasn’t as reactive as I normally am (crucible series as a contrast) but I figured out why; it’s because it’s working-
The aftermath is much less because I’m healing :slight_smile: meaning to say it is working lol.
Like before, I’d be a wreck for hours on end
But now,
not so much. First I thought I was going apathetic or doing something wrong
But I realized I’m just changing for the better.
I’m starting to appreciate life,
and that in itself
Is something I’d never thought I’d say. :smiley:


@JAAJ do you listen to this first or conceptual realizations?
I keep going back and forth lol

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I listen to PONR as the first field in my day. 1 to 3 times.
Sometimes to The Kinetic Quasi Crystal first and PONR second. Or vice versa.
Then to everything else.

Daily consistent usage of PONR is important to gain more momentum and for a deeper cleaning and personal change.


Aka conceptual realizations right after ponr?

You see i wanted to go straight from point of no return to new perspectives and then emotional mastering. But after you say it should go first… do you think
the following is ok?

PONR, CR, PONR, NP x2, and EM x2

(And if I wanted to get more TLC, maybe like throw on in right after EM, my personal and emotional supporter followed by Shamanic Medicine Blend)

Thank You Jaaj !!

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I believe one can listen to Conceptual Realizations pretty much at any point in time and put it into your stack wherever you want.

It goes very well hand in hand with Imaginarium Divine, Higher Self NFT, Dream of Purity, The Middle Ground, Animal Empathy, IPF, Enhanced Visual Processing and Higher Self Connection.

I have the impression that Conceptual Realizations works on your subconscious mind, where all concepts are already understood and/or can be downloaded by your subconscious mind from the Higher Self or the environment,
and then translating this understanding into a language that you can consciously understand and bringing it up into your conscious awareness.
Through this process you consciously realize things and get those “Aha moments”.

Conceptual Realizations is an “Awareness Maker and Understanding Bringer”, so it can help with anything, e.g. on how to create the best possible stacks for you too :wink:
It is a long-term booster, that will over time enhance most areas of your understanding of the world.

Because it translates concepts (the language of the subconscious mind) into your human 3d brain awareness, it can also help to better grasp and feel what fields are doing what or help to better connect with NFT fields, servitors, deities, aliens etc.


Thank you!!


Point of no return ,second life or the red pill audio jaja

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can I loop this field?

Welcome to the forum!

That depends on your energy systems.

But you really don’t need to loop any fields (particularly fields which are longer than 10 minutes which this one is).

You might want to check out the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) for more information about listening guidelines.


You’re welcome.