Porn vs Masturbation: The Greater of Two Evils?

Hi everyone. I know I said I’d take a break yesterday lol, but here we are. Mainly, the reason I decided to go back is because a question came up in mu mind that i’d really like to be enlightened on.

We all know about NoFap and Semen Retention and yadda yadda. I have been retaining and abstaining for four days now, in an attempt to help physically/mentally/spiritually detox myself and help me with my self-improvement. I have had intense cravings that have driven me to the brink of near-insanity, and many a time I have begun to open my browser’s incognito tab but stopped myself at the last minute from viewing any NSFW material.

I know figures such as_OM have stated that you don’t need to retain in order to be spiritual and you shouldn’t resist urges past the point of comfortability. However they also said it’s good for building willpower, and I think it could to an extent increase the potency of audios I listen to (via the transmutation of my built-up sexual energy into manifestation)

Anyways, enough with the rambling. I’m wondering, just how long is considered “long enough” for me to fast for spiritual purposes? And should I do it multiple times?

Additionally, and this is the question that made me make this topic, which do you consider to be more unhealthy? porn or masturbation? And is it possible to have one without the other while still being healthy?


Neither is honorable.


porn in definetly the greater evil


I agree with @Byjrodriguez


insert 80s groove music


Porn definetly. Masturbation can be useful sometimes but i would still recommend to find a partner rather than to masturbate if possible. I even found a way to make porn to do you a favor but thats another topic lol


I was addicted to both during many years but really serious and extreme.
Porn is worse I’d say, but overmasturbation is almost the same evil.


Aside the addiction, another great damages of porn are the insecurity and body dysmorphic disorder.
Let’s be real, most people want to have a bigger member/breasts due to porn.


But you promised🥺




Agreed. It acts as a classical conditioner.

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porn is worse. masturbation is 1/4th of it.


Porn is always wrong, for many reasons, no doubts in this; masturbation instead it is, when repeated frequently.

Mindful masturbation is a great thing but porn is in the other hand hehe, useless.
It slowing me down from goin further in my spirituality and evolving as a better men
I think porn isnt evil at all, the porn industry just spread a wrong picture which can harm the most people.
Porn are like drugs it can be nice if u use it wise but can also harm if you overuse it.
There is no evil outside the world we are create the evil within us
Someone correct me pls If im wrong


In my opinion, porn is worse than drugs, just for lowering self-esteem and energy;
then there may be other negative factors of a spiritual nature and so on.


How do you managed to get out of the addiction and are you still watchin sometimes?

I used to read stories with porn as well but I never really cared about how they made the characters look. I mean, I might sound stupid, but seeing characters with big boobs or big dick just didn’t interest me. I mean looking handsome or beautiful is more interesting to me. I just read it for the sake of plot. And I must say there are many interesting plots I have read.


Months ago I was in similar spot that you are in. Trying to figure out the right balance for a healthy mind/body/spirit. I dont have all the answers but I can give you my experience.

First off, I recommend you have a specific goal in mind. For me, I knew I wanted porn out of my life, but I also knew it had an extremely powerful allure to it that made it hard to stop once you started.

I found it much easier to break the habit when I did small breaks that gradually were increased in length until I felt very balanced with my energy. In the beginning I used transmutation audios and do think they helped but no longer feel them to be necessary.

At first, during these breaks PMO went hand in hand, but after a month or so of mental conditioning, I was confident that my desire to not view porn greatly outweighed the instant gratification for using it and at this point avoiding porn was a cake walk (and has been since)

I dont have anything against masturbation, but I know I personally dont feel the greatest after a session. It comes down to how you personally view the activity. I found that personally when I do not masturbate it is a lot easier to mentally resist instant gratification. I will say that if I do masturbate I do so mindfully and without shame. If I were in different circumstances I would choose a female partner, but you have to make do with what you have. Sometimes solo is safer anyways, in mind/body/spirit. Be selective with who you court.

Yea erotic literature is very visceral, but to be fair I am a big reader anyways. I try to avoid most erotic stuff because I dont like those vibes in my aura, but I wouldn’t say there is anything wrong with it.



Both in combination is the worst. Etheric cords + + +

But they’re both terrible. Especialy for the males out here. Females and masturbation is a different topic because they’re different creatues, but porn remains the greater evil. That stuff is just not good. Unless you’re with the one you’re married to and you’re shooting it yourself and not sharing it, then it’s just another gray.