Port wine stain Help

First of all I just wanna say I love this forum and so appreciative of not only dream but you guys as well. My little brother has a port wine stain the scientific term being nevus flammeus is a malformation in the blood vessels leaving a maroon birthmark. In my brothers case it is on his face which can lead to further complications. Is there any audios any one would recommend for this?

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Heya, port wine mark is tricky. My son has a lymphatic malformation/vascukar malformation and I’ve been using a few fields including the blueprint of life, dna repair, lymphatic blockage removal and others more symptomatically.
Port wine though… I think blueprint of life has the potential to repair a genetic fault prebirth. Also thecone of power can shift things as it helps you manifest your desire. Simply use it by imagining him healed from it. I hope someone else can pipe in with some other suggestions.

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Hello :wave:

What its known about PWS:

Using this field a lot and very consistently for a good while, and i mean 6 months to a year or more (but at least with hope that it would get rid of the problem eventually…)

Its only on Patreon tier $4.5

The Only 2 Treatments that help, and have shown total or significant changes are :

1- CO2 surgical laser system

Carboxytherapy is the infusion of CO2 to fix issues in the skin as well, just not laser but it can also help. (Already researched to confirm)

The Carboxytherapy Field

2- other different types of laser treatments, out of several and some of them actually making the issue worse, the ones that has shown to help greatly are the ones using Cryotherapy, which is the same as Cold Therapy.

The Cold Laser Therapy

Hope these help your little brother :pray::blush:

Just remember there is a sale going until the 2nd of January if you decide to buy them

Promo code: endofyear23

= 21%off