The Carboxytherapy Field

Carboxytherapy is used to treat cellulite, dark under-eye circles, and stretch marks. People who undergo the procedure find an improvement in:

  • circulation
  • skin elasticity
  • fine lines and wrinkles

It also aids with collagen repair and the destruction of fatty deposits.

Additionally, it can help reduce under-eye circles by increasing blood flow to the eyelid. Some physicians have also used the therapy to treat erectile dysfunction, acute arthritis, Raynaud’s syndrome, and alopecia caused by poor blood circulation.

For fat and cellulite reduction, the procedure is often preferred over more invasive and high-risk methods, such as liposuction.

Carboxytherapy can be used on the face, eyelids, neck, stomach, arms, legs, and buttocks. Through this audio, you can find improvement with cellulite, stretch marks, bags under eyes, small face wrinkles and localized fat deposits.


How does Carboxytherapy work?

Everyday we breathe in oxygen, and exhale carbon dioxide. Carbon Dioxide is also the signal for poor blood circulation in the body. All cells in our body, regardless of their job release as their waste product carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the “cost of doing business” for all cells in our bodies. When we breathe oxygen in to our lungs, the red blood cells pick up the oxygen in our lungs and carry it to our tissues until they encounter an area that has been working hard and has an excess of carbon dioxide. By injecting small amounts of carbon dioxide gas just below the surface of the skin, we are tricking it into increasing the blood circulation to that area. Dark under-eye circles, cellulite, and stretch marks have all been shown to benefit from increased blood circulation. How is Carboxytherapy Therapy performed? During this non surgical method, Carbon dioxide (CO2) is infiltrated into the subcutaneous tissue through a tiny 30G needle (0.3mm in diameter). From the injection point, the carbon dioxide diffuses easily into adjacent treated areas.

Carboxytherapy for cellulite and subcutaneous fat reduction

Over the years people have tried everything from dieting, exercise, loofahs, creams, endermologie and liposuction to get rid of those unwanted, “areas of cellulite” that plague approximately 90% of the female population. Carboxytherapy has been shown to destroy these fat cells, without harming the surrounding skin structures. Carboxytherapy has been successfully used to shrink “double chins,” reduce “back fat” that bulges along the bra-line, reduce fatty upper arms, and to treat cellulite on the legs, all non-surgically.

Carboxytherapy for stretch marks and scars

Until now, stretch marks were pretty much untreatable. Carboxytherapy can be helpful in softening stretchmarks by increasing the blood-flow to these poorly vascularized regions and allowing them to constrict and contract, making them narrower and blending them better with the surrounding skin.

How many sessions are necessary?

Between 15 and 20 sessions are helpful to minimize cellulite. Treatments are typically scheduled every other day, although sometimes two or even one session per week will be enough. Your scheduled treatments will depend on the extent of your cellulite. Each session lasts 10 – 25 minutes depending on the size and number of areas treated. How many sessions before I see an improvement? After the 5th session you may already begin to see that your skin already looks noticeably healthier. Around the 8-10 session mark, you will appreciate that your skin is firmer. How long do the benefits last? On average, patients enjoy the results of Carboxytherapy for 5-6 months, but your individual results will depend entirely on you. After your initial sessions, twice yearly treatments can help you maintain your results. By following a healthy diet, choosing the right nutritional supplements and exercising regularly, the effects could be visible for years.


OMG this is EXCELLENT haha wow.

My Spa lady keeps losing my business :laughing::laughing::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I mean like seriously seriously a great treatment guys jump right in im telling you x


88 USD???

Thats not even the cost of ONE session. Wow

Not even kidding. This is one of the spa i USED to go to :rofl:

Prices are in Mexpesos
2 sessions 220usd

Packages of 3 to 6 sessions range from 120usd to 300usd :flushed: and Mexico prices are way lower than other places.

And this treatment is like turning the skin of your whole body smoooth like a mannequin, obviously to get that result youll need at least 30 - 50 sessions (bad cases) or at least 10 but you would def need other treatments if you are just doing 10 sessions. Do the math…

This is high paying models/actors best friend :woman_shrugging:t2:


At home , at work , at park , whenever you want it , you have it ;) :revolving_hearts:


EXACTLY what I told Dream when I looked up per session cost a few hours ago!! Saves a LOT of money…


Omg take my money!!! ive been waiting for something like this!!!


I was afraid to click on the link lol i was expecting like 300 something.

We are so spoiled i keep saying it x


I think at this point, we have all the audios for a Spa-day stack :slight_smile:

Hair, lips, face, nose and acne removal too!



And dont forget the air revitalizer and bergamot!!! :heart_eyes:


“The woman in red”


Stuck in a room during COVID? More like stuck in a SPA… damn! :smirk: Air revitalizers, Plasma everywhere…Carboxytherapy…

And even, reminds me of that song, now a new hit: “Negentropy is in the air :heart:” lol


Would I be able to loop this overnight?




Also forgot to add. @Captain_Nemo added
Accent Radio Frequency for skin tightening.

What is that?

Accent Radio Frequency (RF) is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for body contouring, skin tightening, cellulite reduction and fat removal. The Accent Radio Frequency (RF) system can treat most areas of your body, including your abdomen, thighs, face, neck and arms.


My goodness! RF is great! :grinning:


Now we just need a field to replace that machine which shocks the face with current (I think @anon46520955 knows that thingie)… :slight_smile:


Lol it could be this one


Or this

Thatd be awesome

Its like infrared + Carbox + galvanic + RF and a lot of collagen and elastin production :heart_eyes:


No need for micro current or galvanic stuff, when we have facial symmetry audio for the face muscles though…with permanent effect.

Plus RF has much more long standing effect on collagen than other methods. :wink: