Posture advice

Hey everyone,

I hope you’re thriving.

Is there really no posture field?

I finally saw a specialist and he scanned my feet and I have major pronation and basically only 60% of my feet touch the ground. That in turn hurt my hip and knee and might explain my balance issues post covid/post jumping rope.


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The Spinal Tapper

The YouTube video is not available right now, but it is available on Patreon.

Listened for 2 yrs…still the same. But thank you

What about symmetrical body?


You know I have always been wary of trying this because how does the field know which side of my body is perfect and which side should it mimic?

I wish I could read all the old testimonials
Thank you💛

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Try the acu-automaton and if you have the funds the microkinesitherapist. Could help with your pain at least.

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I think the symmetrical body will definitely fix that.
in description;

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Thank you! I didn’t have any pain…just balance issues.

I have the microkinesi

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Have you used it? I wish I could read the comments again but they’re gone

This part is important. If you have asymmetry in one foot, it does not make the other foot asymmetrical.
It applies true symmetry to asymmetry.

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