Power/Influence at Work

Hi, I started a new job 9 months ago in a small company which no one ever leaves. Everyone here has been here at least 10 years. Because it’s so small in size and everyone has been here so long, they look at you with distrust when you’re new. I still do not feel like I really belong. I am a program manager (PM) of a grant-funded program, but I feel like I have no real influence or power to change anything, although I am the one who is directly working with students. My team consists of people who were all part of writing the grant that I am PM for long before I got here, and that may be one of the issues. However, I come from education so I have been working with students for years. One of the people on my team has a Ph.D and used to be a professor and everyone just lets him make every decision about the program. I feel like this is a power and influence problem, as in whether I have any power to influence those around me. Maybe I just have to wait years to be respected here, but I am not the patient type. I got the Voice of Reason audio, and I used it religiously, but I am not sure that has helped me at all in this situation. Is there another field that could help?
Thank you in advance for your time.

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The Charisma Potion.


Thank you! I will look into it.

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Torus Weaved Respect
The Welcomed


Good suggestion also another stellar field knight warrior mindset, it creates a very powerful aura of respect, many people who used it gained a lot more respect from others. Another one would be golden glow, for more influence and charisma to create a welcoming vibe.

Also for loving vibes you can listen to quantum love audio from sapiens, it can help to soften the negativity of others, and creates a loving aura around you which can help.

Also blarney stone for extra charisma when you speak and talk, it does something similar to Voice of Reason but a bit more focused on the charm aspect.

Out of all this the best one would be knight warrior mindset, it really changes your interaction with others, add that with golden glow and quantum love, and gnostic recommendations, the welcomed and torus weaved respect, and it will be a massive change.



The other suggestions are also great. Especially The Blarney Stone. I love that field.


Thanks, I will look into both.


Great ideas! I have had issues with using NFT’s, so I am not getting anymore until I figure them out, but isn’t there a new audio that uses knight warrior mindset, is it holy paladdin or tower of power?


Mmm I will preferably get knight warrior mindset as a starter I feel like holy paladin has a lot of wonderful features but it dilutes the knight warrior mindset a bit in my honest opinion its also a bit more pricy, I feel like knight warrior has a stronger focus on the mentality aspect and aura while holy paladin is a much more holistic field. Knight warrior mind state is an NFT with a mandala and audio but it also comes with the original audio which has also powerful effects on the aura too. Both are great options to have.

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Thanks, that is really good to know. I will have to look into educating myself more on NFT’s then!

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How about good old Androstenol? If you are a guy sprinkle some on yourself before you go to work.

I’m not a guy. Does that mean I shouldn’t use it?

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yea it is only for men

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Try this new field, will make the PhD person think how is she doing this?


Great idea, thank you!

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Torus weaved respect !!
Self respect
Pure magnetic heart coherence
Knight mindset
The Welcomed
The Protected Righteous
The Unbreakable
Prestige and Grandeur

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I would suggest you also attract more love into your life!
