Pray for me




Will give it a try, nothing to loose ha :smiley:




Hey man, I understand things are tough right now and I am hoping for the best for you (sorry I dont pray for strangers, but my hope for the best for everyone knows no bounds!)

My suggestion may seem different from others but I think there are some root problems that likely need to be addressed. I see you are mostly looking for a method to help out your “luck”, which is totally understandable. However, might I suggest there is more going on here?

For example, I have a feeling there is some internal resistance to your current situation, and perhaps resistance to how you view yourself. If you view yourself as “unlucky”, “not worthy” or “inadequate” a large amount of the time, this can be a reason you are not seeing the results you desire.

It’s hard to hear but you need to focus on the positives. Acknowledge your blessings and fortunes you have, dont revel in self-pity (I know it is easy and even encouraged to a certain extent in western culture).

The more time you spend feeling sorry for yourself the worse you are going to feel and the less likely you are to actually get any change done in your life. I know this is vague advice, but sometimes that is what is needed to start the road to recovery.

So I guess I would say just take a deep breath, look at the situation you are in objectively. Understand the blessings you have and truly thank “god/universe/you/etc” for having it. (if you are having trouble thinking of things, start with the Sun and Earth. Be thankful for existence). Look at what you desire and find a means of achieving it that are within your grasps.

But whatever you do, dont resist the present moment. You are where you are for a reason, it was meant to be. There are people way worse off than you and way better off than you. You can spend all day counting what you dont have or you can spend it being appreciative and grateful for what you do have. I vastly prefer the latter as this is what has lead to lasting change in my own life.

oh and this may help with the desperation. Hoping for the best for you


I was referring to this

lol perfect…cause if we go to that thread and look a couple posts up we see this. (among a ton of other positive testimonials :roll_eyes:)

So yeah… you focused on the seemingly “negative” and that’s all you remembered…

Shocker! Life has some up and downs and stuff you have to “work out” before you can proceed…

That’s not a “negative” …that’s called HEALING!

To repeat


Yes, but contextualized to this topic it sounds different, in my opinion.

Yes, cause you’re the one it taking out of context!!! and inserting here.

This same theme keeps running thru these threads…

You read it out of context…saw what most people would see as a POSITIVE.
Ie…“yeah.i had to go thru some shit to fix my issues but they were all resolved quickly”
and somehow interpreted it as a “negative”

That’s how I read it… and how I think most people would interpret as.

It was a positive testimonial (again in a SLEW of OTHER positive testimonials) that said the field worked! and quickly!

You went out of your way to tell @josh and indirectly @chimpanzee that “something bad would happen” because you MIS-READ the intentions of skyhigh’s testimonial

My Goodness.

I think if we took a poll of everyone on the planet…
They would surely exchange a few days or weeks of “uncomfortable” healing for a resolution to their problems that has been plaguing them for years.

Again, you do this alot. So this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you do this.
But it’s not constructive to the people like @chimpanzee who are looking for solid advice on how to resolve their problems.
(Hint, when you post other “producers” that experienced users would qualify as “mumbo jumbo” you lose credibility there too).

@chimpanzee is free to take your advice…
I just don’t think it’s based on a very informed opinion at this point :man_shrugging:


No it’s not like that, your situation seems different to me. As far as I know, I try to direct people on the solutions that I perceive suitable, then of course I can be wrong, that’s all.

:roll_eyes: Whatever man/woman.

You’ve been doing it since you got here.

And as always, you can recommend whatever you want but when you go OUT Of YOUR WAY to tell someone like @josh that their recommendation is no good, (especially when it WAS a good recommendation ) then I think it’s YOU who should do the self-introspection.

I’m sure the “_OM haters™” will be along shortly to tell me I’m the one being a bully or whatever … :roll_eyes:


You are free to think what you want, do as you like

Sadly, you don’t live by the same principle earlier in this thread when you “confidently” told Josh his suggestion was wrong…

When it was you who appears to be wrong…

So yeah…

Keep writing back…


I don’t see either, but it’s not important right now, because what matters to me is to help chimpanzee.

Then stop recommending crap producers in every thread…let’s start there, shall we?

And I love the implication that you think the rest of us are NOT trying to help chimpanzee…
But please go on…


Yes, at the same time as the lowering of your ego :wink:

lol knew the projecting would start soon

Try again…


I’d like to add that the functions of the 2 planetary audios go way deeper than their brief descriptions when I used them for just 3 weeks. In fact, their effects still lingered for about a month after I stopped listening to them since I have to listen to many audios daily and I still have to attend to other matters afternoons up to late evenings.

I learned a lot from using them like there is individual karma, good and bad, which you cannot avoid for one’s growth, evolution. Also, you have to see the big picture, think short-term catastrophes and long-term benefits. The challenges you face may be exhausting, stressful but these audios can increase your adversity quotient, you become more courageous, confident in life. What does not kill you makes you stronger and you accomplish a lot more in life since fears are greatly reduced and even banished. Again, I think these are 2 of the best Sapien audios. Just my opinion. :grinning:


Thank you for additional commentary @skyhigh
Apologies! don’t know why i was calling you beltloop :slight_smile:
(I’ll edit the above)

Ok!.. so anyone who sees this as “negative” is surely not reading the same as most people understand ‘words’…

Again. Thank you for clarifiying!


Hi, i didnt meant litteraly to pray for me, in my country when someone says pray for me it means im fucked :slight_smile:. I typed that in self pity way, i was feeling that day. You are right about inner resistance, i feel there is some, but maybe not for particulary for luck, i think it is for finding jobs. Will try the become whole field. Thanks for recommendation